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Onyxia Datalab

May 2, 2024 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

The Genes Onyxia datalab, a data toolbox at your fingertips

The DSIT team and the CREST research engineers will present the GENES new data platform, the Onyxia Datalab to all CREST members on:

May 2nd, 2024
From 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Room 1004 and on Zoom (link below)
(coffee will be offered)

In short, the datalab is an open source web service hosted by GENES providing access to a working environment with computational power, storage capacity, and featuring multiple data-related services (Jupyter, RStudio, Mlflow, Mongodb, Kafka, etc…).

This datalab is part of a global endeavor to actively promotes good practices in data processing and programming. One of the main feature of the datalab is the Onyxia service developed by INSEE. Deployed by the DSIT, it is available to all GENES/CREST members!

This presentation will cover available features of the datalab, showcase demos (like using it for data analysis or creating ad how services) and open the room to discuss current & future needs for research.

This event will take place at ENSAE, room 1004, and online at https://zoom.us/j/94315031745?pwd=UTB4RW56RERsenZSRllCV1FiMUF3Zz09.

For any information, please don’t hesitate to contact emilien.schultz@ensae.fr

Onyxia Datalab website: https://onyxia.lab.groupe-genes.fr/

For more information about Onyxia, don’t hesitate to watch the official introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpkgfgGxdMc