Workshop Artificial Intelligence and Globalization

Le 27 octobre 2022 de 9:00 à 17:00 au Ministère de l’économie
L’évènement est organisé par DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor), une équipe de recherche animée par Antonio Casilli, Paola Tubaro et Ulrich Laitenberger à l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

PhD Day – Wednesday October 5th, 2022

The CREST is happy to announce that the 2022 PhD Day will take place on Wednesday October 5th at the Amphi 250.

The morning session will gather all faculties and PhD students with a welcome speech by the CREST’s direction and presentations of the new members’ research topics and interests. We warmly invite every faculty members to join this session!

A friendly lunch is planned to meet and chat with other participants.

The afternoon will be dedicated to PhD students: professors and administrative staff members will present various topics related to pursuing a PhD at CREST.

Detailed program of the day:

09:45 – Arrival, Amphi 250

10:00 – Morning session:
10:00 Welcome speech and presentation of the CREST (A. Dalayan,  G. Hollard & T. Arrif)
10:30 Introduction of the new faculties and PhD students
12:00 Group picture

12:30 – Lunch, Grand Hall

14:00: Afternoon session:
14:00: Pursuing a PhD at CREST (T. Vergé)
14:20: Administrative support for research
14:30: Prevention at work (E. Taugourdeau)
14:45: PhD Student Representation and Rights (F. Cartellier)
15:00: Interdisciplinary seminar (M. Mugnier)
15:10: Teaching during the PhD
15:30: Tips for the PhD (A. Dalayan)

17:30 Closing Event, meeting point outside of the building

Please note that it is forbidden to eat or drink in the lecture hall.