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Sarah VALDEZ (Linköping University) – "Finding ethnic enclaves with Swedish population registers"
The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays
Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Date: 15th of february 2018
Place: Room 3105, ENSAE.
Sarah VALDEZ (Linköping University) – “Finding ethnic enclaves with Swedish population registers“
Discutant : Ognjen Obucina (INED)
Abstract :
The residential segregation of non-western immigrants in Europe and the US is similar in degree but different in terms of observed patterns. In the US, immigrants more commonly live in ethnically homogenous neighborhoods, or ethnic enclaves, which facilitate segmented assimilation–becoming assimilated into the broader society via assimilation into a tight-knit ethnic community. In Europe, on the other hand, close-knit, mono-ethnic enclaves offering avenues of assimilation appear to be less common. Immigrants in large European cities may cluster by ethnicity, but these clusters are generally located within ethnically heterogeneous, immigrant-dense neighborhoods. I will present a set of exploratory analyses used to look for possible ethnic enclaves in Sweden—a country marked by high levels of residential separation, with immigrants often segregated from the ethnically Swedish population into mixed-ethnicity, non-western, immigrant-dense suburbs. In this presentation, I discuss several methods for identifying and measuring ethnic enclaves. Using population registers containing country of origin, family information, and place of residence for every resident in Sweden, I use a combination of spatial analysis and clustering algorithms to look for meaningful clusters of co-ethnic individuals which may constitute an enclave.
Organizers :
Marine HADDAD, Nicolas ROBETTE, Sander WAGNER (Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative – CREST)
Sponsors :