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Kerstin HOLZHEU (Sciences-Po) ” Wage Bargaining and Wage Posting Firms”
Time : 12h15 – 13h30
Date : 10th February 2025
Salle 3001
Kerstin HOLZHEU (Sciences-Po) “Wage Bargaining and Wage Posting Firms”
Abstract: This paper characterizes wage bargaining and wage posting firms. Using a theoretically derived likelihood-based estimation and clustering algorithm, we classify firms into either wage-bargaining or wage-posting types. Empirically, we leverage survey data from Germany and administrative data from Austria and find strikingly similar characterizations of both firm types. We find that wage-bargaining firms, which account for about 43% of Austrian firms and 43% of German firms, exhibit higher productivity and within-firm wage variation. Our model explains job-to-job mobility with wage decreases as workers trade current wages at posting firms for potential future gains at bargaining firms. Ensuing inefficient mobility accounts for 11–17% of worker transitions and about 1-2% of output losses.
Joint work : Jean-Marc ROBIN (Sciences-Po)
Organizer : Suzanne BELLUE