12:15 pm
Justine Knebelmann (MIT J-PAL) “Discretion versus Algorithms: Bureaucrats and Tax Equity in Senegal”
Applied Seminar Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 26th of January Room : 3001 Justine Knebelmann (MIT J-PAL) "Discretion versus Algorithms: Bureaucrats and Tax Equity in Senegal" Abstract :The implementation of government programs requires a list or register of individuals who are eligible for the program. Building these registers accurately is a challenge […]
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Anya KATSEVICH (MIT) – The Laplace approximation in high-dimensional Bayesian inference
Statistical Seminar: Every Monday at 2:00 pm. Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Date: 26th Febuary Place: ZOOM Anya KATSEVICH (MIT) - The Laplace approximation in high-dimensional Bayesian inference Abstract: Link : https://zoom.us/j/95865517467?pwd=NUp4RmZROE41Q0JQclJvVVNSZGY2dz09 Organizers:Anna KORBA (CREST), Karim LOUNICI (CMAP) , Jaouad MOURTADA (CREST) Sponsors: CREST-CMAP
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