Prof. Francis Kramarz Elected as Society of Labor Economists Fellow

June, 2019

Professor Francis Kramarz has been named a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE). The honorary title is given to those who have made “contributions of unusual distinction” to the field of labor economics.

Among these contributions are Kramarz’s work with John Abowd (Cornell and Census) and Margolis (Paris I, CNRS) for the analysis of Linked Employer-Employee data and the so-called AKM model of compensation. This line of research has had an important impact on labor economics as well as fields where bipartite graphs are analyzed (students and schools, patients and hospitals…). Kramarz was also a pioneer in connecting labor markets outcomes with product market competition, including international trade, or in the study of the French minimum wage.

“I am honored to be elected a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists,” Kramarz said. “It is particularly significant to be recognized by the leaders in one’s primary field of research, the existing fellows of the Society.” Indeed, Kramarz is the second French labor economist to receive this distinction (with P.A. Chiappori being the first).

Kramarz, along with Professor Alexandre Mas (Princeton University), was elected by the current SOLE fellows for their career achievements, and their election was announced in the plenary session of the 2019 SOLE Meetings on May 3 in Arlington, Va.

For more information click here.

Workshop on Political Economy

CREST – Ecole Polytechnique – ENSAE
April 4, 2019
Workshop on Political Economy

Organizers: Pierre Boyer, Yukio Koriyama, Alessandro Riboni and Clémence Tricaud
Address: CREST 5, avenue Henry Le Chatelier 91120 Palaiseau, How to come?
Rooms: 1002 & 1003 (first floor)

9:30 Welcome Coffee

10:00-10h45 Quoc Anh Do (Sciences Po): “Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French Politicians”, with Yann Algan, Nicolò Dalvit, and Yves Zenou

10:45-11h30 Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE): “Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations”, with Alain Blum and Alexandra Jarotschkin

11:30-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-12h30 Clémence Tricaud (CREST): “Better Alone? Evidence on the costs of intermunicipal cooperation”

12:30-13h15 Marc Sangnier (AMSE): “Political connections and insider trading” with Thomas Bourveau and Renaud Coulomb

13:15-14:15 Lunch break

14:15-15:00 Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po): “Revolving Door MPs: Politician Turnover and Failed Accountability in Africa”

15:00-15h45 Yukio Koriyama (CREST): “The winner-take-all dilemma” with Kazuya Kikuchi

15:45-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:45 Allan Drazen (University of Maryland): “Reciprocity versus Reelection: Theory and Experiment”, with Prateik Dalmia and Erkut Ozbay

End of the Workshop

List of participants
Laurent Bach (ESSEC)
Guidogiorgio Bodrato (CREST)
Pierre Boyer (CREST)
Julia Cagé (Sciences Po)
Micael Castanheira (ECARES)
Gwen-Jiro Clochard (CREST)
Pierre-Edouard Collignon (CREST)
Sébastien Courtin (U Caen)
Allan Drazen (University of Maryland)
Quoc-Anh Do (Sciences Po)
Brice Fabre (PSE-IPP)
Germain Gauthier (CREST)
Jean-Michel Grandmont (CREST)
Daniel Hernández (CREST)
Helios Herrera (Warwick University)
Yukio Koriyama (CREST)
Quentin Lippmann (PSE)
Paul Maarek (U Panthéon Assas)
Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po)
Mickael Melki (Paris School of Business)
Matias Nunez (U Paris Dauphine)
Alessandro Riboni (CREST)
Marc Sangnier (AMSE)
Emilie Sartre (CREST)
Clémence Tricaud (CREST)
Alain Trognon (CREST)
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE)

You could download the program here.