Soutenue par la Caisse des Dépôts, Bpifrance, la Chaire Blockchain@X de l’École Polytechnique, l’Institut Louis Bachelier, et la Fondation ELYX, l’association Blockchain for Good publie ce mercredi 19 octobre le cinquième cahier #Environnement & Climat, du rapport 2022 “Blockchains et développement durable”.
49.3 : Étienne Ollion dans “C Politique”
Étienne Ollion était l’invité de Thomas Snégaroff sur France 5 dans un nouveau numéro du magazine “C Politique” diffusé le 23/10/22 à 18h29
“Researchers are using Google to forecast economic activity”
An interview with Anna Simoni in Polytechnique Insights – Oct. 18th, 2022
“Strikes Spread in France, Piling Pressure on Macron” Sociologist Etienne Ollion answers The New York Times
By Constant Méheut and Catherine Porter – Oct. 18, 2022
Pierre Picard and Alexis Louaas receive the “SCOR-Geneva Risk and Insurance Review Best Paper Award”
Congratulations to Pierre Picard and Alexis Louaas who received the “SCOR-Geneva Risk and Insurance Review Best Paper Award” for their article “Optimal insurance coverage of low-probability catastrophic risk” published in 2021 in the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. The award was presented to them on the occasion of the 49th seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE) which took place in Vienna (Austria) from September 18 to 21, 2021.
Ensuring Your Products Aren’t Used for Discrimination
An article co-written by Michelangelo Rossi, Michael Luca and Elizaveta Pronkina in Harvard Business Review.
October 10, 2022
Michelangelo Rossi receives the CCIA & CRESSE & CPI Award for his paper
Washington — The Computer & Communications Industry Association presented an award to a young researcher at the CRESSE 2021 Conference that took place in Crete Sept. 3-5.
CRESSE & CPI announced the award went to Michelangelo Rossi, Digital Economist and Assistant Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Rossi received the award for the Best Paper on the Digital Economy at the conference dinner Sunday. Rossi’s paper, “Competition and Reputation in a Congested Marketplace: Theory and Evidence from Airbnb” explored how San Francisco regulatory changes to Airbnb entry costs affect competition and the reputational incentives for hosts to exert effort.