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Assigning Topics to Documents by Successive Projections


Klopp O,Panov M,Sigalla S,Tsybakov AB

Assigning Topics to Documents by Successive Projections. 2021, 2021

Maximum likelihood estimation of sparse networks with missing observations


Gaucher S,Klopp O

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2021

Outlier detection in networks with missing links


Gaucher S,Klopp O,Robin G

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2021

Optimality of variational inference for stochastic block model with missing links


Gaucher S,Klopp O

Advances in Neural Information Processing SystemsVolume 24, Pages 19947 - 199592021 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2021Virtual, Online6 December 2021through 14 December 2021, 2021

Main Effects and Interactions in Mixed and Incomplete Data Frames


Robin G,Klopp O,Josse J,Moulines É,Tibshirani R

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2020

Collective matrix completion


Alaya MZ,Klopp O

Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2019

Optimal graphon estimation in cut distance


Klopp O,Verzelen N

Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2019

Structured matrix estimation and completion


Klopp O,Lu Y,Tsybakov AB,Zhou HH

Bernoulli, 2019

Generalized multi-view model: Adaptive density estimation under low-rank constraints

We study the problem of bivariate discrete or continuous probability density estimation under low-rank constraints.For discrete distributions, we assume that the two-dimensional array to estimate is a ...

Chhor Julien, Klopp Olga, Tsybakov Alexandre

Arxiv, Cornell University, 2024