Une interview du sociologue Étienne Ollion pour le magazine Alternatives Économiques – 20/03/2023
20th Anniversary of the Alliance Programme
Patricia Crifo was one of four researchers invited to the roundtable on climate change held at Sciences Po
14th Paris Conference on Digital Economics – March 30-31, 2023
Hosted by the Innovation & Regulation Chair at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, this 2-day international conference will gather academic researchers involved in the field of Digital Economics
“Le couple sous la loupe des économistes”
Marion Goussé, chercheuse en Économie et Statistique, analyse la formation et le comportement du couple dans une note publiée dans variances.eu
Bayes Comp 2023 15-17 March
Nicolas Chopin will give a presentation on March 15 at the third edition of the conference of the Bayesian Computation Section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Pour les députées, “décence et discrétion” de mise pour prouver leur “légitimité”
Le sociologue Étienne Ollion répond aux questions du journal Le Monde du 03 mars 2023
“Stagnation Trilemma”
An interview with Jean Baptiste Michau by Dr. Daniel Stelter
Macroeconomic nowcasting with internet search data
We are delighted to present the project of Anna Simoni, Hi! PARIS Fellow 2021
“Cryptomonnaies : le rôle décisif des « rollups » à l’avenir”
A chronicle in Polytechnique Insights written by Daniel Augot, Head of the Blockchain Chair – le 14 février 2023
“A dollar for your face: Meet the people behind Machine Learning models”
Paola Tubaro is interviewed about the “Marketplace for Personal Data” in Algorithm Watch on February 23rd, 2023