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Thierry KAMIONKA (CREST) – “Homeownership and Labour Market Transitions"
Time: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Date: 18th of September 2018
Place: Room 3001.
Thierry KAMIONKA (CREST) – “Homeownership and Labour Market Transitions”
Abstract: Joint work with Guy Lacroix (HEC Montréal, Canada). We jointly model employment, wage and homeownership using a dynamic model. We estimate for the period going from 2004 to 2013 a dynamic multivariate model with random effects using the French part of the EU-SILC (EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions). The error terms of the equations of the model can be correlated. Each of these error terms can be auto-correlated allowing shocks on one of the components of the model to have an impact on all the error terms of the model the next periods. Individual effects, one for each equation, can be correlated. The model is estimated using simulated maximum likelihood estimator. The initial conditions problem is taken into account.
Laurent Davezies (CREST), Benoit Schmutz (CREST), Arne Uhlendorff (CREST) & Lucas Girard (CREST)
Lunch registration:
food provided, no registration