Xavier D’Haultfoeuille interviewé par le journal Le Parisien à propos des derniers prix Nobel d’économie – 12 Octobre 2021
Prix Nobel d’économie : le sacre de l’expérimentation?
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille interviewé dans l’émission « Entendez-vous l’éco? » sur France Culture – 58min
En 2100, des millions de femmes manqueront à l’appel
Pauline Rossi interviewée pour un article du magazine Science et Vie – 5 Octobre 2021
“Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behaviour” published in Nature Human Behaviour
Co-authored by Melinda Mills (Director of LCDS, University of Oxford), Felix Tropf (ENSAE, CREST) et al.
“Scénarios et modèles économie – climat : une grille de lecture pour la finance durable” dans la collection “Opinions & Débats” de l’Institut Louis Bachelier
Rapport co-écrit par Peter Tankov, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Frédéric Ghersi, Romain Grosjean, Julien Lefèvre et Stéphane Voisin – Septembre 2021
Comparative advantage and moonlighting
A paper published in the European Economic Review, co-authored by Stéphane Auray, David L. Fuller and Guillaume Vandenbroucke – October 2021
Observatoire de la Finance Durable – Rapport du 22/09/2021
Le Comité Scientifique et d’Expertise, dont Peter Tankov est membre, publie ses nouvelles recommandations – Septembre 2021
“Green finance” still a long way from the Paris Agreement
An interview with Peter Tankov in Polytechnique Insights – October 2021
Heterogeneous mental health development during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
- Patrick Präg, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
- Lea Ellward, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Albert-Magnus-Platz, Cologne, Germany
The COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation measures by governments have upended the economic and social lives of many, leading to widespread psychological distress. We explore heterogeneity in trajectories of psychological distress during the pandemic in the United Kingdom and relate this heterogeneity to socio-demographic and health factors. We analyze nine waves of longitudinal, nationally representative survey data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (N=15,914), covering the period from early 2020 to mid-2021. First, latent class mixture modelling is used to identify trajectories of psychological distress. Second, associations of the trajectories with covariates are tested with multinomial logistic regressions. We find four different trajectories of distress: continuously low, temporarily elevated, repeatedly elevated, and continuously elevated distress. Nearly two fifths of the population experienced severely elevated risks of distress during the pandemic. Long-term distress was highest among younger people, women, people living without a partner, those who had no work or lost income, and those with previous health conditions or COVID-19 symptoms. Given the threat of persistent stress on health, policy measures should be sensitized to the unintended yet far-reaching consequences of non-pharmaceutical interventions.
Link to the article:
In the Press:
- The Financial Channel, Sept. 28th, 2021 – https://finchannel.com/40-of-uk-has-increased-psychological-distress-as-a-result-of-pandemic/
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