Compensating against fuel price inflation: Price subsidies or transfers?
Compensating agents against substantial and sudden shocks requires both targeting tax policies and taking behavioral responses into account. Based on transaction-level data from France, this article e ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 129, January, 2025
Travail domestique et parental au fil des confinements en France: comment ont évolué les inégalités socio-économiques et de sexe?/Housework and Parenting during the Lockdowns in France: How Have Socio-Economic and Gender Inequalities Changed?
Les confinements mis en place lors de la pandémie de Covid-19 ont représenté un choc sans précédent sur les emplois du temps individuels. Cet article analyse les variations du temps passé aux t ...
Economie et Statistique, 2022
L’accumulation du patrimoine au cours du cycle de vie : une approche par microsimulation
L'objectif de ce travail est de projeter des patrimoines individuels par microsimulation afin de pouvoir intégrer les produits de l'épargne dans le revenu disponible et calculer des niveaux de vie a ...
Retraite et société 2022/2 (N° 89), pages 17 à 38, 2022
Financial Incentives and Competitive Pressure: The Case of the Hospital Industry
In the late 2000s, a regulatory reform dramatically strengthened the incentives of French nonprofit (NP) hospitals to attract patients. Exploiting exhaustive data for surgery treatments between 2005 a ...
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022
Citizens' attitude towards subnational borders: evidence from the merger of French regions
Using the 2016 merger of French regions as a natural experiment, this paper adopts a difference-in-differences identification strategy to recover its causal impact on individual subjective well-being. ...
Journal of Economic Geography, 2022
The petit effect of campaign spending on votes: using political financing reforms to measure spending impacts in multiparty elections
This paper explores the relation between campaign spending and votes, in France, relying on political financing reforms as a quasi-natural experiment to assess if and how spending affects votes, for b ...
Public Choice, 2022
The persistence of unhappiness: trapped into despair?
This article investigates whether self-assessed states of unhappiness are persistent. To disentangle state dependence from unobserved heterogeneity in life satisfaction, it estimates a dynamic ordered ...
Oxford Economic Papers, Volume 74, Issue 3, July 2022, Pages 746–772,, 2021
Parcours professionnels, facteurs démographiques et financiers : quels effets sur la réversion ?
Certains facteurs démographiques, économiques et financiers sont susceptibles d’avoir de fortes répercussions sur les futures pensions de réversion. Cet article propose d’évaluer, à l’aide ...
Retraite et société, Vol. 83, pages 51-74, 2020
A decomposition of labor earnings growth: Recovering Gaussianity?
Recent works have concluded that labor earnings dynamics exhibit non-Gaussian and nonlinear features. We argue in this paper that this finding is mainly due to volatility in working time. Using a non- ...
Labour Economics, 2020
Les dynamiques individuelles de revenu salarial en France pendant la crise
Le caractère incertain des revenus futurs limite la capacité des agents à lisser leur consommation dans le temps. Les variations de cette incertitude peuvent donc induire des variations de bien-êt ...
Economie et Statistique, 2017