Creation of the FAIRPLAY Project team

Created as part of a research partnership between the Criteo AI Lab, Inria and Instutitut Polytechnique de Paris, the mission of the FAIRPLAY Project is to study the impact of AI on the design of transparent and fair marketplaces.

Workshop on Political Economy

CREST – Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris
March 24, 2022
Workshop on Political Economy

Organizers: Pierre Boyer, Alessandro Riboni, Germain Gauthier and Héloïse Clolery
Address: CREST 5, avenue Henry Le Chatelier 91120 Palaiseau

Room 3001

12:00 – 13:30: Welcome lunch

13:30-14:00: Allan Drazen (University of Maryland) “Voting with Your Brain, Your Gut, … or Simply Holding Your Nose?”

14:00-14:30: Benoit Schmutz (CREST) “Mobilization without Consolidation: Social Media and the Yellow Vests Protests”

14:30-15:00: Alessandro Riboni (CREST) “Sticky Spending, Sequestration and Government Debt”

15:00-15:30: coffee break

15:30-16:00: Héloïse Clolery (CREST) “Legislators in the Crossfire: Strategic Non-Voting and the Effect of Transparency”

16:00-16:30: Germain Gauthier (CREST) “Sex Crimes and the Me Too Movement”

16:30-17:00: coffee break

17:00-17:30: Oliver Vanden Eynde (PSE) “Bidding for roads”

17:30-18:00: Thierry Verdier (PSE) “Culture, Institutions and the Long Divergence”

End of the Workshop