PhD Day – Wednesday October 6th, 2021

The CREST is happy to announce that the 2021 PhD Day will take place on Wednesday October 6th 2021 (Amphi 250).

The morning session will gather all faculties and PhD students with a welcome speech by the CREST’s direction and an introduction of the new-coming PhD and professors. We warmly invite every faculty members to join this session!

The afternoon will be dedicated to PhD students with presentations of professors and administrative staff members regarding various topics related to pursuing a PhD at CREST.

The detailed program of the day is the following :

09:45 – Arrival, Amphi 250

10:00 – Morning session:
10:00 Welcome speech and presentation of the CREST (G. Hollard)
10:30 Introduction of the new faculties and new PhD students
12:00 Group picture

12:30 – Lunch, Grand Hall

14:00: Afternoon session:
14:00: PhD at CREST, in the Doctoral School IP-Paris or Hadamard (T. Vergé)
14:20: Representation of PhD Students (M. Mugnier)
14:30: Teaching (W. Leduc and F. Perez)
14:50: Mental Health (A. Dalayan)
15:10: Workplace Well-being (E. Taugourdeau)
15:20: Tips and Advice (P. Boyer)

17:30 Closing Event, meeting point under the préau of ENSAE

We remind you that wearing a mask is required on all occasions except at lunchtime.
It is forbidden to eat or drink in the lecture hall.
Thank you for your understanding.

Michelangelo Rossi receives the CCIA & CRESSE & CPI Award for his paper

Washington — The Computer & Communications Industry Association presented an award to a young researcher at the CRESSE 2021 Conference that took place in Crete Sept. 3-5.

 CRESSE & CPI announced the award went to Michelangelo Rossi, Digital Economist and Assistant Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Rossi received the award for the Best Paper on the Digital Economy at the conference dinner Sunday. Rossi’s paper, “Competition and Reputation in a Congested Marketplace: Theory and Evidence from Airbnb” explored how San Francisco regulatory changes to Airbnb entry costs affect competition and the reputational incentives for hosts to exert effort.

ICML 2021: Congratulations to our Researchers

Crest papers accepted at the international Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

The Crest is pleased to present the work of its researchers and professors at the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) being held this week (July 18-24, 2021).

The ICML conference is world-renowned for presenting and publishing cutting-edge research on all aspects of machine learning, and is one of the fastest growing AI conferences in the world.

Congratulations to our Researchers Marco Cuturi, Anna Korba,  Vianney Perchet, Flore Sentenac, Meyer Scetbon (ENSAE Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) an Romaric Gaudel (ENSAI Rennes).