Roland Rathelot, professor at ENSAE Paris and researcher at CREST, winner of an ERC-Consolidator 2022 grant


Roland Rathelot, professor at ENSAE Paris and at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Économie et STatistique (CREST) and Hi! PARIS joins the list of the already 3 scientific talents of CREST to obtain an ERC grant. His research focuses on the job search process, discrimination by ethnic origin and gender differences in the labor market.

Thanks to his ERC Consolidator grant, Roland Rathelot will work on the INASHI project in which he will study the nature of informational frictions that employers encounter during the recruitment process.

Many countries have both high unemployment rates and unfilled vacancies. Informational frictions are one possible source of this dual problem. On the one hand, job seekers may lack information about how the labor market works or how their skills are assessed. On the other hand, employers may find it difficult to assess the profile of applicants. The INASHI project focuses on this second hypothesis and aims to quantify and qualify the information deficits that employers encounter when they decide to post a job offer, or when they evaluate the applications received.

INASHI also aims to measure the macroeconomic consequences of these informam frictions and to propose solutions. Roland Rathelot and his co-authors will combine the use of administrative date sources and randomized experiments in three European countries: Austria, France and Sweden.

ICML 2021: Congratulations to our Researchers

Crest papers accepted at the international Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

The Crest is pleased to present the work of its researchers and professors at the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) being held this week (July 18-24, 2021).

The ICML conference is world-renowned for presenting and publishing cutting-edge research on all aspects of machine learning, and is one of the fastest growing AI conferences in the world.

Congratulations to our Researchers Marco Cuturi, Anna Korba,  Vianney Perchet, Flore Sentenac, Meyer Scetbon (ENSAE Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) an Romaric Gaudel (ENSAI Rennes).

Chercheurs ayant rejoint le réseau Louis Bachelier Fellows en 2021

Nous félicitons les membres du Crest qui viennent de rejoindre le réseau Louis Bachelier Fellows.

Par ordre alphabétique, les membres du Crest de la section College Academic Fellows:

Louis Bachelier Fellows

Stéphane Auray est macroéconomiste, Professeur des Universités en détachement à l’ENSAI et chercheur au CREST.
Valentin Patilea est professeur des universités à l’ENSAI, Directeur de la recherche et responsable du MSc in Statistics for Smart Data.
Pierre Picard est professeur d’économie et membre du Haut Collège de l’Ecole Polytechnique. Il est chercheur en économie du risque et de l’assurance.
Anna Simoni est chercheuse au CNRS, affiliée au CREST, et professeur de statistiques et d’économétrie à l’ENSAE et à l’Ecole Polytechnique.
Francesco Violante est chercheur en économie associé au CREST et chercheur international associé du CREATES.
Jean-Michel Zakoian est chercheur en économétrie de la finance, professeur détaché à l’ENSAE-CREST, responsable du laboratoire Finance-Insurance au CREST.

Années antérieures:

Patricia CRIFO, Ecole Polytechnique, Fellow depuis 2020
Mathieu ROSENBAUM, Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne Université, Fellow depuis 2020
Caroline HILLAIRET, ENSAE & CREST, Fellow depuis 2019
Peter TANKOV, ENSAE, Fellow depuis 2019
Nicole EL KAROUI, Ecole Polytechnique, Fellow depuis 2016
Jean-Pierre PONSSARD, Ecole Polytechnique, Fellow depuis 2016
Nizar TOUZI, Ecole Polytechnique, Fellow depuis 2016