CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-30
by Pierre Alquier, Vincent Cottet and Guillaume Lecué
Towards the study of least squares estimators with convex penalty
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-29
by Pierre Bellec, Guillaume Lecué and Alexandre.B Tsybakov
Learning from MOM’s principles : Le Cam’s approach
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-28
by Guillaume Lecué and Mathieu Lerasle
Local Asymptotic Equivalence of Pure States Ensembles and Quantum Gaussian White Noise
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-27
by Cristina Butucea, Madalin Guta and Michael Nussbaum
Pivotal Estimation Via Self-Normalization for High-Dimensional Linear Models with Errors in Variables
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-26
by Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, Abhishek Kaul, Mathieu Rosenbaum and Alexandre B. Tsybakov
Sparse covariance matrix estimation in high-dimensional deconvolution
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-25
by Denis Belomestny, Mathias Trabs and Alexandre Tsybakov
Stuctured Matrix Estimation and Completion
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2017-24
by Olga Klopp, Yu Lu, Alexandre Tsybakov and Harrison H. Zhou