
Interview de Pierre Boyer, nominé du Prix du Meilleur Jeune Economiste Français 2023 par Pierre Rousseaux pour le journal Oeconomicus

Une interview de Pierre Boyer, nominé du Prix du Meilleur Jeune Economiste Français 2023 par Pierre Rousseaux pour le journal Oeconomicus. 27 décembre 2023 ...

COP28: Feedbacks from Patricia Crifo, researcher in Climate and Environmental Economics

Patricia Crifo, researcher at CREST-École polytechnique, recently participated at COP28, for the second time, held in Dubai. Why did COP was created in the first place? COP means "Conference of the Parties". It is a governance body where the States party to an international convention meet. The most high-profile COP ...

A look back at the CREST-INSEE workshop

On Wednesday 29th November, CREST welcomed for the first time the annual CREST-INSEE Workshop. The first workshop was held at INSEE, and the aim is now to make it an annual event held every two years at each institution. Presentations were held by scientific personalities from CREST and D2E: • ...

Catalyzing Conversation: The Royal Statistical Society’s Webinar on Dalalyan’s Paper ‘Theoretical Guarantees for Approximate Sampling from Smooth and Log-Concave Densities'”

On 31 October, the Royal Statistical Society webinar was devoted to Arnak S. Dalalyan’s 2017 Series B paper ‘Theoretical Guarantees for Approximate Sampling from Smooth and Log-Concave Densities’, featuring contributions from Hani Doss and Alain Durmus. "[Dalalyan] combines techniques from convex optimisation with insights from random processes to provide non-asymptotic ...

CRESTive Minds – Épisode 3 – Anna Korba

Researcher portrait: Anna Korba, assistant professor at CREST-ENSAE Paris. What is your career path? I pursued a three-year program in Math/Data Science at ENSAE, concurrently completing a specialized Master's in Machine Learning at ENS Cachan. My academic journey continued with a Ph.D. in Machine Learning at Télécom ParisTech under the ...

2023 Economics Nobel Prize Lecture from researchers and PhDs of the Department of Economics of IP Paris

The department of Economics of IP Paris is honored to invite you to the Nobel prize in economics lecture, open to all, on the 8th of January 2024 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm to present the contributions of this year's recipient Claudia Goldin "for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes": ...

Advances in Bayesian Computation: A Masterclass on State-Space Models and Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithms by Professor Nicolas Chopin

Nicolas Chopin, Professor in Data Sciences / Statistics / Machine Learning Nicolas Chopin is a Professor of Data Sciences/Statistics/Machine Learning at ENSAE Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and researcher at CREST. He is particularly interested in all aspects of Bayesian computation, that is algorithms to perform Bayesian inference, including: Monte ...

Blockchain : la technologie s’améliore mais la réglementation reste insuffisante

Article de Daniel Augot (directeur de recherche à l'india et co-responsable de la chaire Blockchain) et Xavier De Boissieu (fondateur de Quadratic Labs) pour Polytechnique Insights, 05/12/2023 ...

Notation financière : que risque la France ?

L"économiste Stéphane Auray, interviewé par le journal la Nouvelle République, nous éclaire sur les enjeux et l'impact de la notation financière de la France, par la société S & P Global. 01/12/2023 ...

La nécessaire rigueur scientifique de l’économiste

Une interview de Pauline Rossi, nominée au prix du  Meilleur Jeune Economiste française 2023, par Pierre Rousseaux, pour le journal Oeconomicus. 25 novembre 2023 ...

Travailler dans l’énergie climat pour combattre l’éco-anxiété

Alicia Bassiere, doctorante en économie de l'énergie, était l'invitée d'Épopées de Femmes, podcast qui donne la parole aux ingénieures, chercheuses et entrepreneuses qui façonnent le monde d'aujourd'hui et construisent celui de demain ...

Michele Fabi Receives Best Paper Award at the 2023 International Fintech Research Conference

Michele Fabi, a postdoctoral fellow at CREST-École polytechnique has recently received the Award for the best paper presented at the International Fintech Research Conference, held at Parthenope University of Naples on 2-3 November 2023. Michele Fabi Michele Fabi is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CREST-Ecole polytechnique, serving as a member ...

Patricia Crifo guest at COP 28 UAE

Patricia Crifo will be taking part in COP 28 UAE, the UN's 28th Conference of the Parties on Climate, to be held from November 30 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates ...

Open applications for 2024 PhD tracks in Economics

Applications are open from October 5th to January 12th, 2024, for the PhD track in Economics. PhD track program The PhD track is a five-year program which offers training in top-level research to high-potential students aiming for an international career in leading academic institutions or companies. For the first two ...