Une chronique de Patricia Crifo et Maxime Elkington pour la revue Polytechnique Insights.
Le 14 février 2024
COP28 Sécurité de l’eau : question locale à impact international
Une chronique de Patricia Crifo et Maxime Elkington pour la revue Polytechnique Insights.
Le 14 février 2024
Clément Malgouyres, recipient of the CNRS Bronze Medal 2024
The CNRS Bronze Medal
The CNRS Bronze Medal is an award presented by the French National Center for Scientific Research (Centre national de la recherche scientifique or CNRS). It honors researchers for the originality, quality, and significance of their work, typically within the early years of their career. It represents a significant acknowledgment in the field of scientific research.
Clément Malgouyres, recipient of the 2024 CNRS Bronze Medal
Clément Malgouyres is a research associate at CNRS and an economist at CREST, a member of the Polytechnic Institute of Paris. He is also a research affiliate at the Institute of Public Policy. He defended his thesis in 2016 at the European University Institute.
His work encompasses labor economics, public economics, and international economics. He explores the interactions between public policies and corporate behavior, with a particular focus on business and entrepreneur taxation, as well as the role of companies in labor market dynamics
In a recent article (Bergeaud et al., 2023), Clément and his co-authors investigate the effects of public research on companies’ R&D efforts, comparing the relative effectiveness of various public innovation support policies. Other recent works focus on measuring the progressivity of the tax system, improving the measurement of income and business assets (Bach et al., 2023). Finally, he examines the effectiveness of incentive policies for greening the fleet of passenger vehicles through a bonus/malus system.
Check the CNRS interview of Clement Malgouyres: https://www.inshs.cnrs.fr/fr/personne/clement-malgouyres
Clément Malgouyres, recipient of the CNRS Bronze Medal 2024
The CNRS Bronze Medal
The CNRS Bronze Medal is an award presented by the French National Center for Scientific Research (Centre national de la recherche scientifique or CNRS). It honors researchers for the originality, quality, and significance of their work, typically within the early years of their career. It represents a significant acknowledgment in the field of scientific research.
Clément Malgouyres, recipient of the 2024 CNRS Bronze Medal
Clément Malgouyres is a research associate at CNRS and an economist at CREST, a member of the Polytechnic Institute of Paris. He is also a research affiliate at the Institute of Public Policy. He defended his thesis in 2016 at the European University Institute.
His work encompasses labor economics, public economics, and international economics. He explores the interactions between public policies and corporate behavior, with a particular focus on business and entrepreneur taxation, as well as the role of companies in labor market dynamics
In a recent article (Bergeaud et al., 2023), Clément and his co-authors investigate the effects of public research on companies’ R&D efforts, comparing the relative effectiveness of various public innovation support policies. Other recent works focus on measuring the progressivity of the tax system, improving the measurement of income and business assets (Bach et al., 2023). Finally, he examines the effectiveness of incentive policies for greening the fleet of passenger vehicles through a bonus/malus system.
Check the CNRS interview of Clement Malgouyres: https://www.inshs.cnrs.fr/fr/personne/clement-malgouyres
Quelles possibilités d’autofinancement des réformes de la prime d’activité ?
Une note co-écrite par Pierre Boyer, Felix Bierbrauer, Emanuel Hansen et Adrien Vallette.
Février 2024
Quelles possibilités d’autofinancement des réformes de la prime d’activité ?
Une note co-écrite par Pierre Boyer, Felix Bierbrauer, Emanuel Hansen et Adrien Vallette.
Février 2024
L’immigration : un atout pour le dynamisme économique
6 février 2024
L’immigration : un atout pour le dynamisme économique
6 février 2024
COP28: l’enjeu climatique pour les petits États insulaires
Une Chronique de Patricia Crifo et Stefano Dall’Aglio pour la revue Polytechnique Insights.
Le 31 janvier 2024
COP28: l’enjeu climatique pour les petits États insulaires
Une Chronique de Patricia Crifo et Stefano Dall’Aglio pour la revue Polytechnique Insights.
Le 31 janvier 2024