“Faut-il indexer la rémunération des dirigeants sur l’atteinte d’objectifs #rse?” Réponse de Patricia Crifo dans la dernière Note IPPn°85
Hi! PARIS present the project of Arnak Dalalyan, Hi! PARIS Fellow 2021
“Toward a better understanding of AI algorithms”. Arnak Dalalyan, professor at ENSAE Paris and director of the CREST, revolves around statistical methods for machine learning. He is going to further develop those methods in his project with Hi! PARIS entitled “Statistical Analysis of Generative Models: Sampling Guarantees and Robustness (SAGMOS)”.
Félicitations à François Hu, lauréat du prix SCOR de la meilleure thèse en actuariat, dirigée par Caroline Hillairet
“Semi-supervised learning in insurance: fairness and active learning”, thèse de doctorat de l’IP Paris préparée à l’ENSAE et soutenue en juin 2022.
Groupe de travail d’économie de la fiscalité 16/12/22 – 12h/15h CRED – 21 rue Valette 75005 Paris
Le groupe de travail d’économie de la fiscalité, organisé par Pierre BOYER, Laurence JACQUET et Etienne LEHMANN, a pour but de réunir dans une ambiance conviviale les économistes intéressés par les questions fiscales . Il bénéficie du soutien du Labex MME-DII.
Dec. 15 – 12:30PM (CET) Zoom Webinar: MSc&T Data and Economics for Public Policy
ENSAE Paris and École polytechnique launch a new joint programme, in co-operation with Telecom Paris: the Master of Sciences & Technology “Data and Economics for Public Policy”. Pierre Boyer and Franck Melherbet, Program Diectors, will present to you the program, the outlets and the prerequisites needed to apply during the webinar.
A. Lapeyre, G. Giupponi and C. Landais published in LERA Perspectives on Work 2022
‘Unemployment Insurance versus Short-Time Work: What Should Governments Do?’
Call for Papers: 16th FINANCIAL RISKS INTERNATIONAL FORUM -Deadline: 02/01/2023
The 16th edition of the forum will take place in Paris on March 20-21, 2023, with a key focus on the theme of Finance & Society. We invite you to submit research papers electronically in PDF format
34ème Concours International des Mémoires de l’Économie et de la Finance – Deadline 31.12.2022
‘On Future Trends and Opportunities for Monte Carlo methods’ congress in Warsaw
Nicolas Chopin will participate to the congress ‘On Future Trends and Opportunities for Monte Carlo methods’ which will take place from 07.12.2022 to 09.12.2022 in Warsaw
Congratulations to Felix Tropf, who won the ERC Starting Grants
The objective of the FINDME project, led by Félix Tropf, is to place social sciences in the interdisciplinary enterprise to explain variance in social outcomes