CREST is a proudly international and unique center for scientific research at the cross-section of economics, finance, quantitative sociology and statistics with an ambitious graduate program in each discipline at the Master and PhD levels. 

Our primary location is in the ENSAE Paris building on the Palaiseau campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris in the outskirts of the French capital with a secondary location on the Bruz campus of ENSAI in the outskirts of the city of Rennes.

CREST recruits at the international and French job markets in each of its four disciplines. We offer competitive conditions for positions at the Postdoctoral, Assistant and Associate Professor levels. 

Every year CREST promotes and supports a line-up of highly trained and ambitious doctoral candidates able to compete for the premium academic, public and private sector positions.


Gregory Corcos (Hiring Committee Coordinator)
Arne Uhlendorff (Hiring Committee Coordinator)
Philippe Choné (Job Placement Coordinator)

Jean-David Fermanian

Ivaylo Petev

Alexandre Tsybakov





Postdoctoral researcher

Assistant, Associate and Full Professorships

Administrative positions





Engineering Positions

Postdoctoral researcher

Research assistant




Administrative positions

Post-doctoral position

Discover the 2025 CREST Job Market Placement


Marion Brouard
Primary field: Public Economics
Secondary field: Labor Economics
JMP: Welfare effects of increasing transfers to young adults: Theory and Evidence
Claire Leroy
Primary fields: Public Economics
Secondary fields:
Applied Microeconomics
Raising Take-up of Welfare Programs: Evidence from a Large French Reform.
Federica Meluzzi
Primary Fields: Labor Economics
Secondary Field:
Public Economics, Gender
The College Melting Pot: Peers, Culture and Women’s Job Search
Thomas Monnier
Primary fields: Development Economics
Secondary fields:
Urban Economics
The Informality Trade-Off: WAges and Rural-Urban Migration in Developing Countries

Placement Officer

Xavier D’Haultfoeuille

Careers of our PhD Graduates

CREST is renowned for the excellence of its PhD graduates, who go on to pursue outstanding careers in prestigious academic institutions, international organizations, and leading companies. With cutting-edge training that combines theoretical rigor with practical expertise, our PhD graduates are well-equipped to thrive in a wide range of fields. Deeply committed to the success of its doctoral candidates, CREST actively supports them as they transition into the job market.

Discover the journeys of some of our alumni who are now shaping the future through their remarkable careers.

First, you will find a brief list of former PhD students who chose to pursue careers in academia. Then, from 2020 to 2024, it includes all PhD graduates who entered the job market, whether in academic positions or in the public or private sectors.

Lea Bou Sleiman Pauline Carry Pierre-Edouard Collignon Elio Nimier-David

National University of Singapore

Assistant Professor

Princeton University

Assistant Professor

Université Laval

Assistant Professor

Cornell University

Assistant Professor


Antoine Ferey Germain Gauthier Etienne Guigue Margarita Kirneva

Sciences Po

Assistant Professor

Bocconi University

Assistant Professor

LMU Munich

Assistant Professor

CUNEF Universidad

Assistant Professor


Berengère Patault Emilie Sartre Clémence Tricaud Ao Wang

University of Amsterdam

Assistant Professor

University of Nottingham

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

University of Warwick

Assistant Professor

CREST Alumni


Guillaume Bied – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ghent
Héloïse Clolery – Postdoctoral Fellow, Bocconi University
Michele Fabi – Assistant Professor, Télécom Paris
Margarita Kirneva – Assistant Professor, CUNEF Universidad

Alice Lapeyre – Economist, French Council of Economic Analysis
Denys Medee – Administrator, Economic Studies Department at INSEE

Andréa Epivent – Economist & Data Scientist, OIKO Economics – Junior Full Stack Developer, Hello Watt
Morgane Hoffmann – Economist, Malt
Myriam Kassoul – Economist & Data Scientist, Fractal Energy


Léa Bou Sleiman – Postdoctoral Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and Assistant Professor, Lee Yuan Yew School of Public Policy of National University of Singapore
Pauline Carry – Postdoctoral Fellow, Becker Friedman Institute of University of Chicago and Assistant Professor Princeton
Germain Gauthier – Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
Etienne Guigue – Postdoctoral Fellow, KU Leuven and Assistant Professor LMU Munich
Mael Ginsburger – Postdoctoral Fellow, LabTop, CRESPPA, Sciences Po
Martin Mugnier – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford and Assistant Professor Paris School of Economics
Elio Nimier-David – Postdoctoral Fellow, Chicago Booth and Assistant Professor Cornell University
Yuanzhe Tang – Teaching coordinator, ENSAE Paris
Flore Sentenac – Assistant Professor, HEC Paris

Randy Kotti – Chef du Service Economique de l’Etat en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Théo Le Guenedal – Quantitative Research, Amundi
Meyber Scetbon – Research Scientist, Meta AI Paris and Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Younes Youssfi – Data Scientist, Resilience


Aria Akhvan Foomani – Postdoctoral Fellow, CMAP, Ecole polytechnique
Enrick Arnaud-Joufray – Postdoctoral Fellow, ESSEC Business School
Rémy Avignon – Research Fellow, INRAE
Pierre-Edouard Collignon – Assistant Professor, Laval University
Gwenn-Jiro Clochard – Postdoctoral Fellow University of Chicago then Assistant Professor, Osaka
Jeanne Ganault – Postdoctoral Fellow, Freie Universitat Berlin and Agrégée-Préparatrice, ENS
Amir-Hossein Bateni – Leibniz Center for Informatics
Julien Chhor – Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University and Assistant Professor, Toulouse School of Economics
Lucas Girard – Teaching coordinator, ENSAE Paris
Hai-Dang Dau – Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Statistics, Oxford University and Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
Zinsou Max Debaly – Postdoctoral Fellow, CY Université and Postdoctoral Fellow, UQAT
Gabriel Ducrocq – Postdoctoral Fellow, Linköping University
Solenne Gaucher – Postdoctoral Fellow, CREST
François Hu – Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université de Montréal and Data Scientist, ENSAE Paris, EPITA and Institut des Actuaires
Julien Monardo – Assistant Professor, Bristol University
Louis Pape – Postdoctoral Fellow, Télécom Paris and Assistant Professor, Télécom Paris
Bérengère Patault – Assistant Professor, Amsterdam University

Morgane Guignard – Research Associate, DIW Berlin
Fabien Perez – Chef de la Division Mobilité des Personnes, SDST, SDES, Ministère Ecologie, Energie, Territoires

Guidogiorgio Bodrato – Senior Associate Economist, Financial Conduct Authority
Enzo Miller – Machine Learning Consultant, Qovoltis
Dimitrios Kaoukis – Founder and CEO, Fuzznets
Julien Royer – Quantitative Researcher, Lombard Odier Investment Managers


Bastien Alvarez – Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Paris Dauphine and Industrial Policy, French Treasury
Etienne Boursier – Postdoctoral Fellow, Theory of Machine Learning Lab, EPFL and Researcher in CELESTE team, INRIA Paris-Saclay
Antoine Ferey – Assistant Professor, Ludwig Maximilian Universität and Assistant Professor, Sciences Po
Jules Depersin – Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Amandine Dubois – Teacher in secondary degree
Steven Golovkine – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Limirick
Jérémy Hervelin – Postdoctoral Fellow, CY Université and researcher, ZEW, Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Esther Mbih – Postdoctoral Fellow, INVEST Research Hub, Turku School of Economics
Alfonso Montes-Sanchez – Postdoctoral Fellow, Thema, CY Université and Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Diego Portales University
Avetik Karagulyan – Postdoctoral Fellow, KAUST and Research Scientist, CNRS, L2S
Emilie Sartre – Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University and Assistant Professor, Nottingham University
Nicolas Schreuder – Postdoctoral Fellow, Universita di Genova and Chargé de Recherche CNRS, Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge

Thomas Delemotte – Deputy Head of Office, French Teasury
Alexis Larousse – Project Manager, Industrial Economist, National Agency for Sanitary Security (ANSES)

Edouard Genetay – Data Scientist, LumenAI and Data Scientist Developer, Citalid
Laura Tinsi – Research Engineer, EDF and Associate, eFX Quant, Morgan Stanley


Antoine Bertheau – Postdoctoral Fellow, Copenhagen University and Postdoctoral Fellow, Norwegian School of Economics
Aurélien Bigo – Associate Researcher, Chaire Energie et Prosperité
Alexander Buchholz – Postdoctoral Fellow, Biostatistics Unit of the Medical Research Council, University of Cambridge
Badr Eddine Cherief-Abdellatif – Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Statistics, Oxford University and CNRS Researcher, LPSM, Université Paris Cité
Geoffrey Chinot – Postdoctoral Fellow, ETH Zurich
Sébastien Laffitte – Assistant Professor, Thema, CY Université
Anasuya Raj – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Zürich and Assistant Professor, LMU
Clémence Tricaud – Assistant Professor, UCLA
Ao Wang – Assistant Professor, University of Warwick

Arthur Cazaubiel – Administrator, INSEE and Head of Finance and Statistics Office, Ministry of Economy
Morgane Cure – Teaching coordinator, ENSAE Paris and Project Manager, Ministry of Economics and Economist, French Competition Authority
Clémence Lenoir – Research Economist, Policy Evaluation, Direction Générale des Entreprises and Macroeconomics and Public Policy Advisor, Presidency of the Republic
Anasuya Raj – Economist, OECD
Jérôme Trinh – Teaching coordinator, ENSAE Paris and Economist, French Treasury and Macroeconomic Modeling Project Manager, France Stratégie

Gautier Appert – Quantitative Researcher, Dfi Labs and Data Science Engineer, Capital Fund Management

Alexander Buchholz – Applied Machine Learning Scientist, Amazon Web Services

Reda Aboutajdine – Senior Financial Economist, World Bank

Thomas Larrieu – CEO, Upply