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Dimitrios Xefteris (University of Cyprus): “Information Aggregation by Voting and Costly Political Influence”
Doctoral course: "Information Aggregation by Voting and Costly Political Influence" 24/03/2025 - 26/03/2025 - 31/03/2025 - 02/04/2025 Referent: Matias Nunez
Find out more »Alessandra Luati (Imperial College London): “Inference in Time-Varying Parameter Models”
Alessandra Luati (Imperial College London): "Inference in Time-Varying Parameter Models 31/03/2025 - 03/04/2025 - 07/04/2025 - 10/04/2025 Referent: Christian Francq
Find out more »12:15 pm
Paraskevi PAPPA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) “Understanding the Transatlantic Divide in Labor Income Shares”
Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 31th March 2025 Salle 3001 Paraskevi PAPPA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) "Understanding the Transatlantic Divide in Labor Income Shares" Abstract: This paper analyzes medium-to-long-term labor share trends in the US and major Euro Area countries from 1960 using a panel vector autoregression model with common […]
Find out more »2:00 pm
Loucas PILLAUD-VIVIEN (Ecole des Ponts) – TBA
Statistical Seminar: Every Monday at 2:00 pm. Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Date: 31th March Place: 3001 Loucas PILLAUD-VIVIEN - TBA Abstract: Organizers: Anna KORBA (CREST), Karim LOUNICI (CMAP) , Jaouad MOURTADA (CREST) Sponsors: CREST-CMAP
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