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Cyril Jayet (Sorbonne University) – “The microclass approach to social mobility: an application to French data”

May 26, 2021 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Sociology : Job Talk

Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Date: 26 th of May 2021
Place: Visio

Cyril Jayet (Sorbonne University) – “The microclass approach to social mobility: an application to French data”
Abstract : Classical sociological research on social mobility has examined the evolution of social mobility by means of social class classifications containing a limited number of categories, generally no more than ten. This article proposes to analyze social mobility in France starting from microclasses, or occupations . It uses data from the 2013 2019 Labor Force Survey. It first shows that while micro class reproduction appears to be low in absolute terms, it is in fact at least as important as macro class reproduction when the marginal distributions of the variables is taken into account and the association is measure d on a logistic scale with log linear models. The micro class approach also allows us to identify different dimensions underlying mobility flows between occupations and between social classes. We identify the respective roles of five dimensions: the sector of activity, the employment status, the type of employer, the wage and the educational degree level. Finally, by examining separately the impact of the mother’s and father’s occupation on the destinies of women and men, we shed light on an important compositional effect: women have a greater chance of having their mother’s social position than of having their father’s, but once the effect of the g endered segregation of the labor market is controlled for, th ey more often reproduce their father’s position.

Organizers :
Jeanne GANAULT, Etienne OLLION, Felix TROPF (Pôle de Sociologie du CREST)
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