RAYON X : Rencontre avec Patricia Crifo

Patricia Crifo, Professeur à l’X au Centre de recherche en économie et statistique (CREST), s’est prêtée au jeu de “Rayon X, lumière sur les scientifiques”.

Sans préparation, elle a répondu aux questions sérieuses ou non, pour mieux faire connaître son métier de chercheuse en économie.

Site personnel de Patricia Crifo: https://sites.google.com/site/patriciacrifo/


“Rayon X – Lumière sur les scientifiques”

Les vidéos de la série “Rayon X” mettent en lumière des chercheuses et des chercheurs. Car au fond, qui sont les scientifiques ?

En répondant à des questions sérieuses, et à d’autres qui le sont beaucoup moins, ceux-ci démystifient leur travail, la recherche, et évoquent ce qui les anime et leur quotidien (reconnaissance, travail d’équipe, diversité, transmission, confiance, etc.)

Retrouvez l’ensemble des interviews “Rayon X” :

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Five CREST researchers ranked by Research.com

Research.com is a platform whose purpose is to make easier access to science.
The platform offers an access to a list of leading scientists based on a wide range of metrics such as the number of citations, number of publications and a list of their awards and achievements which are compiled from various bibliometrics data sources


1. Mathematics


10. Christian P. Robert

Affiliated researcher, Professor at Dauphine, teaching at ENSAE

Christian P. Robert is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics and probabilistic modeling, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of Bayesian statistics, Monte Carlo methods, and machine learning.


23. Alexandre Tsybakov

Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE

Alexandre Tsybakov is a highly regarded researcher in the field of statistics, and his work has contributed significantly to the development of nonparametric and high-dimensional statistics, and machine learning.


30. Christian Gourieroux

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics

Gourieroux’s research has been instrumental in advancing the field of econometrics and has had a significant impact on empirical finance and related fields.


2. Economics and Finance


9. Christian Gourieroux

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE, Professor at University of Toronto and Toulouse School of Economics

Christian Gourieroux is a prominent economist and econometrician, known for his contributions to time series analysis, econometrics, financial econometrics, and empirical finance. He has published extensively in top academic journals and has received numerous honoris causa and awards for his work.


14. Francis Kramarz

Permanent researcher, Professor at ENSAE

Kramarz’s research has had a significant impact on the field of labor economics, providing new insights into the workings of labor markets and informing public policy debates on important social and economic issues.


33. Alain Monfort

Emeritus Professor at ENSAE

Monfort’s research has made significant contributions on the field of econometrics and financial economics, advancing our understanding of financial markets, time series econometrics, and he linkages between macroeconomic and financial variables.


All members of CREST have joined to congratulate their fellow colleagues for their ranks!


Economist Giovanni Ricco’s Work Featured in the 2023 Economic Report of the President

Giovanni Ricco joined CREST in January 2023. He was previously a professor in economics at the University of Warwick and a researcher affiliated with several institutions, including the OFCE – Sciences Po, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA), and the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). He has a PhD in Economics from the London Business School and a PhD in Physics from the ‘Galileo Galilei’ School of Graduate Studies of Università di Pisa. He has also earned a Master of Science in Economics with distinction from LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University and a Master in Quantitative Finance from Università degli Studi di Bologna ‘Alma Mater’. Ricco has had several other professional engagements, including consulting work for Danmarks Nationalbank, being a visiting professor at Université Paris-Dauphine, and serving as a senior economist at the European Central Bank. He has also been a research fellow and visiting research fellow at several institutions. Ricco has published articles in various journals, including the European Economic Review, The Review of Economics and Statistics, and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

Economic Report of the President

In the US, the Economic Report of the President is an annual report written by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, which provides an overview of the nation’s economic progress, analyzes current policy issues and makes policy recommendations to the President and Congress. The report is typically released in February and is submitted to Congress in support of the President’s annual budget request.

Ricco’s work recently gained widespread recognition after being published in the ‘Economic Report of the President’ by the White House that cited the work.

Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco. 2021. “The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13 (3): 74-107

This work has helped in clarifying how monetary policy affects the economy. In particular, the paper showed that the puzzling effects of monetary policy reported in previous studies were due to the so-called “signalling effects” of monetary policy, i.e. the fact that the actions of policymakers can reveal information about their assessments of the economy. A new high-frequency identification for monetary policy shocks was proposed, accounting for informational effects. It was found that a monetary tightening is unequivocally contractionary, with deterioration of domestic demand, labor and credit market conditions as well as of asset prices and agents’ expectations.