CREST Conference on Risk & Insurance 14-15 sep 2023

The objective of the conference is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to present and exchange their research results on economic and financial decisions under risk, insurance markets and related public policies. It will be also a tribute to Professor Pierre Picard, an outstanding researcher of the field, who is Emeritus Professor at École polytechnique since September 2021.

This conference is organized as a workshop, based on plenary sessions held at ENSAE (Sep. 14) and Maison internationale (Cité internationale de Paris, Sep. 15), each presentation (12 in total) being made by a leading scientist. Presentations will represent the diversity of research on economic and financial decisions under risk, insurance markets and related public policies. All presentations will be made by invited speakers.

Date: September 14 and 15, 2023.

Participation to the conference is free, but registration is required. Please, click here to register.

Program of the conference

Thursday, September 14 (ENSAE)- Amphi 200Friday, September 15 (Cité Internationale) - Salon Gulbenkian - Preyer
9:45am to 10:30amReception of the participants (coffee)9amReception of the participants (coffee)
9:30am to 12:30pmMorning session - Risk Theory
Rachel J. Huang (National Central University, Taiwan), A Simple Approach for Measuring Higher-Order Risk Attitudes
10:30am to 12:30pmMorning Session - Contract Theory

Arthur Snow (University of Georgia), A Complete Characterization of Downside Risk Preference
Jean-Charles Rochet (Toulouse School of Economics), "Money and Taxes Implement Optimal Dynamic Mechanisms"Richard Peter (University of Iowa), The many faces of multivariate risk-taking: Risk apportionment for desirable and undesirable attributes
François Salanié (INRAE & TSE), Competitive Nonlinear Pricing under Adverse Selection
12:30pm to 1:30pmLunch12:30pm to 1:30pmLunch
1:30pm to 3:30pmAfternoon Session 1 - Public Policies1:30pm to 3:30pmAfternoon Session 1 - Empirical Insurance
Enrico Biffis (Imperial College, London) , Short-lived gasses, carbon markets and climate risk mitigationGeorges Dionne (HEC Montreal), Consolidation of the US property and casualty insurance industry: Is climate risk a causal factor for mergers and acquisitions?
Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics), Stress DiscountingKili Wang (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Collusion between Retailers and Customers: The Case of Insurance Fraud in Taiwan
3:30pm to 4pmCoffee break3:30pm to 4pmCoffee break
4pm to 6pmAfternoon Session 2 - Insurance4pm to 5pmAfternoon Session 2 - Insurance
Pierre-Yves Geoffard (Paris School of Economics), Road traffic accidents in France: compensation for body injury in FranceMichael Hoy (University of Guelph), New Safety Technologies and Vehicle Safety
Claude Fluet (Université Laval), Consumer Protection in Retail Investments: Are Market Adjusted Damages Efficient?

CREST Conference on Risk & Insurance, 14-15 september 2023

The objective of the conference is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to present and exchange their research results on economic and financial decisions under risk, insurance markets and related public policies. It will be also a tribute to Professor Pierre Picard, an outstanding researcher of the field, who is Emeritus Professor at École polytechnique since September 2021.

This conference is organized as a workshop, based on plenary sessions held at ENSAE (Sep. 14) and Maison internationale (Cité internationale de Paris, Sep. 15), each presentation (12 in total) being made by a leading scientist. Presentations will represent the diversity of research on economic and financial decisions under risk, insurance markets and related public policies. All presentations will be made by invited speakers.

Date: September 14 and 15, 2023.

Participation to the conference is free, but registration is required. Please, click here to register.

Program of the conference


Thursday, September 14 (ENSAE)- Amphi 200Friday, September 15 (Cité Internationale) - Salon Gulbenkian - Preyer
9:45am to 10:30amReception of the participants (coffee)9amReception of the participants (coffee)
9:30am to 12:30pmMorning session - Risk Theory
Rachel J. Huang (National Central University, Taiwan), A Simple Approach for Measuring Higher-Order Risk Attitudes
10:30am to 12:30pmMorning Session - Contract Theory

Arthur Snow (University of Georgia), A Complete Characterization of Downside Risk Preference
Jean-Charles Rochet (Toulouse School of Economics), "Money and Taxes Implement Optimal Dynamic Mechanisms"Richard Peter (University of Iowa), The many faces of multivariate risk-taking: Risk apportionment for desirable and undesirable attributes
François Salanié (INRAE & TSE), Competitive Nonlinear Pricing under Adverse Selection
12:30pm to 1:30pmLunch12:30pm to 1:30pmLunch
1:30pm to 3:30pmAfternoon Session 1 - Public Policies1:30pm to 3:30pmAfternoon Session 1 - Empirical Insurance
Enrico Biffis (Imperial College, London) , Short-lived gasses, carbon markets and climate risk mitigationGeorges Dionne (HEC Montreal), Consolidation of the US property and casualty insurance industry: Is climate risk a causal factor for mergers and acquisitions?
Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics), Stress DiscountingKili Wang (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Collusion between Retailers and Customers: The Case of Insurance Fraud in Taiwan
3:30pm to 4pmCoffee break3:30pm to 4pmCoffee break
4pm to 6pmAfternoon Session 2 - Insurance4pm to 5pmAfternoon Session 2 - Insurance
Pierre-Yves Geoffard (Paris School of Economics), Road traffic accidents in France: compensation for body injury in FranceMichael Hoy (University of Guelph), New Safety Technologies and Vehicle Safety
Claude Fluet (Université Laval), Consumer Protection in Retail Investments: Are Market Adjusted Damages Efficient?

CREST, a multidisciplinary laboratory

On June 19, 2023, CREST organized a day dedicated to doctoral students was held.

At this event, doctoral students from the 4 research divisions (economics, sociology, finance-insurance and statistics) were able to exchange ideas with their colleagues and present their areas of research.


CREST favors an interdisciplinary approach to tackling complex issues. This synergy between different areas of expertise enriches research and provides innovative perspectives in a variety of fields such as the sociology of work, public economics, green finance, political economy, statistical analysis of networks and many others.

Thanks to this multidisciplinary approach, the CREST laboratory fosters fruitful collaborations between researchers from different backgrounds, encouraging the emergence of innovative solutions to contemporary societal challenges.

Fields of research by division

… At all levels

CREST maintains a wide range of academic and industrial partnerships beyond its core themes. These enriching interdisciplinary collaborations help to provide innovative solutions and tackle complex challenges in a wide range of sectors. CREST works with financial institutions (Caisse des dépôts et consignation, La Banque Postale Asset Management, HSBC AM) and public institutions (Ile de France region) to examine the determinants and impacts of integrating environmental, social and governance issues into investment decisions or to assess their climate and sustainable finance action plans (City of Paris, Ile de France region).

These interdisciplinary partnerships demonstrate CREST’s commitment to tackling contemporary challenges by mobilizing a wide range of knowledge and expertise.

Doctoral studies at CREST 

Working in the CREST laboratory, doctoral students benefit from a stimulating environment, conducive to the exchange ideas and collaboration with researchers from a variety of backgrounds. This diversity of approaches fosters the acquisition of cross-disciplinary skills and enables doctoral students to develop a holistic vision of their field of study, strengthening their ability to conduct innovative research and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

CREST, a multidisciplinary laboratory

On June 19, 2023, CREST organized a day dedicated to doctoral students was held.

At this event, doctoral students from the 4 research divisions (economics, sociology, finance-insurance and statistics) were able to exchange ideas with their colleagues and present their areas of research.


CREST favors an interdisciplinary approach to tackling complex issues. This synergy between different areas of expertise enriches research and provides innovative perspectives in a variety of fields such as the sociology of work, public economics, green finance, political economy, statistical analysis of networks and many others.

Thanks to this multidisciplinary approach, the CREST laboratory fosters fruitful collaborations between researchers from different backgrounds, encouraging the emergence of innovative solutions to contemporary societal challenges

Fields of research by division

… At all levels

CREST maintains a wide range of academic and industrial partnerships beyond its core themes. These enriching interdisciplinary collaborations help to provide innovative solutions and tackle complex challenges in a wide range of sectors. CREST works with financial institutions (Caisse des dépôts et consignation, La Banque Postale Asset Management, HSBC AM) and public institutions (Ile de France region) to examine the determinants and impacts of integrating environmental, social and governance issues into investment decisions or to assess their climate and sustainable finance action plans (City of Paris, Ile de France region).

These interdisciplinary partnerships demonstrate CREST’s commitment to tackling contemporary challenges by mobilizing a wide range of knowledge and expertise.

Doctoral studies at CREST 

Working in the CREST laboratory, doctoral students benefit from a stimulating environment, conducive to the exchange ideas and collaboration with researchers from a variety of backgrounds. This diversity of approaches fosters the acquisition of cross-disciplinary skills and enables doctoral students to develop a holistic vision of their field of study, strengthening their ability to conduct innovative research and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Five CREST researchers ranked by is a platform whose purpose is to make easier access to science.
The platform offers an access to a list of leading scientists based on a wide range of metrics such as the number of citations, number of publications and a list of their awards and achievements which are compiled from various bibliometrics data sources


1. Mathematics


10. Christian P. Robert

Affiliated researcher, Professor at Dauphine, teaching at ENSAE

Christian P. Robert is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics and probabilistic modeling, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of Bayesian statistics, Monte Carlo methods, and machine learning.


23. Alexandre Tsybakov

Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE

Alexandre Tsybakov is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of nonparametric and high-dimensional statistics, and machine learning.


30. Christian Gourieroux

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics

Gourieroux’s research has been instrumental in advancing the field of econometrics and has had a significant impact on empirical finance and related fields.


2. Economics and Finance


9. Christian Gourieroux

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics

Christian Gourieroux is a prominent economist and econometrician, known for his contributions to time series analysis, econometrics, financial econometrics, and empirical finance. He has published extensively in top academic journals and has received numerous honoris causa and awards for his work.


14. Francis Kramarz

Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE

Kramarz’s research has had a significant impact on the field of labor economics, providing new insights into the workings of labor markets and informing public policy debates on important social and economic issues.


33. Alain Monfort

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE

Monfort’s research has made significant contributions on the field of econometrics and financial economics, advancing our understanding of financial markets, time series econometrics, and he linkages between macroeconomic and financial variables.


All members of CREST have joined to congratulate their fellow colleagues for their ranks!