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Minchul YUM (University of Southampton) “Parental Leave Policies, Fertility, and Labor Supply”
Macro seminar
Time : 12h15 – 13h30
Date : 22 Avril 2024
Salle 3001
Minchul YUM (University of Southampton) “Parental Leave Policies, Fertility, and Labor Supply”
Abstract: (preliminary): South Korea has been struggling with both low fertility rates and low female hours worked for several decades. Parental leave policies are often regarded as a government instrument to raise both. How successful would these policies be in achieving these objectives in a society featuring relatively strong social norms about the role of women within households and high monetary costs of children? We answer these questions using a quantitative heterogeneous-household life-cycle model in which couples jointly make decisions about fertility, childcare, labor supply, and savings with parental leave options.
Organizer : Suzanne BELLUE (CREST)