Dossier “Innovations assurantielles au service la lutte contre le risque cyber” de Caroline Hillairet et Olivier Lopez dans le Magazine des Professions Financières et de l’Économie n°26
2023 ENSAE/ENSAI Doctoral Scholarships – Call for applications
ENSAE and ENSAI are offering PhD scholarships for its 3-years PhD program. Deadline May 14, 2023
Five CREST researchers ranked by is a platform whose purpose is to make easier access to science. The platform offers an access to a list of leading scientists based on a wide range of metrics such as the number of citations, number of publications and a list of their awards and achievements which are compiled from various bibliometrics data sources |
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1. Mathematics
10. Christian P. Robert
Affiliated researcher, Professor at Dauphine, teaching at ENSAE
Christian P. Robert is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics and probabilistic modeling, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of Bayesian statistics, Monte Carlo methods, and machine learning.
23. Alexandre Tsybakov
Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE
Alexandre Tsybakov is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of nonparametric and high-dimensional statistics, and machine learning.
30. Christian Gourieroux
Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics
Gourieroux’s research has been instrumental in advancing the field of econometrics and has had a significant impact on empirical finance and related fields.
2. Economics and Finance
9. Christian Gourieroux
Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics
Christian Gourieroux is a prominent economist and econometrician, known for his contributions to time series analysis, econometrics, financial econometrics, and empirical finance. He has published extensively in top academic journals and has received numerous honoris causa and awards for his work.
14. Francis Kramarz
Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE
Kramarz’s research has had a significant impact on the field of labor economics, providing new insights into the workings of labor markets and informing public policy debates on important social and economic issues.
33. Alain Monfort
Emeritus Professor at ENSAE
Monfort’s research has made significant contributions on the field of econometrics and financial economics, advancing our understanding of financial markets, time series econometrics, and he linkages between macroeconomic and financial variables.
All members of CREST have joined to congratulate their fellow colleagues for their ranks!
Unintented consequences of German stock delisting legislation
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2023-01
by Michael Florig and Olivier Gossner
Félicitations à François Hu, lauréat du prix SCOR de la meilleure thèse en actuariat, dirigée par Caroline Hillairet
“Semi-supervised learning in insurance: fairness and active learning”, thèse de doctorat de l’IP Paris préparée à l’ENSAE et soutenue en juin 2022.
Call for Papers: 16th FINANCIAL RISKS INTERNATIONAL FORUM -Deadline: 02/01/2023
The 16th edition of the forum will take place in Paris on March 20-21, 2023, with a key focus on the theme of Finance & Society. We invite you to submit research papers electronically in PDF format
34ème Concours International des Mémoires de l’Économie et de la Finance – Deadline 31.12.2022
#COP27 ‘Cyclone Generation Algorithm for National Damage Assessment’
GSF Paper published in the Geoscientific Model Development Journal, co-authored by Peter Tankov, Théo Le Guenedal and Philippe Drobinski