CREST is a proudly international and unique center for scientific research at the cross-section of economics, finance, quantitative sociology and statistics with an ambitious graduate program in each discipline at the Master and PhD levels. 

Our primary location is in the ENSAE Paris building on the Palaiseau campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris in the outskirts of the French capital with a secondary location on the Bruz campus of ENSAI in the outskirts of the city of Rennes.

CREST recruits at the international and French job markets in each of its four disciplines. We offer competitive conditions for positions at the Postdoctoral, Assistant and Associate Professor levels. 

Every year CREST promotes and supports a line-up of highly trained and ambitious doctoral candidates able to compete for the premium academic, public and private sector positions.


Gregory Corcos (Hiring Committee Coordinator)
Arne Uhlendorff (Hiring Committee Coordinator)
Philippe Choné (Job Placement Coordinator)

Jean-David Fermanian

Ivaylo Petev

Alexandre Tsybakov





Postdoctoral researcher

Assistant, Associate and Full Professorships

Administrative positions





Engineering Positions

Postdoctoral researcher

Research assistant




Administrative positions

Post-doctoral position

Discover the 2024 CREST Job Market Placement


Primary field: Microeconomics
Secondary field: Financial Economics
JMP 1: A theory of Crowdfunding Dynamics
JMP 2: Blockchain design with transmission delays
Primary fields: Financial Econometrics, Market Microstructure
Secondary fields:
Financial Networks, Financial Contagion, Systemic Risk, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
 Market Microstructure of Uniswap
Primary Fields: Microeconomic Theory
Secondary Field:
Game theory, Political economy, Social choice
Informing to divert attention


Placement Officer

Xavier D’Haultfoeuille

Léa Bou Sleiman (Post-doc National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) then Assistant Professor, Lee Yuan Yew School of Public Policy of National University of Singapore)
Pauline Carry (Post-doc Becker Friedman Institute of University of Chicago then Assistant Professor Princeton, USA)
Germain Gauthier (Assistant Professor, Bocconi University, Italy)
Etienne Guigue (Post-doc KU Leuven then Assistant Professor LMU Munich, Germany)
Martin Mugnier (Post-doc University of Oxford then Assistant Professor Paris School of Economics, France)
Elio Nimier-David (Post-doc Chicago Booth then Assistant Professor Cornell University, USA)

Julien Monardo (Assistant Professor, Bristol U.)
Pierre-Edouard Collignon (Assistant Professor, Laval, Canada)
Gwenn-Jiro Clochard (Post-doc University of Chicago then Assistant Professor, Osaka, Japan)

Antoine Ferey (Assistant Professor, Ludwig Maximilian U., Münich)
Bérengère Patault (Assistant Professor, U. of Amsterdam)
Emilie Sartre (post-doc, Brown U.);
Jérémy Hervelin (post-doc, Cergy-Pontoise U.)

Clémence Tricaud (Assistant Professor, UCLA, Anderson)
Ao Wang (Assistant Professor, U. of Warwick)
Anasuya Raj (Assistant Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University, Münich after post-doc at University of Zürich)
Alfonso Montes (Post-Doc at Thema, Cergy-Pontoise University)
Antoine Bertheau (Post-doc at Copenhagen University)
Yannick Guyonvarch (Post-doc at Telecom-Paris)

Claire Montialoux (Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley)
Tomas Jagelka (Post-doc, Bonn)
Reda Aboutadjine (Young Professional Program (YPP), World Bank)

Daphné Skandalis (Economist, Fed New York)
Alicia Marguerie (YPP, World Bank)
Victor Lyonnet (Assistant Professor, Ohio State)
Hugo Molina (Post-doc, KU Leuven, CR INRA October 2019)
Julie Pernaudet (Post-doc, Chicago)
Sandra Nevoux (Economist, Banque de France)
Sebastian Franco-Bedoya (economist, World Bank)

Jeanne Commault (Post-doc EUI, now Assistant Professor, SciencesPo)
Robert Somogyi (Post-doc CORE, now Assistant Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Arnaud Goussebaille (Post-doc, ETH Zurich)


A selection of previous years’ PhD students who received a CREST scholarship and did their PhD time at CREST:
Pauline Rossi (2016, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam, now tenured)
Thomas Le Barbanchon (2015, Assistant Professor, Bocconi, now Associate Professor with tenure, received an ERC starting grant)
Arnaud Philippe (2015, Post-doc IAST-TSE, 2018 Assistant Professor, Bristol)
Antonin Macé (2014, Assistant Professor, Aix-Marseille, 2015 CR CNRS AMSE, now PSE)
Rafael Treibich (2014, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark, now Associate Professor)
Roland Rathelot (2014, Assistant Professor, Warwick, now Associate Professor with tenure)
Jordan Roulleau-Pasdeloup (2013, Post-doc Lausanne, now Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore)
Isis Durrmeyer (2012, Post-doc Mannheim, now Assistant Professor TSE, just received an ERC starting grant)
Sophie Osotimehin (2012, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, now at UQAM)
Arnaud Maurel (2011, Assistant Professor, Duke)
And not to mention Stéphane Bonhomme (2005, Professor Chicago).