Paola Tubaro était l’invitée de l’émission de Patricia Loison dans le 16 novembre à 18h sur France Info Tv
How to evaluate commitments and progress towards “Net Zero Emissions”
An interview with Patricia Crifo in Polytechnique Insights, November 16th, 2022
“49.3 l’automne” une analyse d’Étienne Ollion dans AOC_media
Le sociologue Étienne Ollion analyse la multiplication de l’usage du 49.3 dans AOC_media.
Patricia Crifo invitée du Forum Zéro Carbone
Patricia Crifo interviendra au Forum Zéro Carbone à Paris, le Jeudi 8 Décembre à l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale du Climat. Un événement co-organisé par La Tribune, France urbaine et la Ville de Paris.
Bertrand Garbinti’s chapter in the NBER Handbook
Bertrand Garbinti’s chapter “Intergenerational Home Ownership in France over the 20th Century” co-written with Frédérique Savignac , is in the NBER Handbook “Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth” published by The University of Chicago Press.
Hackathon cryptocurrency & Fiscal Fraud – December 1 & 2
You’re interested in crypto-currencies and you care about topics of general interest? Participate in the next hackathon organized by the Directorate General of Public Finance (DGFiP), the Department of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE and The Blockchain@Polytechnique Chair on the topic of fighting tax fraud on crypto activities.
On December 1st and 2nd at ENSAE (Campus de l’X), we invite you to contribute to solve this general interest topic: what technical solutions to ensure that capital gains made on digital assets no longer escape the radar of the tax authorities? Are you ready to take up the challenge?
The prize is three prizes ranging from €500 to €3000, incubation of the winning project in a DGFiP IT department and internship opportunities.
This is also an opportunity for you to be accompanied and advised by tax and blockchain specialists who will be part of the jury.
Register quickly before November 18 (places are limited to 50 participants): (registration link in the french text)
Find all the information about the challenges, (registration and participation in the french text)
Contact :
#COP27 ‘Cyclone Generation Algorithm for National Damage Assessment’
GSF Paper published in the Geoscientific Model Development Journal, co-authored by Peter Tankov, Théo Le Guenedal and Philippe Drobinski
The CREST is pleased to introduce its 2022/2023 Econ job market candidates
Over the next few days we will introduce each of them and their #JobMarketPaper! Stay tuned on Twitter @CrestUmr
Patricia Crifo will lead a Polytechnique delegation @ the COP27 2022 – Sharm-El-Sheikh November 8th, 3pm
Patricia Crifo will participate to the “Cities and universities. An alliance for sustainable development” round table @ the Pavillion de la Francophonie with AIMF and City Diplomacy Lab
ANR AAPG 2022 grant for Geoffrey Barrows
Congratulations to Geoffrey Barrows for receiving an ANR AAPG 2022 JCJC grant in CE26 for his project “PRODPOLU”