A model of voting with motivated beliefs
This paper develops a theory in which heterogeneity in political preferences produces a partisan disagreement about objective facts. A political decision involving both idiosyncratic preferences and s ...
Journal of Economic Bahavior & Organization, Volume 213, Pages 394-408, September 2023
Dual-Self Representations of Ambiguity Preferences
We propose a class of multiple-prior representations of preferences under ambiguity, where the belief the decision-maker (DM) uses to evaluate an uncertain prospect is the outcome of a game played by ...
Econometrica, Volume 90, Issue 3, Pages 1029-1061, May 2022
Learning About One’s Self
To understand why naiveté about present-biased behavior is so prevalent and persistent, our experiment investigates how well participants learn from their past behavior in a real-effort task. While p ...
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 20, Issue 5, October 2022, Pages 1791–1828, March 2022