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Roza MEULEMAN (Radboud de Nimègue University) – “The conversion of cultural capital into socioeconomic returns in the Netherlands”

April 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Sociology Seminar: Thursdays

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm –
Date: 6th of April 2023
Place: ZOOM

Roza MEULEMAN (Radboud de Nimègue University) – “The conversion of cultural capital into socioeconomic returns in the Netherlands”


My talk will cover two studies on the conversion of cultural capital and social network resources into occupational returns in the Netherlands. In the first study, we argue that cultural and economic network resources constitute an important – yet understudied – explanation for why an individuals’ cultural capital yields returns at the labor market. We aim to disentangle to what extent a person’s cultural capital is directly related to occupational attainment, and/or is indirectly connected to occupational success via resourceful networks that help people in their occupational career. Moreover, we test ideas on general versus field-specific conversion by examining to what extent individuals’ cultural capital is differently related to cultural versus economic occupational position, and mediated differently by cultural versus economic network resources. In the second study, we examine to what extent these cultural, economic, (and professional) network resources partly explain the differences in men’s and women’s wages (capital differences) – and whether these impact men’s and women’s wages differently (return differences)? Similar to the first study, we examine field-specificity by testing whether possible gender differences in access and return vary between cultural, economic, and professional network resources. To answer our research questions, we collected representative panel data in the Netherlands with information on individuals’ cultural capital, offline core and extended social networks, and occupational outcomes.

Organizers: Hadrien Le Mer, Etienne Ollion, Patrick Präg (CREST Sociology unit)
Sponsors: CREST

Link to seminar: https://zoom.us/j/96081193256?pwd=ekM5ZEJHZ0VXdHdZbTdjTnZtT0VWdz09