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IP Paris Nobel Lecture in Economics – Jan 10 2022, 12pm
© Nobel Media. Photo Alexander Mahmoud 2018
The department of Economics of IP Paris is honoured to invite you to a Nobel Prize in Economics hybrid lecture, open to all, on the 10th of January 2022 from 12pm to 2pm to present the contributions of this year’s three recipients:
- David Card “for his empirical contributions to labour economics”
- Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W. Imbens “for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships”
The lecture will be given by Xavier d’Haultfoeuille (CREST & ENSAE), Francis Kramarz (CREST & ENSAE), Roland Rathelot (CREST & ENSAE) and Pauline Rossi (CREST & X).
The lecture documents are available here:
- David Card
- Angrist’s and Imbens’ contributions to applied economics
- (Some of) David Card’s contributions to labour economics
- Angrist and Imbens’ methodological contributions
The video recording of the leture is available on this link.
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Portrait de Béatrice Cherrier médaille de Bronze CNRS 2021
Béatrice Cherrier was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal 2021
The Bronze Medal recognizes the first works of researchers who are specialists in their field. This distinction represents an encouragement from the CNRS to pursue research that is already well underway and fruitful.
Béatrice Cherrier is an historian of economics, a CNRS researcher, affiliated with CREST, and an associate professor at École Polytechnique.
Through a comparative analysis of the lives and work of Gunnar Myrdal, Milton Friedman and Jacob Marschak, her dissertation, conceived as an inquiry, studied the coherence between the science and politics of economists.
Her overarching research agenda is to understand the perceived rise of applied economics since the 1970s. In collaboration with other researchers, she is investigating how the rise of computers has changed the practices of economists, how economists individual visions combined in the development of the MIT economics department.
Through an INET grant, Beatrice Cherrier was able to set up her project, which aims to compare the dynamics of various applied fields.
In more recent work, she is studying the rise of applied economics, such as the rise of empirical work in urban economics, public economics, and macro econometric modeling, beginning in the mid-1960s. She has also studied changes in the classification of economic publications over time.
« While macroeconomics largely shapes the public image of economists, I believe that their methods, institutional ecologies and incentive systems are increasingly affected by the rise of mechanism and market design. I’m trying to get a clearer picture of this trend. » Béatrice Cherrier
She is currently working on the applied models economists developed in central banks, in particular at the Bank of England. She also studying the effects of the rise of applied economics on the status and representation of women in economics, and the credit they have received for their empirical work since World War II.
Médaille de bronze:
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PhD Day 2021: le séminaire des doctorants ENSAI
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