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Gregory JOLIVET (University of Bristol) – "A Structural Analysis of Health and Labor Market Trajectories"
Time: 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
Date: 24 th of September 2019
Place: Room 3001
Gregory JOLIVET (University of Bristol) – “A Structural Analysis of Health and Labor Market Trajectories”
Abstract: We conduct a structural analysis of the joint dynamics of individual labor market and health outcomes. In our model, jobs are characterized by a wage, a full/part-time status and an occupational variable measuring how physically or mentally demanding the job is. Individuals self-select in and out of employment as well as between jobs on a labor market with search frictions. Workers’ health (physical and mental) evolves stochastically over time depending on the health/occupational content of the job. We estimate the model on British data from the Understanding Society survey combined with information on the health contents of occupations from O*NET. Our approach produces structural estimates of the effect of health on labor market decisions, of the joint distribution of wages and health contents among jobs and of health dynamics as a function of job characteristics. We then proceed to a longitudinal analysis of inequalities in earnings and health along the working life and assess the cost of health or employment shocks at an early age.
(joint with Fabien Postel-Vinay)
Xavier D’HAULTFOEUILLE (Laboratoire de Microéconométrie-CREST)
Benoît SCHMUTZ (Laboratoire de Microéconométrie-CREST)