CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-14
Should we trust measures of trust?
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-13
by Héloïse Clolery, Guillaume Hollard, Fabien Perez and Inès Picard
The Evolution of Inequality in Education Trajectories and Graduation Outcomes in the US (with Supplementary Material)
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-12
by Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen and Xingfei Liu
Estimating dynamic systemic risk measures
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-11
by Loïc Cantin, Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoïan
Les déterminants du consentement à l’impôt en France: Analyse de l’enquête du Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires 2021
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-10
by Pierre Boyer, Thibault Ingrand and Christophe Strassel
Inference on Multiplicative Component GARCH without any Small-Order Moment
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-09
by Christian Francq, Baye Matar Kandji and Jean-Michel Zakoian
Dealing with Logs and Zeros in Regression Models
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2022-08
by Christophe Bellego and David Benatia and Louis-Daniel Pape