Open applications for 2024 PhD tracks in Economics

Applications are open from October 5th to January 12th, 2024, for the PhD track in Economics.

PhD track program

The PhD track is a five-year program which offers training in top-level research to high-potential students aiming for an international career in leading academic institutions or companies.

For the first two years, candidates will be enrolled in a coursework program for which they would be awarded the master’s degree. Then, for the three remaining years, students will be enrolled in a dissertation phase for a PhD diploma.

PhD track in Economics


The program heavily relies on advanced quantitative methods for both theoretical and empirical analysis. During the first year, students take advanced core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. They also engage in research projects under the supervision of faculty and acquire a first hands-on contact with research. During the second year, students will follow advanced methodological courses, and specialize in subfields of economics. They will regularly spend time within the research centers (office space and IT facilities will be provided at CREST, students may also can work closely with faculty members as research assistants) and will be allocated an individual advisor among the program faculty. They will also regularly attend CREST research seminars, conduct a research project, and write a master’s dissertation under the supervision of a faculty member.

At the end of the second year, students who have achieved sufficiently good grades, have written a research proposal and found a potential PhD supervisor within CREST may progress to the dissertation period (three years) of the PhD program. Progress is conditional on securing funding and IP Paris and CREST will do their best to help candidates to obtain such funding (e.g., IP Paris but also Ecole polytechnique and ENSAE Paris provide a limited number of three-year doctoral fellowships).

Fields of excellence at our CREST research center (and HEC Paris research group), and potential areas of specialization, include:

  • Econometric theory
  • Environmental and development economics
  • Game and decision theory
  • Industrial organization and digital economics
  • International economics
  • Labor economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Public economics


Provide an advanced training in economics at the highest international level with a strong emphasis on advanced quantitative methods for both theoretical and empirical analyses.

Acquire the most important tools in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics through a complete core course training.

Specialize by selecting field and specialization courses in a variety of sub-areas of economics.

Conduct research in a stimulating environment

More information on the PhD track in Economics:

More information on PhD tracks at IP Paris:

Application portal:

18th IZ & 5th IZA/CREST Conference on Labor Market Policy Evaluation

Sara Signorelli, Laurent Davezies, Clemens Mueller, Pedro Vergara Merino, Alice Lapeyre, Bernhard Schmidpeter, Alice Zulkarnain, Nicholas Swanson, Weilon Zhang, Roland Rathelot, Isaiah Andrews, Arne Uhlendorff, Jeffrey Grogger, Xavier D’Haultfoeuille, Marco Caliendo

The 5th IZA/CREST conference on Evaluation of Labor Policies was held at ENSAE on October 19 and 20 2023. It brought together international experts in the fields of labor economics and econometrics. Each participant gave a 45 minute talk and the range of topics that were covered was broad, ranging from applied policy evaluations to econometric approaches to measure causal effects. The keynote was delivered by Isaiah Andrews on Causal Interpretation of Causal IV Estimands.

The program of the conference can be found here:

RAPPORTS IPP n° 46 & 47

“Nouvelle évaluation des réformes de la fiscalité du capital” par Clément MALGOUYRES, Laurent BACH, Antoine BOZIO et Arthur GUILLOUZOUIC: Trois ans après ses premiers travaux, l’IPP publie mardi 17 octobre deux nouvelles évaluations des réformes de 2017 ayant conduit à la mise en place du prélèvement forfaitaire unique (PFU), au remplacement de l’impôt de solidarité sur la fortune (ISF) par l’impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) et à la baisse de l’impôt sur les sociétés – Octobre 2023