IP Paris Nobel Lecture in Economics – Jan 16 2022, 12:15pm

The lecture will be given by Olivier Loisel, Julien Prat and Giovanni Ricco

The department of Economics of IP Paris is honoured to invite you to a Nobel Prize in Economics hybrid lecture, open to all, on the 16th of January 2023 from 12:15pm to 1:45pm to present the contributions of this year’s three recipients “for research on banks and financial crises”:

  • Ben S. Bernanke
  • Douglas W. Diamond
  • Philip H. Dybvig

The lecture will be given by Olivier Loisel (CREST & ENSAE), Julien Prat (CREST-X) and Giovanni Ricco (soon CREST-X).

It will be accessible to a broad audience of researchers and students.

The lecture will be in a hybrid format from both Amphi 200 in the ENSAE building and online on Zoom.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92507835603?pwd=elRhNjMwbk1rMXRpZ0dEeTdzZXhmUT09

We are very much looking forward to seeing you!

Hi! PARIS present the project of Arnak Dalalyan, Hi! PARIS Fellow 2021

“Toward a better understanding of AI algorithms”. Arnak Dalalyan, professor at ENSAE Paris and director of the CREST, revolves around statistical methods for machine learning. He is going to further develop those methods in his project with Hi! PARIS entitled “Statistical Analysis of Generative Models: Sampling Guarantees and Robustness (SAGMOS)”.