Beyond the PhD – CREST Series 2: How would you define a PhD?

Last year, CREST introduced a new series of videos on the PhD theme. Léa Bou Sleiman & Martin Mugnier were interviewed for this first episode of “Beyond the PhD”. The 4th year economics PhD students present their career at CREST and their participation in the International Job Market.

In 2024, the Beyond the PhD series is focused on the definition of a PhD.

In doing so, four PhD students from CREST have participated in this interview series:

  • Reda Alami Chentoufi, 1st year PhD student in Finance-Insurance (CREST-GENES)
  • Emma Bonutti d’Agostini, 1st year PhD student in Sociology (CREST-GENES)
  • Yiyun Zheng, 2nd year PhD student in Economics (CREST-Ecole polytechnique)
  • Clara Carlier, 3rd year PhD student in Statistics (CREST-GENES)

With the participation of Prof. Emmanuelle Taugourdeau, Research Director at CNRS and Deputy Director at CREST, all four PhD students answered some questions about the PhD program: how would they describe it, what is of importance in a PhD and their recommendations to future PhD students.

All videos are now available on the CREST’s YouTube account.

We want here to promote the interview highlights that key points of all interviews in one.

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Interview highlights

Below, you will find all videos available in the scope of the Beyond the PhD video series 2.

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Introduction

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Reda Alami Chentoufi

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Emma Bonutti d'Agostini

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Yiyun Zheng

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Clara Carlier

Beyond the PhD - Series 2 - Conclusion

Printemps de l’Economie 2024 : Un monde fragmenté par les inégalités : les effets de la redistribution en Europe

Session INSEE, conçue par Lionel Janin, Directeur du cabinet du Directeur général de l’INSEE Intervenants :

  • Orsetta Causa, Cheffe adjointe de la division Surveillance structurelle, Responsable de l’équipe marché du travail et inégalités, Département des affaires économiques de l’OCDE
  • Bertrand Garbinti, Enseignant-Chercheur CREST-ENSAE-GENES-Institut Polytechnique Paris, Chercheur affilié au CEPR, WIL & IPP, Chercheur associé à l’INED & EU Tax observatory
  • Jean-Marc Germain, Conseiller du Directeur général de l’Insee
  • Elvire Guillaud, Maître de conférences en Économie à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Chercheuse au Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne, Affiliée au Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (LIEPP) de Sciences Po

Modérateur : Lionel Janin, Directeur du cabinet du Directeur général de l’INSEE