Toutes les publications
A menagerie of rankings: a look in RePEc’s factory
Scientometrics, vol. 129, p. 321–372, 2024.
By L. Linnemer
@article{linnemer2024menagerie, title={A Menagerie of Rankings: A Look in {RePEc's} Factory}, author={Linnemer, Laurent}, journal={Scientometrics}, volume={129}, pages={321--372}, year={2024}, doi={}, publisher={Springer} }
Research ethics in the age of digital platforms
Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 29, iss. 3, p. 17, 2023.
By J. L. Molina, P. Tubaro, A. Casilli, and A. Santos-Ortega
@article{ethics:hal-04083115, title={Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms}, author={Molina, José Luis and Tubaro, Paola and Casilli, Antonio and Santos-Ortega, Antonio}, journal={{Science and Engineering Ethics}}, volume={29}, number={3}, pages={17}, year={2023}, doi={10.1007/s11948-023-00437-1}, keywords={Microwork ; Crowdsourcing ; Research ethics ; Digital platforms}, url={}, }
A meso-scale cartography of the AI ecosystem
Quantitative Science Studies, vol. 4, iss. 3, pp. 574-593, 2023.
By F. Gargiulo, S. Fontaine, M. Dubois, and P. Tubaro
@article{cartography:hal-04367071, title={{A meso-scale cartography of the AI ecosystem}}, author={Gargiulo, Floriana and Fontaine, Sylvain and Dubois, Michel and Tubaro, Paola}, url={}, journal={{Quantitative Science Studies}}, volume={4}, number={3}, pages={574-593}, year={2023}, doi={10.1162/qss\_a\_00267}, keywords={Artificial intelligence ; Science cartography ; Science of science}, }
By A. A. Casilli and P. Tubaro,
“Travail du clic, travail sans qualité ?,” in Contes, mondes et récits, C. Courtet, M. Besson, F. Lavocat, and F. Lecercle, Eds., CNRS Editions, 2023, pp. 245-260.@incollection{anr:hal-04333169, title={{Travail du clic, travail sans qualité ?}}, author={Casilli, Antonio A. and Tubaro, Paola}, url={}, booktitle={{Contes, mondes et récits}}, editor={Catherine Courtet and Mireille Besson and Françoise Lavocat and François Lecercle}, publisher={{CNRS Editions}}, pages={245-260}, year={2023}, pdf={}, }
Microwork in Brazil. Who are the workers behind artificial intelligence?
, 2023.
By M. Viana Braz, P. Tubaro, and A. A. Casilli
@techreport{brazil:hal-04140411, title={{Microwork in Brazil. Who are the workers behind artificial intelligence?}}, author={Viana Braz, Matheus and Tubaro, Paola and Casilli, Antonio A.}, url={}, institution={{DiPLab ; LATRAPS}}, year={2023}, month=Jun, keywords={Micro-work ; Data work ; Artificial Intelligence ; Brazil}, pdf={}, }
Is Paris a good example for a X-minute city?
, 2023.
By S. J. Berkemer, S. Genet, L. Maurice, M. Thaury, and P. Tubaro
@inproceedings{city:hal-04103593, title={{Is Paris a good example for a X-minute city?}}, author={Berkemer, Sarah J. and Genet, Simon and Maurice, L{\'e}opold and Thaury, Marie-Olive and Tubaro, Paola}, url={}, booktitle={{FRCCS 2023}}, year={2023}, pdf={}, }
, 2023.
By I. Vasilescu, Y. Wu, P. Tubaro, L. Lamel, and J. Torres-Cierpe
@inproceedings{linguistics:hal-04312441, title={{A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF VOCALIC REALIZATIONS OF HISPANIC MICRO-WORKERS FROM LATIN AMERICA}}, author={Vasilescu, Ioana and Wu, Yaru and Tubaro, Paola and Lamel, Lori and Torres-Cierpe, Juana}, url={}, booktitle={{20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences}}, series={Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague 2023}, year={2023}, keywords={socio-phonetics LA Spanish vocalic quality socio-demographic variables ; socio-phonetics ; LA Spanish ; vocalic quality ; socio-demographic variables}, pdf={}, }
Market entry, fighting brands, and tacit collusion: evidence from the french mobile telecommunications market
American economic review, vol. 111, iss. 11, pp. 3459-3499, 2021.
By M. Bourreau, Y. Sun, and F. Verboven
@Article{BouAER2021, author={Marc Bourreau and Yutec Sun and Frank Verboven}, title={Market Entry, Fighting Brands, and Tacit Collusion: Evidence from the French Mobile Telecommunications Market}, journal={American Economic Review}, year=2021, volume={111}, number={11}, pages={3459-3499}, month={November}, keywords={}, doi={10.1257/aer.20190540}, }
"build-or-buy" strategies in the local loop
American economic review, vol. 96, iss. 2, pp. 72-76, 2006.
By M. Bourreau and P. Dogan
@Article{BouAER2006, author={Marc Bourreau and Pinar Dogan}, title={\"Build-or-Buy\" Strategies in the Local Loop}, journal={American Economic Review}, year=2006, volume={96}, number={2}, pages={72-76}, month={May}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Does digitization lead to the homogenization of cultural content?
Economic inquiry, vol. 60, iss. 1, pp. 427-453, 2022.
By M. Bourreau, F. Moreau, and P. Wikström
@Article{BouEI2022, author={Marc Bourreau and François Moreau and Patrik Wikström}, title={Does digitization lead to the homogenization of cultural content?}, journal={Economic Inquiry}, year=2022, volume={60}, number={1}, pages={427-453}, month={January}, keywords={}, doi={10.1111/ecin.13015}, }
Streaming platform and strategic recommendation bias
Journal of economics & management strategy, vol. 31, iss. 1, pp. 25-47, 2022.
By M. Bourreau and G. Gaudin
@Article{BouJEMS2022, author={Marc Bourreau and Germain Gaudin}, title={Streaming platform and strategic recommendation bias}, journal={Journal of Economics \& Management Strategy}, year=2022, volume={31}, number={1}, pages={25-47}, month={February}, keywords={}, doi={10.1111/jems.12452}, }
Licensing standard‐essential patents with costly enforcement
Journal of economics & management strategy, vol. 32, iss. 4, pp. 827-855, 2023.
By M. Bourreau, R. C. M. de Ferraz, and Y. Ménière
@Article{BouJEMS2023, author={Marc Bourreau and Rafael C. de M. Ferraz and Yann Ménière}, title={Licensing standard‐essential patents with costly enforcement}, journal={Journal of Economics \& Management Strategy}, year=2023, volume={32}, number={4}, pages={827-855}, month={October}, keywords={}, doi={10.1111/jems.12514}, }
Upstream competition between vertically integrated firms
Journal of industrial economics, vol. 59, iss. 4, pp. 677-713, 2011.
By M. Bourreau, J. Hombert, J. Pouyet, and N. Schutz
@Article{BouJINDEC2011, author={Marc Bourreau and Johan Hombert and Jerome Pouyet and Nicolas Schutz}, title={Upstream Competition between Vertically Integrated Firms}, journal={Journal of Industrial Economics}, year=2011, volume={59}, number={4}, pages={677-713}, month={December}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Net neutrality with competing internet platforms
Journal of industrial economics, vol. 63, iss. 1, pp. 30-73, 2015.
By M. Bourreau, F. Kourandi, and T. Valletti
@Article{BouJINDEC2015, author={Marc Bourreau and Frago Kourandi and Tommaso Valletti}, title={Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms}, journal={Journal of Industrial Economics}, year=2015, volume={63}, number={1}, pages={30-73}, month={March}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Taxation of a digital monopoly platform
Journal of public economic theory, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 40-51, 2018.
By M. Bourreau, B. Caillaud, and R. D. Nijs
@Article{BouJPET2018, author={Marc Bourreau and Bernard Caillaud and Romain De Nijs}, title={Taxation of a digital monopoly platform}, journal={Journal of Public Economic Theory}, year=2018, volume={20}, number={1}, pages={40-51}, month={February}, keywords={}, doi={10.1111/jpet.12255}, }
Level of access and competition in broadband markets
Review of network economics, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 1-33, 2012.
By B. Marc and D. Pinar
@Article{BouRNE2012, author={Bourreau Marc and Dogan Pinar}, title={Level of Access and Competition in Broadband Markets}, journal={Review of Network Economics}, year=2012, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={1-33}, month={March}, keywords={}, }
The value of consumer data in online advertising
Review of network economics, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 269-289, 2017.
By B. Marc, C. Bernard, and N. de Romain
@Article{BouRNE2017, author={Bourreau Marc and Caillaud Bernard and de Nijs Romain}, title={The Value of Consumer Data in Online Advertising}, journal={Review of Network Economics}, year=2017, volume={16}, number={3}, pages={269-289}, month={September}, keywords={auction; data; online advertising}, doi={10.1515/rne-2017-0066}, }
Modularity and product innovation in digital markets
Review of network economics, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 1-19, 2007.
By B. Marc, D. Pinar, and M. Matthieu
@Article{BouRNE2007, author={Bourreau Marc and Dogan Pinar and Manant Matthieu}, title={Modularity and Product Innovation in Digital Markets}, journal={Review of Network Economics}, year=2007, volume={6}, number={2}, pages={1-19}, month={June}, keywords={}, doi={10.2202/1446-9022.1116}, }
Pirates or explorers ?analysis of music consumption in french graduate schools
Brussels economic review, vol. 50, iss. 2, pp. 167-192, 2007.
By D. Bounies, M. Bourreau, and P. Waelbroeck
@Article{BouBER2007, author={David Bounies and Marc Bourreau and Patrick Waelbroeck}, title={Pirates or Explorers ?Analysis of Music Consumption in French Graduate Schools}, journal={Brussels Economic Review}, year=2007, volume={50}, number={2}, pages={167-192}, month={}, keywords={Internet; Peer-to-Peer; File-Sharing; Piracy; Music; Students}, doi={}, }
Sécurité des paiements et développement du commerce électronique
Revue économique, vol. 55, iss. 4, pp. 689-714, 2004.
By D. Bounie and M. Bourreau
@Article{BouRE2004, author={David Bounie and Marc Bourreau}, title={Sécurité des paiements et développement du commerce électronique}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2004, volume={55}, number={4}, pages={689-714}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
L’impact de la suppression de la publicité sur les chaînes de télévision publiques
Revue économique, vol. 62, iss. 5, pp. 781-811, 2011.
By M. Bourreau and C. Grece
@Article{BouRE2011, author={Marc Bourreau and Christian Grece}, title={L'impact de la suppression de la publicité sur les chaînes de télévision publiques}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2011, volume={62}, number={5}, pages={781-811}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
L’impact du piratage sur l’achat et le téléchargement légal. une comparaison de quatre filières culturelles
Revue économique, vol. 65, iss. 3, pp. 573-600, 2014.
By I. Bastard, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouRE2014, author={Irène Bastard and Marc Bourreau and François Moreau}, title={L'impact du piratage sur l'achat et le téléchargement légal. Une comparaison de quatre filières culturelles}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2014, volume={65}, number={3}, pages={573-600}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
L’artiste maudit 2.0 : l’impact des tic sur le revenu des musiciens
Revue économique, vol. 70, iss. 1, pp. 31-51, 2019.
By M. Bacache-Beauvallet, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouRE2019, author={Maya Bacache-Beauvallet and Marc Bourreau and François Moreau}, title={L’artiste maudit 2.0 : l’impact des TIC sur le revenu des musiciens}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2019, volume={70}, number={1}, pages={31-51}, month={}, keywords={revenues; inequality; musicians; digital economy; Internet; ICT}, doi={}, }
Attitude face au risque et piratage de films en ligne
Revue économique, vol. 72, iss. 4, pp. 633-666, 2021.
By M. Bourreau, M. Lumeau, F. Moreau, and J. V. da Cruz
@Article{BouRE2021, author={Marc Bourreau and Marianne Lumeau and François Moreau and Jordana Viotto da Cruz}, title={Attitude face au risque et piratage de films en ligne}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2021, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={633-666}, month={}, keywords={risk attitude; digital piracy; experiment; questionnaire}, doi={}, }
Niveau d’accès et investissement dans les réseaux de télécommunications
Revue économique, vol. 67, iss. HS1, pp. 141-152, 2016.
By M. Bourreau, P. Doğan, and R. Lestage
@Article{BouRE2016, author={Marc Bourreau and Pınar Doğan and Romain Lestage}, title={Niveau d’accès et investissement dans les réseaux de télécommunications}, journal={Revue économique}, year=2016, volume={67}, number={HS1}, pages={141-152}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
L’impact d’internet et des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur l’industrie de la musique enregistrée
Revue d’économie industrielle, , iss. 4, pp. 2-2, 2006.
By M. Bourreau and M. Gensollen
@Article{BouREI2006, author={Marc Bourreau and Michel Gensollen}, title={L'impact d'Internet et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication sur l'industrie de la musique enregistrée}, journal={Revue d'économie industrielle}, year=2006, volume={0}, number={4}, pages={2-2}, month={}, keywords={music industry; Internet; Information and Communication Technologies; digital economics.}, doi={}, }
Information asymmetry and 360-degree contracts in the recorded music industry
Revue d’économie industrielle, , iss. 4, pp. 57-90, 2016.
By M. Bacache-Beauvallet, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouREI2016, author={Maya Bacache-Beauvallet and Marc Bourreau and François Moreau}, title={Information asymmetry and 360-Degree Contracts in the Recorded Music Industry}, journal={Revue d'économie industrielle}, year=2016, volume={0}, number={4}, pages={57-90}, month={}, keywords={Contracts; Information Asymmetry; Recorded Music Industry; 360-Degree Deals}, doi={}, }
Mimétisme ou contre-programmation ?. un modèle de concurrence entre programmes pour la télévision en clair
Revue d’économie politique, vol. 111, iss. 6, pp. 885-908, 2001.
By L. Benzoni and M. Bourreau
@Article{BouREP2001, author={Laurent Benzoni and Marc Bourreau}, title={Mimétisme ou contre-programmation ?. Un modèle de concurrence entre programmes pour la télévision en clair}, journal={Revue d'économie politique}, year=2001, volume={111}, number={6}, pages={885-908}, month={}, keywords={television; program competition; differentiation}, doi={}, }
Incitations à l’entrée et incitations aux investissements dans le secteur des télécoms
Revue française d’économie, , iss. 4, pp. 147-181, 2010.
By M. Bourreau, P. Doğan, and M. Manant
@Article{BouRFE2010, author={Marc Bourreau and Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant}, title={Incitations à l'entrée et incitations aux investissements dans le secteur des télécoms}, journal={Revue française d'économie}, year=2010, volume={0}, number={4}, pages={147-181}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Une analyse économique du phénomène de la longue traîne dans les industries culturelles
Revue française d’économie, , iss. 2, pp. 179-216, 2015.
By M. Bourreau, S. Maillard, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouRFE2015, author={Marc Bourreau and Sisley Maillard and François Moreau}, title={Une analyse économique du phénomène de la longue traîne dans les industries culturelles}, journal={Revue française d'économie}, year=2015, volume={0}, number={2}, pages={179-216}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Mergers, investments and demand expansion
Economics letters, vol. 167, iss. C, pp. 136-141, 2018.
By M. Bourreau and B. Jullien
@Article{BouEL2018, author={Bourreau, Marc and Jullien, Bruno}, title={Mergers, investments and demand expansion}, journal={Economics Letters}, year=2018, volume={167}, number={C}, pages={136-141}, month={}, }
Unbundling the local loop
European economic review, vol. 49, iss. 1, pp. 173-199, 2005.
By M. Bourreau and P. Dogan
@Article{BouEER2005, author={Bourreau, Marc and Dogan, Pinar}, title={Unbundling the local loop}, journal={European Economic Review}, year=2005, volume={49}, number={1}, pages={173-199}, month={January}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Mimicking vs. counter-programming strategies for television programs
Information economics and policy, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 35-54, 2003.
By M. Bourreau
@Article{BouIEP2003, author={Bourreau, Marc}, title={Mimicking vs. counter-programming strategies for television programs}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2003, volume={15}, number={1}, pages={35-54}, month={March}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Service-based vs. facility-based competition in local access networks
Information economics and policy, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 287-306, 2004.
By M. Bourreau and P. Dogan
@Article{BouIEP2004, author={Bourreau, Marc and Dogan, Pinar}, title={Service-based vs. facility-based competition in local access networks}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2004, volume={16}, number={2}, pages={287-306}, month={June}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Old technology upgrades, innovation, and competition in vertically differentiated markets
Information economics and policy, vol. 29, iss. C, pp. 10-31, 2014.
By M. Bourreau, P. Lupi, and F. M. Manenti
@Article{BouIEP2014, author={Bourreau, Marc and Lupi, Paolo and Manenti, Fabio M.}, title={Old technology upgrades, innovation, and competition in vertically differentiated markets}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2014, volume={29}, number={C}, pages={10-31}, month={}, keywords={Access; Investment; Vertical differentiation; Multi-product firms}, doi={10.1016/j.infoecopol.2014}, }
Geographic access markets and investments
Information economics and policy, vol. 31, iss. C, pp. 13-21, 2015.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, and S. Hoernig
@Article{BouIEP2015a, author={Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo and Hoernig, Steffen}, title={Geographic access markets and investments}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2015, volume={31}, number={C}, pages={13-21}, month={}, keywords={Geographical access regulation; Wholesale competition; Infrastructure investment}, doi={10.1016/j.infoecopol.2015}, }
Making money by giving it for free: radiohead’s pre-release strategy for in rainbows
Information economics and policy, vol. 32, iss. C, pp. 77-93, 2015.
By M. Bourreau, P. Doğan, and S. Hong
@Article{BouIEP2015b, author={Bourreau, Marc and Doğan, Pınar and Hong, Sounman}, title={Making money by giving it for free: Radiohead’s pre-release strategy for In Rainbows}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2015, volume={32}, number={C}, pages={77-93}, month={}, keywords={Pick-your-own-price; Music industry; Cannibalization; Media attention; Free advertising}, doi={10.1016/j.infoecopol.2015}, }
Co-investment, uncertainty, and opportunism:ex-ante and ex-post remedies
Information economics and policy, vol. 56, iss. C, 2021.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, S. Hoernig, and I. Vogelsang
@Article{BouIEP2021, author={Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo and Hoernig, Steffen and Vogelsang, Ingo}, title={Co-investment, uncertainty, and opportunism:ex-Ante and ex-Post remedies}, journal={Information Economics and Policy}, year=2021, volume={56}, number={C}, pages={}, month={}, keywords={Co-investment; Uncertainty; Opportunism; Options; Risk premia}, doi={10.1016/j.infoecopol.2021}, }
Cooperation in product development and process r&d between competitors
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 176-190, 2010.
By M. Bourreau and P. Dogan
@Article{BouIJIO2010, author={Bourreau, Marc and Dogan, PInar}, title={Cooperation in product development and process R\&D between competitors}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2010, volume={28}, number={2}, pages={176-190}, month={March}, keywords={ Cooperation Product development Process R\&D}, doi={}, }
Access pricing, competition, and incentives to migrate from “old” to “new” technology
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 30, iss. 6, pp. 713-723, 2012.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, and P. Doğan
@Article{BouIJIO2012, author={Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo and Doğan, Pınar}, title={Access pricing, competition, and incentives to migrate from “old” to “new” technology}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2012, volume={30}, number={6}, pages={713-723}, month={}, keywords={Access pricing; Investment; Next generation networks}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2012.0}, }
Size of rjvs with partial cooperation in product development
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 46, iss. C, pp. 77-106, 2016.
By M. Bourreau, P. Doğan, and M. Manant
@Article{BouIJIO2016, author={Bourreau, Marc and Doğan, Pınar and Manant, Matthieu}, title={Size of RJVs with partial cooperation in product development}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2016, volume={46}, number={C}, pages={77-106}, month={}, keywords={R\&D cooperation; RJV; Product development}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2016.0}, }
Cooperative investment, access, and uncertainty
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 56, iss. C, pp. 78-106, 2018.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, and S. Hoernig
@Article{BouIJIO2018, author={Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo and Hoernig, Steffen}, title={Cooperative investment, access, and uncertainty}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2018, volume={56}, number={C}, pages={78-106}, month={}, keywords={Co-investment; Access obligations; Next generation networks; Uncertainty}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2017.1}, }
Unbundling the incumbent and deployment of high-speed internet: evidence from france
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 67, iss. C, 2019.
By M. Bourreau, L. Grzybowski, and M. Hasbi
@Article{BouIJIO2019, author={Bourreau, Marc and Grzybowski, Lukasz and Hasbi, Maude}, title={Unbundling the incumbent and deployment of high-speed internet: Evidence from France}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2019, volume={67}, number={C}, pages={}, month={}, keywords={High-speed broadband; Local loop unbundling; Competition; Market entry}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2019.1}, }
Selling cross-border in online markets: the impact of the ban on geoblocking strategies
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 86, iss. C, 2023.
By M. Bourreau and F. M. Manenti
@Article{BouIJIO2023, author={Bourreau, Marc and Manenti, Fabio M.}, title={Selling cross-border in online markets: The impact of the ban on geoblocking strategies}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year=2023, volume={86}, number={C}, pages={}, month={}, keywords={Cross-border sales; Geoblocking; E-commerce; Investment}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2022.1}, }
Private cards and the bypass of payment systems by merchants
Journal of banking & finance, vol. 34, iss. 8, pp. 1798-1807, 2010.
By M. Bourreau and M. Verdier
@Article{BouJBF2010, author={Bourreau, Marc and Verdier, Marianne}, title={Private cards and the bypass of payment systems by merchants}, journal={Journal of Banking \& Finance}, year=2010, volume={34}, number={8}, pages={1798-1807}, month={August}, keywords={ Payment card systems Interchange fee Two-sided markets Private cards}, doi={}, }
Gains from digitization: evidence from gift-giving in music
Journal of economic behavior & organization, vol. 149, iss. C, pp. 106-122, 2018.
By M. Bourreau and P. Doğan
@Article{BouJEBO2018, author={Bourreau, Marc and Doğan, Pınar}, title={Gains from digitization: Evidence from gift-giving in music}, journal={Journal of Economic Behavior \& Organization}, year=2018, volume={149}, number={C}, pages={106-122}, month={}, keywords={Gift-giving; Deadweight loss; Digitization; Music}, doi={10.1016/j.jebo.2018.03.00}, }
The impact of uncertainty about demand growth on preemption
Journal of economics and business, vol. 56, iss. 5, pp. 363-376, 2004.
By M. Bourreau
@Article{BouJEB2004, author={Bourreau, Marc}, title={The impact of uncertainty about demand growth on preemption}, journal={Journal of Economics and Business}, year=2004, volume={56}, number={5}, pages={363-376}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={}, }
Do-it-yourself or do-it-together: how digital technologies affect creating alone or with others?
Technovation, vol. 112, iss. C, 2022.
By E. Fauchart, M. Bacache-Beauvallet, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouTK2022, author={Fauchart, Emmanuelle and Bacache-Beauvallet, Maya and Bourreau, Marc and Moreau, François}, title={Do-It-Yourself or Do-It-Together: How digital technologies affect creating alone or with others?}, journal={Technovation}, year=2022, volume={112}, number={C}, pages={}, month={}, keywords={Creativity; Digital technology; Collaboration; Music industry; DIY; DIT}, doi={10.1016/j.technovation.20}, }
Regulation and innovation in the telecommunications industry
Telecommunications policy, vol. 25, iss. 3, pp. 167-184, 2001.
By M. Bourreau and P. Dogan
@Article{BouTP2001, author={Bourreau, Marc and Dogan, Pinar}, title={Regulation and innovation in the telecommunications industry}, journal={Telecommunications Policy}, year=2001, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={167-184}, month={April}, keywords={ Innovation Regulation Asymmetry Price caps}, doi={}, }
A critical review of the "ladder of investment" approach
Telecommunications policy, vol. 34, iss. 11, pp. 683-696, 2010.
By M. Bourreau, P. Dogan, and M. Manant
@Article{BouTP2010, author={Bourreau, Marc and Dogan, PInar and Manant, Matthieu}, title={A critical review of the \"ladder of investment\" approach}, journal={Telecommunications Policy}, year=2010, volume={34}, number={11}, pages={683-696}, month={December}, keywords={ Ladder of investment Facility-based competition Telecommunications}, doi={}, }
Ex ante regulation and co-investment in the transition to next generation access
Telecommunications policy, vol. 36, iss. 5, pp. 399-406, 2012.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, and S. Hoernig
@Article{BouTP2012, author={Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo and Hoernig, Steffen}, title={Ex ante regulation and co-investment in the transition to next generation access}, journal={Telecommunications Policy}, year=2012, volume={36}, number={5}, pages={399-406}, month={}, keywords={Next generation access networks; Investment; Access regulation}, doi={10.1016/j.telpol.2011.11.}, }
Fixed-mobile substitution and termination rates
Telecommunications policy, vol. 39, iss. 1, pp. 65-76, 2015.
By S. Hoernig, M. Bourreau, and C. Cambini
@Article{BouTP2015, author={Hoernig, Steffen and Bourreau, Marc and Cambini, Carlo}, title={Fixed-mobile substitution and termination rates}, journal={Telecommunications Policy}, year=2015, volume={39}, number={1}, pages={65-76}, month={}, keywords={Network competition; Fixed-mobile substitution; Termination rates}, doi={10.1016/j.telpol.2014.12.}, }
Assessing fifteen years of state aid for broadband in the european union: a quantitative analysis
Telecommunications policy, vol. 44, iss. 7, 2020.
By M. Bourreau, R. Feasey, and A. Nicolle
@Article{BouTP2020, author={Bourreau, Marc and Feasey, Richard and Nicolle, Ambre}, title={Assessing fifteen years of State Aid for broadband in the European Union: A quantitative analysis}, journal={Telecommunications Policy}, year=2020, volume={44}, number={7}, pages={}, month={}, keywords={State aid; Broadband; Public policy; European Union}, doi={10.1016/j.telpol.2020.101}, }
Piracy and creation: the case of the music industry
European journal of law and economics, vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 245-262, 2015.
By M. Bacache-Beauvallet, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouEJLE2015, author={Maya Bacache-Beauvallet and Marc Bourreau and François Moreau}, title={Piracy and creation: the case of the music industry}, journal={European Journal of Law and Economics}, year=2015, volume={39}, number={2}, pages={245-262}, month={April}, keywords={Copyright; Piracy; Music industry; Artists; K42; L82; O34}, doi={10.1007/s10657-012-9360-1}, }
“selling less of more?” the impact of digitization on record companies
Journal of cultural economics, vol. 37, iss. 3, pp. 327-346, 2013.
By M. Bourreau, M. Gensollen, F. Moreau, and P. Waelbroeck
@Article{BouJCE2013, author={Marc Bourreau and Michel Gensollen and François Moreau and Patrick Waelbroeck}, title={“Selling less of more?” The impact of digitization on record companies}, journal={Journal of Cultural Economics}, year=2013, volume={37}, number={3}, pages={327-346}, month={August}, keywords={Recorded music industry; Digitization; Long tail; Innovation; Z11; O33; L2; D2}, doi={10.1007/s10824-012-9184-4}, }
Why would artists favor free streaming?
Journal of cultural economics, vol. 44, iss. 2, pp. 255-280, 2020.
By R. Aly-Tovar, M. Bacache-Beauvallet, M. Bourreau, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouJCE2020, author={Ramadan Aly-Tovar and Maya Bacache-Beauvallet and Marc Bourreau and Francois Moreau}, title={Why would artists favor free streaming?}, journal={Journal of Cultural Economics}, year=2020, volume={44}, number={2}, pages={255-280}, month={June}, keywords={Streaming; Recorded music industry; Digitization}, doi={10.1007/s10824-019-09358-}, }
Fixed-mobile integration
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 45, iss. 1, pp. 57-74, 2014.
By S. Hoernig, M. Bourreau, and C. Cambini
@Article{BouJREG2014a, author={Steffen Hoernig and Marc Bourreau and Carlo Cambini}, title={Fixed-mobile integration}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2014, volume={45}, number={1}, pages={57-74}, month={February}, keywords={Network competition; On/off-net pricing; Integration; Call externality; L51; L92}, doi={10.1007/s11149-013-9230-y}, }
Access regulation and the transition from copper to fiber networks in telecoms
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 45, iss. 3, pp. 233-258, 2014.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, and P. Doğan
@Article{BouJREG2014b, author={Marc Bourreau and Carlo Cambini and Pınar Doğan}, title={Access regulation and the transition from copper to fiber networks in telecoms}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2014, volume={45}, number={3}, pages={233-258}, month={June}, keywords={Access pricing; Investment; Next generation networks; L96; L51}, doi={10.1007/s11149-014-9245-z}, }
Progressive entry and the incentives to invest in alternative infrastructures
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 45, iss. 3, pp. 329-351, 2014.
By M. Bourreau and J. Drouard
@Article{BouJREG2014c, author={Marc Bourreau and Joeffrey Drouard}, title={Progressive entry and the incentives to invest in alternative infrastructures}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2014, volume={45}, number={3}, pages={329-351}, month={June}, keywords={Entry; Infrastructure investment; Access pricing ; Telecommunications; L51; L96}, doi={10.1007/s11149-014-9248-9}, }
Level of access and infrastructure investment in network industries
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 46, iss. 3, pp. 237-260, 2014.
By M. Bourreau, P. Doğan, and R. Lestage
@Article{BouJREG2014d, author={Marc Bourreau and Pınar Doğan and Romain Lestage}, title={Level of access and infrastructure investment in network industries}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2014, volume={46}, number={3}, pages={237-260}, month={December}, keywords={Level of access; Infrastructure investment; Network industries; L51; L96}, doi={10.1007/s11149-014-9253-z}, }
Net neutrality and asymmetric platform competition
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 55, iss. 2, pp. 140-171, 2019.
By M. Bourreau and R. Lestage
@Article{BouJREG2019, author={Marc Bourreau and Romain Lestage}, title={Net neutrality and asymmetric platform competition}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2019, volume={55}, number={2}, pages={140-171}, month={April}, keywords={Net neutrality; Access regulation; Internet access; Two-sided markets}, doi={10.1007/s11149-019-09380-}, }
Fiber investment and access under uncertainty: long-term contracts, risk premia, and access options
Journal of regulatory economics, vol. 57, iss. 2, pp. 105-117, 2020.
By M. Bourreau, C. Cambini, S. Hoernig, and I. Vogelsang
@Article{BouJREG2020, author={Marc Bourreau and Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig and Ingo Vogelsang}, title={Fiber investment and access under uncertainty: long-term contracts, risk premia, and access options}, journal={Journal of Regulatory Economics}, year=2020, volume={57}, number={2}, pages={105-117}, month={April}, keywords={Next generation networks; Uncertainty; Risk premium; Access options; Long-term contracts}, doi={10.1007/s11149-020-09402-}, }
Dynamic entry and investment in new infrastructures: empirical evidence from the fixed broadband industry
Review of industrial organization, vol. 44, iss. 2, pp. 179-209, 2014.
By M. Bacache, M. Bourreau, and G. Gaudin
@Article{BouRIO2014, author={Maya Bacache and Marc Bourreau and Germain Gaudin}, title={Dynamic Entry and Investment in New Infrastructures: Empirical Evidence from the Fixed Broadband Industry}, journal={Review of Industrial Organization}, year=2014, volume={44}, number={2}, pages={179-209}, month={March}, keywords={Access regulation; Investment; Next generation access networks; Telecommunications}, doi={10.1007/s11151-013-9398-4}, }
Interchange fees and innovation in payment systems
Review of industrial organization, vol. 54, iss. 1, pp. 129-158, 2019.
By M. Bourreau and M. Verdier
@Article{BouRIO2019, author={Marc Bourreau and Marianne Verdier}, title={Interchange Fees and Innovation in Payment Systems}, journal={Review of Industrial Organization}, year=2019, volume={54}, number={1}, pages={129-158}, month={February}, keywords={Cooperation; Innovation; Interchange fees; Payment systems}, doi={10.1007/s11151-018-9648-6}, }
Les économies d’échelle dans l’industrie des médias
Revue d’économie industrielle, vol. 100, iss. 1, pp. 119-136, 2002.
By M. Bourreau, M. Gensollen, and J. Perani
@Article{BouREI2002, author={Marc Bourreau and Michel Gensollen and Jérôme Perani}, title={Les économies d'échelle dans l'industrie des médias}, journal={Revue d'Économie Industrielle}, year=2002, volume={100}, number={1}, pages={119-136}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={10.3406/rei.2002.987}, }
La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en france
Revue d’économie financière, vol. 91, iss. 1, pp. 53-76, 2008.
By D. Bounie, M. Bourreau, A. François, and M. Verdier
@Article{BouREF2008, author={David Bounie and Marc Bourreau and Abel François and Marianne Verdier}, title={La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en France}, journal={Revue d'Économie Financière}, year=2008, volume={91}, number={1}, pages={53-76}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={10.3406/ecofi.2008.5057}, }
La boucle locale radio comme vecteur d’entrée dans les télécommunications
Revue française d’économie, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 111-143, 2001.
By M. Bourreau
@Article{BouRFE2001, author={Marc Bourreau}, title={La boucle locale radio comme vecteur d'entrée dans les télécommunications}, journal={Revue Française d'Économie}, year=2001, volume={15}, number={4}, pages={111-143}, month={}, keywords={}, doi={10.3406/rfeco.2001.1504}, }
E-commerce and the market structure of the recorded music industry
Applied economics letters, vol. 24, iss. 9, pp. 598-601, 2017.
By M. Bourreau, R. Lestage, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouAEL2017, author={Marc Bourreau and Romain Lestage and François Moreau}, title={E-commerce and the market structure of the recorded music industry}, journal={Applied Economics Letters}, year=2017, volume={24}, number={9}, pages={598-601}, month={May}, keywords={}, doi={10.1080/13504851.2016.121}, }
The impact of a radical innovation on business models: incremental adjustments or big bang?
Industry and innovation, vol. 19, iss. 5, pp. 415-435, 2012.
By M. Bourreau, M. Gensollen, and F. Moreau
@Article{BouII2012, author={Marc Bourreau and Michel Gensollen and François Moreau}, title={The Impact of a Radical Innovation on Business Models: Incremental Adjustments or Big Bang?}, journal={Industry and Innovation}, year=2012, volume={19}, number={5}, pages={415-435}, month={July}, keywords={}, doi={10.1080/13662716.2012.711}, url={}, }
Does intergenerational educational mobility vary by sexual identity? A comparative analysis of five OECD countries
European sociological review, , p. jcad062, 2023.
By D. Boertien, F. Perales, and Léa. Pessin
@article{10.1093/esr/jcad062, author={Boertien, Diederik and Perales, Francisco and Pessin, Léa}, title="{Does intergenerational educational mobility vary by sexual identity? A comparative analysis of five OECD countries}", journal={European Sociological Review}, pages={jcad062}, year={2023}, month={10}, issn={0266-7215}, doi={10.1093/esr/jcad062}, url={}, eprint={}, }
Why are inflation forecasts sticky? theory and application to france and germany
International journal of central banking, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 215-249, 2023.
By F. Bec, R. Boucekkine, and C. Jardet
@article{ijcb23q4a6, author={Bec, F. and Boucekkine, R. and Jardet, C.}, title={Why Are Inflation Forecasts Sticky? Theory and Application to France and Germany}, journal={International Journal of Central Banking}, year=2023, volume={19}, number={4}, pages={215-249}, month={October}, url={}, }
Learning about one’s self
Journal of the european economic association, vol. 20, iss. 5, p. 1791–1828, 2022.
By Y. Le Yaouanq and P. Schwardmann
@article{le2022learning, title={Learning about one’s self}, author={Le Yaouanq, Yves and Schwardmann, Peter}, journal={Journal of the European Economic Association}, volume={20}, number={5}, pages={1791--1828}, year={2022}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, url={}, }
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) $\alpha$-meu
Journal of economic theory, vol. 200, p. 105394, 2022.
By M. Frick, R. Iijima, and Y. Le Yaouanq
@article{frick2022objective, title={Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) $\alpha$-MEU}, author={Frick, Mira and Iijima, Ryota and Le Yaouanq, Yves}, journal={Journal of Economic Theory}, volume={200}, pages={105394}, year={2022}, publisher={Elsevier}, url={}, }
Dual-self representations of ambiguity preferences
Econometrica, vol. 90, iss. 3, p. 1029–1061, 2022.
By M. Chandrasekher, M. Frick, R. Iijima, and Y. Le Yaouanq
@article{chandrasekher2022dual, title={Dual-Self Representations of Ambiguity Preferences}, author={Chandrasekher, Madhav and Frick, Mira and Iijima, Ryota and Le Yaouanq, Yves}, journal={Econometrica}, volume={90}, number={3}, pages={1029--1061}, year={2022}, publisher={Wiley Online Library}, url={}, }
Experimentation with self-serving attribution biases
American economic journal: microeconomics, vol. 13, iss. 3, p. 198–237, 2021.
By N. Hestermann and Y. Le Yaouanq
@article{hestermann2021experimentation, title={Experimentation with self-serving attribution biases}, author={Hestermann, Nina and Le Yaouanq, Yves}, journal={American Economic Journal: Microeconomics}, volume={13}, number={3}, pages={198--237}, year={2021}, publisher={American Economic Association 2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203-2425}, url={}, }
An economic model of the meat paradox
European economic review, vol. 129, p. 103569, 2020.
By N. Hestermann, Y. Le Yaouanq, and N. Treich
@article{hestermann2020economic, title={An economic model of the meat paradox}, author={Hestermann, Nina and Le Yaouanq, Yves and Treich, Nicolas}, journal={European Economic Review}, volume={129}, pages={103569}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier}, url={}, }
Behavioural characterizations of naivete for time-inconsistent preferences
The review of economic studies, vol. 86, iss. 6, p. 2319–2355, 2019.
By D. S. Ahn, R. Iijima, Y. Le Yaouanq, and T. Sarver
@article{ahn2019behavioural, title={Behavioural characterizations of naivete for time-inconsistent preferences}, author={Ahn, David S and Iijima, Ryota and Le Yaouanq, Yves and Sarver, Todd}, journal={The Review of Economic Studies}, volume={86}, number={6}, pages={2319--2355}, year={2019}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, url={}, }
How Education Shapes Women’s Work and Family Lives Across Race and Ethnicity
Demography, vol. 60, iss. 4, pp. 1207-1233, 2023.
By Léa. Pessin, S. Damaske, and A. Frech
@article{10.1215/00703370-10878053, author={Pessin, Léa and Damaske, Sarah and Frech, Adrianne}, title="{How Education Shapes Women's Work and Family Lives Across Race and Ethnicity}", journal={Demography}, volume={60}, number={4}, pages={1207-1233}, year={2023}, month={08}, issn={0070-3370}, doi={10.1215/00703370-10878053}, eprint={}, url={}, }
Research ethics in the age of digital platforms
Science and engineering ethics, , iss. 29, 2023.
By {. L. Molina, P. Tubaro, {. A. }. Casilli, and A. {Santos Ortega}
@article{Molina2023, title={Research Ethics in the Age of Digital Platforms}, journal={Science and Engineering Ethics}, year={2023}, doi={10.1007/s11948-023-00437-1}, author={Molina, {José Luis} and Tubaro, Paola and Casilli, {Antonio A.} and {Santos Ortega}, Antonio}, number={29}, url={}, }
By E. Donier-Meroz, A. S. Dalalyan, F. Kramarz, P. Choné, and X. D’Haultfoeuille,
Graphon estimation in bipartite graphs with observable edge labels and unobservable node labels, 2023.@misc{doniermeroz2023graphon, title={Graphon Estimation in bipartite graphs with observable edge labels and unobservable node labels}, author={Etienne Donier-Meroz and Arnak S. Dalalyan and Francis Kramarz and Philippe Choné and Xavier D'Haultfoeuille}, year={2023}, eprint={2304.03590}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.ST}, url={}, }
By E. Vardanyan, A. Minasyan, S. Hunanyan, T. Galstyan, and A. Dalalyan,
Guaranteed optimal generative modeling with maximum deviation from the empirical distribution, 2023.@misc{vardanyan2023guaranteed, title={Guaranteed Optimal Generative Modeling with Maximum Deviation from the Empirical Distribution}, author={Elen Vardanyan and Arshak Minasyan and Sona Hunanyan and Tigran Galstyan and Arnak Dalalyan}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.16422}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.ST}, url={}, }
By L. Yu, A. Karagulyan, and A. Dalalyan,
Langevin monte carlo for strongly log-concave distributions: randomized midpoint revisited, 2023.@misc{yu2023langevin, title={Langevin Monte Carlo for strongly log-concave distributions: Randomized midpoint revisited}, author={Lu Yu and Avetik Karagulyan and Arnak Dalalyan}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.08494}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.ST}, url={}, }
Bounding the error of discretized Langevin algorithms for non-strongly log-concave targets
J. mach. learn. res., vol. 23, p. Paper No. [235], 38, 2022.
By A. S. Dalalyan, A. Karagulyan, and vLionel Riou-Durand
@article {MR4577674, author={Dalalyan, Arnak S. and Karagulyan, Avetik and Riou-Durand, vLionel}, title={Bounding the error of discretized {L}angevin algorithms for non-strongly log-concave targets}, journal={J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, fjournal={Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)}, volume={23}, year={2022}, pages={Paper No. [235], 38}, issn={1532-4435,1533-7928}, mrclass={65C05 (62D05)}, mrnumber={4577674}, url={}, }
All-in-one robust estimator of the Gaussian mean
Ann. statist., vol. 50, iss. 2, p. 1193–1219, 2022.
By A. S. Dalalyan and A. Minasyan
@article {MR4404933, author={Dalalyan, Arnak S. and Minasyan, Arshak}, title={All-in-one robust estimator of the {G}aussian mean}, journal={Ann. Statist.}, fjournal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={50}, year={2022}, number={2}, pages={1193--1219}, issn={0090-5364,2168-8966}, mrclass={62H12 (62F35)}, mrnumber={4404933}, doi={10.1214/21-aos2145}, url={}, }
By N. Schreuder, V. Brune, and A. S. Dalalyan,
“Statistical guarantees for generative models without domination,” in Algorithmic learning theory, Proceedings of machine learning research pmlr, [place of publication not identified], 2021, vol. 132, p. 21.@incollection {MR4227353, author={Schreuder, Nicolas and Brune, Victor-Emmanuel and Dalalyan, Arnak S.}, title={Statistical guarantees for generative models without domination}, booktitle={Algorithmic learning theory}, series={Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. (PMLR)}, volume={132}, pages={21}, publisher={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research PMLR, [place of publication not identified]}, year={2021}, url={}, }
Matching map recovery with an unknown number of outliers
Proceedings of machine learning research, vol. 206, p. 891 – 906, 2023.
By A. Minasyan, T. Galstyan, S. Hunanyan, and A. Dalalyan
@conference{Minasyan2023891, author={Minasyan, Arshak and Galstyan, Tigran and Hunanyan, Sona and Dalalyan, Arnak}, title={Matching Map Recovery with an Unknown Number of Outliers}, year={2023}, journal={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, volume={206}, pages={891 – 906}, type={Conference paper}, publication_stage={Final}, source={Scopus}, note={Cited by: 0}, url={}, }
Risk bounds for aggregated shallow neural networks using gaussian priors
Proceedings of machine learning research, vol. 178, p. 227 – 253, 2022.
By L. Tinsi and A. Dalalyan
@conference{Tinsi2022227, author={Tinsi, Laura and Dalalyan, Arnak}, title={Risk bounds for aggregated shallow neural networks using Gaussian priors}, year={2022}, journal={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, volume={178}, pages={227 – 253}, url={}, }
Penalized langevin dynamics with vanishing penalty for smooth and log-concave targets
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 2020-December, 2020.
By A. Karagulyan and A. S. Dalalyan
@conference{Karagulyan2020, author={Karagulyan, Avetik and Dalalyan, Arnak S.}, title={Penalized Langevin dynamics with vanishing penalty for smooth and log-concave targets}, year={2020}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, volume={2020-December}, type={Conference paper}, url={}, }
Fingerprinting bitcoin entities using money flow representation learning
Applied network science, vol. 8, iss. 1, p. 63, 2023.
By N. Tovanich and R. Cazabet
@article{tovanich:hal-04208864, title={Fingerprinting Bitcoin entities using money flow representation learning}, author={Tovanich, Natkamon and Cazabet, R{\'e}my}, url={}, journal={Applied Network Science}, publisher={Springer}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={63}, year={2023}, month=Sep, doi={10.1007/s41109-023-00591-2}, keywords={Bitcoin ; Money flow ; Taint analysis ; Graph embedding}, hal_id={hal-04208864}, hal_version=={v1}, url={}, }
Gender and sex bias in covid-19 epidemiological data through the lens of causality
Information processing & management, vol. 60, iss. 3, p. 103276, 2023.
By N. Diaz-Rodriguez, R. Binkytė, W. Bakkali, S. Bookseller, P. Tubaro, A. Bacevicius, S. Zhioua, and R. Chatila
@article{DIAZRODRIGUEZ2023103276, title={Gender and sex bias in COVID-19 epidemiological data through the lens of causality}, journal={Information Processing & Management}, volume={60}, number={3}, pages={103276}, year={2023}, issn={0306-4573}, doi={}, url={}, author={Diaz-Rodriguez, Natalia and Binkytė, Ruta and Bakkali, Wafae and Bookseller, Sannidhi and Tubaro, Paola and Bacevicius, Andrius and Zhioua, Sami and Chatila, Raja}, keywords={Explainability, Causality, Causal fairness, COVID-19, Sex, Gender, Equality, Artificial intelligence, Healthcare}, }
Mixed causal–noncausal autoregressions: bimodality issues in estimation and unit root testing1
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, vol. 82, iss. 6, pp. 1413-1428, 2020.
By F. Bec, H. B. Nielsen, and S. Saïdi
@article{, author={Bec, Frédérique and Nielsen, Heino Bohn and Saïdi, Sarra}, title={Mixed Causal–Noncausal Autoregressions: Bimodality Issues in Estimation and Unit Root Testing1}, journal={Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, volume={82}, number={6}, pages={1413-1428}, year={2020}, url={}, }
Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments
Journal of econometrics, vol. 234, iss. 2, p. 664–690, 2023.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille, S. Hoderlein, and Y. Sasaki
@article{d2022nonparametric, title={Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments}, author={D’Haultfoeuille, Xavier and Hoderlein, Stefan and Sasaki, Yuya}, journal={Journal of Econometrics}, year={2023}, volume={234}, number={2}, pages={664--690}, publisher={Elsevier}, doi={}, }
Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments
Journal of econometrics, vol. 234, iss. 2, p. 664–690, 2023.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille, S. Hoderlein, and Y. Sasaki
@article{d2022nonparametric, title={Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments}, author={D’Haultfoeuille, Xavier and Hoderlein, Stefan and Sasaki, Yuya}, journal={Journal of Econometrics}, year={2023}, volume={234}, number={2}, pages={664--690}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Mixed causal–noncausal autoregressions: bimodality issues in estimation and unit root testing
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, vol. 82, iss. 6, pp. 1413-1428, 2020.
By F. Bec, H. B. Nielsen, and S. Saïdi
@article{, author={Bec, Frédérique and Nielsen, Heino Bohn and Saïdi, Sarra}, title={Mixed Causal–Noncausal Autoregressions: Bimodality Issues in Estimation and Unit Root Testing}, journal={Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, volume={82}, number={6}, pages={1413-1428}, doi={}, url={}, year={2020}, }
Les cycles économiques de la france : une datation de référence
Revue économique, vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 5-52, 2023.
By A. Aviat, F. Bec, C. Diebolt, C. Doz, D. Ferrand, L. Ferrara, and P. Pionnier
@article{, author={Aviat, A. and Bec, F. and Diebolt, C. and Doz, C. and Ferrand, D. and Ferrara, L. and Pionnier, P.}, title={Les cycles économiques de la France : une datation de référence}, journal={Revue économique}, volume={74}, number={2}, pages={5-52}, doi={}, url={}, year={2023}, }
Is inflation driven by survey-based, var-based or myopic expectations? an empirical assessment from us real-time data
The north american journal of economics and finance, vol. 51, iss. C, p. 101050, 2020.
By F. Bec and P. Kanda
@Article{, author={Bec, F. and Kanda, P.}, title={Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations? An empirical assessment from US real-time data}, journal={The North American Journal of Economics and Finance}, year=2020, volume={51}, number={C}, pages={101050}, doi={10.1016/j.najef.2019.1010}, url={}, }
Les cycles économiques de la france : une datation de référence
Revue économique, vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 5-52, 2023.
By A. Aviat, F. Bec, C. Diebolt, C. Doz, D. Ferrand, L. Ferrara, and P. Pionnier
@article{, author={Aviat, A. and Bec, F. and Diebolt, C. and Doz, C. and Ferrand, D. and Ferrara, L. and Pionnier, P.}, title={Les cycles économiques de la France : une datation de référence}, journal={Revue économique}, volume={74}, number={2}, pages={5-52}, doi={}, url={}, year={2023}, }
An asymmetrical overshooting correction model for g20 nominal effective exchange rates
Economics bulletin, vol. 40, iss. 3, pp. 1937-1947, 2020.
By F. Bec and M. B. Salem
@Article{RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-19-00912, author={Frederique Bec and Melika Ben Salem}, title={An asymmetrical overshooting correction model for G20 nominal effective exchange rates}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year=2020, volume={40}, number={3}, pages={1937-1947}, url={}, }
Vector equilibrium correction models with non-linear discontinuous adjustments
The econometrics journal, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 628-651, 2004.
By F. Bec and A. Rahbek
@article{, author={Bec, Frédérique and Rahbek, Anders}, title={Vector equilibrium correction models with non-linear discontinuous adjustments}, journal={The Econometrics Journal}, volume={7}, number={2}, pages={628-651}, doi={}, url={}, year={2004}, }
The transmission of aggregate supply and aggregate demand shocks in japan: has there been a structural change?
Studies in nonlinear dynamics & econometrics, vol. 11, iss. 4, 2007.
By F. Bec and A. Bastien
@article{, title={The Transmission of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Shocks in Japan: Has There Been a Structural Change?}, author={Frédérique Bec and Alexia Bastien}, volume={11}, number={4}, journal={Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics}, doi={doi:10.2202/1558-3708.1342}, year={2007}, url={}, }
Federal funds rate stationarity: new evidence
Economics bulletin, vol. 29, iss. 2, pp. 867-872, 2009.
By F. Bec and C. Bassil
@Article{RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-08c10015, author={Frédérique Bec and Charbel Bassil}, title={Federal Funds Rate Stationarity: New Evidence}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year=2009, volume={29}, number={2}, pages={867-872}, url={}, }
Detecting mean reversion in real exchange rates from a multiple regime star model
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 99/100, pp. 395-427, 2010.
By F. Bec, M. B. Salem, and M. Carrasco
@article{10.2307/41219172, author={Frédérique Bec and Mélika Ben Salem and Marine Carrasco}, journal={Annals of Economics and Statistics}, number={99/100}, pages={395-427}, publisher={GENES, ADRES}, title={Detecting Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates from a Multiple Regime STAR Model}, url={}, year={2010}, }
Comparing the shape of recoveries: france, the uk and the us
Economic modelling, vol. 44, pp. 327-334, 2015.
By F. Bec, O. Bouabdallah, and L. Ferrara
@article{, title={Comparing the shape of recoveries: France, the UK and the US}, journal={Economic Modelling}, volume={44}, pages={327-334}, year={2015}, doi={}, url={}, author={Frédérique Bec and Othman Bouabdallah and Laurent Ferrara}, }
Exponential control of the trajectories of iterated function systems with application to semi-strong garch (p, q) models
Journal of applied probability, , pp. 1-15, 2023.
By B. Kandji
@article{, author={Kandji, B.}, title={Exponential control of the trajectories of iterated function systems with application to semi-strong GARCH (P, Q) models}, journal={Journal of Applied Probability}, pages={1-15}, year={2023}, url={}, }
Inference on garch-midas models without any small-order moment
Econometric theory, , pp. 1-34, 2023.
By K. B. Francq C. and J. Zakoian
@article{, author={Francq, C., Kandji, B., & Zakoian, J.}, title={INFERENCE ON GARCH-MIDAS MODELS WITHOUT ANY SMALL-ORDER MOMENT}, journal={Econometric Theory}, pages={1-34}, year={2023}, url={}, }
By A. Akhavan, E. Chzhen, M. Pontil, and A. B. Tsybakov,
Gradient-free optimization of highly smooth functions: improved analysis and a new algorithm, 2023.@misc{akhavan2023gradientfree, title={Gradient-free optimization of highly smooth functions: improved analysis and a new algorithm}, author={Arya Akhavan and Evgenii Chzhen and Massimiliano Pontil and Alexandre B. Tsybakov}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.02159}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.ST}, url={}, }
Mixed causal–noncausal autoregressions: bimodality issues in estimation and unit root testing
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, vol. 82, iss. 6, pp. 1413-1428, 2020.
By F. Bec, H. B. Nielsen, and S. Saïdi
@article{, author={Bec, Frédérique and Nielsen, Heino Bohn and Saïdi, Sarra}, title={Mixed Causal–Noncausal Autoregressions: Bimodality Issues in Estimation and Unit Root Testing}, journal={Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics}, volume={82}, number={6}, pages={1413-1428}, doi={}, url={}, year={2020}, }
Les cycles économiques de la france : une datation de référence
Revue économique, vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 5-52, 2023.
By A. Aviat, F. Bec, C. Diebolt, C. Doz, D. Ferrand, L. Ferrara, and P. Pionnier
@article{, author={Aviat, A. and Bec, F. and Diebolt, C. and Doz, C. and Ferrand, D. and Ferrara, L. and Pionnier, P.}, title={Les cycles économiques de la France : une datation de référence}, journal={Revue économique}, volume={74}, number={2}, pages={5-52}, doi={}, url={}, year={2023}, }
Is inflation driven by survey-based, var-based or myopic expectations? an empirical assessment from us real-time data
The north american journal of economics and finance, vol. 51, iss. C, p. 101050, 2020.
By F. Bec and P. Kanda
@article{, author={Bec, F. and Kanda, P.}, title={Is inflation driven by survey-based, VAR-based or myopic expectations? An empirical assessment from US real-time data}, journal={The North American Journal of Economics and Finance}, year=2020, volume={51}, number={C}, pages={101050}, doi={10.1016/j.najef.2019.1010}, url={}, }
An asymmetrical overshooting correction model for g20 nominal effective exchange rates
Economics bulletin, vol. 40, iss. 3, pp. 1937-1947, 2020.
By F. Bec and M. B. Salem
@article{RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-19-00912, author={Frederique Bec and Melika Ben Salem}, title={An asymmetrical overshooting correction model for G20 nominal effective exchange rates}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year=2020, volume={40}, number={3}, pages={1937-1947}, url={}, }
Vector equilibrium correction models with non-linear discontinuous adjustments
The econometrics journal, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 628-651, 2004.
By F. Bec and A. Rahbek
@article{, author={Bec, Frédérique and Rahbek, Anders}, title={Vector equilibrium correction models with non-linear discontinuous adjustments}, journal={The Econometrics Journal}, volume={7}, number={2}, pages={628-651}, doi={}, url={}, year={2004}, }
The transmission of aggregate supply and aggregate demand shocks in japan: has there been a structural change?
Studies in nonlinear dynamics & econometrics, vol. 11, iss. 4, 2007.
By F. Bec and A. Bastien
@article{, title={The Transmission of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Shocks in Japan: Has There Been a Structural Change?}, author={Frédérique Bec and Alexia Bastien}, volume={11}, number={4}, journal={Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics}, doi={doi:10.2202/1558-3708.1342}, year={2007}, url={}, }
Federal funds rate stationarity: new evidence
Economics bulletin, vol. 29, iss. 2, pp. 867-872, 2009.
By F. Bec and C. Bassil
@article{RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-08c10015, author={Frédérique Bec and Charbel Bassil}, title={Federal Funds Rate Stationarity: New Evidence}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year=2009, volume={29}, number={2}, pages={867-872}, url={}, }
Detecting mean reversion in real exchange rates from a multiple regime star model
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 99/100, pp. 395-427, 2010.
By F. Bec, M. B. Salem, and M. Carrasco
@article{10.2307/41219172, author={Frédérique Bec and Mélika Ben Salem and Marine Carrasco}, journal={Annals of Economics and Statistics}, number={99/100}, pages={395-427}, publisher={GENES, ADRES}, title={Detecting Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates from a Multiple Regime STAR Model}, url={}, year={2010}, }
Comparing the shape of recoveries: france, the uk and the us
Economic modelling, vol. 44, pp. 327-334, 2015.
By F. Bec, O. Bouabdallah, and L. Ferrara
@article{, title={Comparing the shape of recoveries: France, the UK and the US}, journal={Economic Modelling}, volume={44}, pages={327-334}, year={2015}, doi={}, url={}, author={Frédérique Bec and Othman Bouabdallah and Laurent Ferrara}, }
Variable selection, monotone likelihood ratio and group sparsity
Annals of statistics, vol. v. 51, iss. n. 1, p. 312–333, 2023.
By M. N. T. E. . . M. . . A. B. Butucea C.
@article{, title={Variable selection, monotone likelihood ratio and group sparsity}, author={Butucea, C., Mammen, E., Ndaoud, M., Tsybakov, A.B.}, journal={Annals of Statistics}, volume={v. 51}, number={n. 1}, pages={312--333}, year={2023}, doi={}, url={}, }
An alternative to synthetic control for models with many covariates under sparsity
Foundations of modern statistics, festschrift in honor of vladimir spokoiny, , 2023.
By D. L. T. X. . . J. . . A. B. Bléhaut M.
@article{, title={An alternative to synthetic control for models with many covariates under sparsity}, author={Bléhaut, M., D’Haultfœuille, X., L’Hour, J., Tsybakov, A.B.}, journal={Foundations of Modern Statistics, Festschrift in Honor of Vladimir Spokoiny}, year={2023}, doi={}, url={}, }
Gender and sex bias in covid-19 epidemiological data through the lens of causality
Information processing & management, vol. 60, iss. 3, p. 103276, 2023.
By N. Díaz-Rodríguez, R. R. Binkytė, W. Bakkali, S. Bookseller, P. Tubaro, A. Bacevičius, S. Zhioua, and R. Chatila
@article{DIAZRODRIGUEZ2023103276, title={Gender and sex bias in COVID-19 epidemiological data through the lens of causality}, journal={Information Processing & Management}, volume={60}, number={3}, pages={103276}, year={2023}, issn={0306-4573}, doi={}, url={}, author={Díaz-Rodríguez, Natalia and Binkytė,Rūta Rūta and Bakkali, Wafae and Bookseller, Sannidhi and Tubaro, Paola and Bacevičius, Andrius and Zhioua, Sami and Chatila, Raja}, keywords={Explainability, Causality, Causal fairness, COVID-19, Sex, Gender, Equality, Artificial intelligence, Healthcare}, }
By J. Chhor, S. Sigalla, and A. B. Tsybakov,
Benign overfitting and adaptive nonparametric regressionArxiv, 2022.@misc{, doi={10.48550/ARXIV.2206.13347}, url={}, author={Chhor, Julien and Sigalla, Suzanne and Tsybakov, Alexandre B.}, keywords={Statistics Theory (math.ST), Machine Learning (cs.LG), Machine Learning (stat.ML), FOS: Mathematics, FOS: Mathematics, FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences}, title={Benign overfitting and adaptive nonparametric regression}, publisher={arXiv}, year={2022}, copyright={ perpetual, non-exclusive license}, }
Adaptive robust estimation in sparse vector model
The annals of statistics, vol. 49, iss. 3, p. 1347–1377, 2021.
By L. Comminges, O. Collier, M. Ndaoud, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{comminges2021adaptive, title={Adaptive robust estimation in sparse vector model}, author={Comminges, Laetitia and Collier, Olivier and Ndaoud, Mohamed and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={49}, number={3}, pages={1347--1377}, year={2021}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, issn={0090-5364}, doi={10.1214/20-AOS2002}, sici={0090-5364(2021)49:3<1347:AREISV>2.0.CO;2-H}, url={}, }
By C. Butucea, E. Mammen, M. Ndaoud, and A. B. Tsybakov,
Variable selection, monotone likelihood ratio and group sparsity, 2021.@misc{butucea2021variable, title={Variable selection, monotone likelihood ratio and group sparsity}, author={Cristina Butucea and Enno Mammen and Mohamed Ndaoud and Alexandre B. Tsybakov}, year={2021}, eprint={2112.15042}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.ST}, }
By O. Klopp, M. Panov, S. Sigalla, and A. B. Tsybakov,
Assigning topics to documents by successive projections, 2021.@unpublished{klopp:hal-03281066, title={Assigning Topics to Documents by Successive Projections}, author={Klopp, Olga and Panov, Maxim and Sigalla, Suzanne and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, note={working paper or preprint}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, keywords={Topic model; Latent variable model; Nonnegative matrix factorization; Adaptive estimation; latent variable model; nonnegative matrix factorization; adaptive estimation}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03281066}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
Introduction to nonparametric estimation
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By A. B. Tsybakov
@book{tsybakov2008introduction, title={Introduction to nonparametric estimation}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, year={2008}, publisher={Springer}, }
By A. Samarov and A. Tsybakov,
“Aggregation of density estimators and dimension reduction,” in Advances in statistical modeling and inference: essays in honor of kjell a doksum, World scientific, 2007, p. 233–251.@incollection{samarov2007aggregation, title={Aggregation of density estimators and dimension reduction}, author={Samarov, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, booktitle={Advances In Statistical Modeling And Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell A Doksum}, pages={233--251}, year={2007}, publisher={World Scientific}, }
Statistical inference for structured high-dimensional models
Oberwolfach reports, vol. 15, iss. 1, p. 591–630, 2019.
By A. Juditsky, A. B. Tsybakov, and C. Zhang
@article{juditsky2019statistical, title={Statistical Inference for Structured High-dimensional Models}, author={Juditsky, Anatoli and Tsybakov, Alexandre B and Zhang, Cun-Hui}, journal={Oberwolfach Reports}, volume={15}, number={1}, pages={591--630}, year={2019}, }
Recursive aggregation of estimators by mirror descent algorithm with averaging
Problems of information transmission, vol. 41} number={4, p. 368–384, 2005.
By A. B. Yuditskii, A. V. Nazin, A. B. Tsybakov, and N. Vayatis
@article{yuditskii2005recursive, title={Recursive aggregation of estimators by mirror descent algorithm with averaging}, author={Yuditskii, A. B. and Nazin, A. V. and Tsybakov, A. B. and Vayatis, N.}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={41} number={4}, pages={368--384}, year={2005}, }
An inifity-regularization approach to high-dimensional errors-in-variables models
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 10, iss. 2, p. 1729–1750, 2016.
By A. Belloni, M. Rosenbaum, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{belloni2016ell_, title={An inifity-regularization approach to high-dimensional errors-in-variables models}, author={Belloni, Alexandre and Rosenbaum, Mathieu and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Electronic journal of statistics}, volume={10}, number={2}, pages={1729--1750}, year={2016}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Bernoulli Society}, }
By P. Bellec, G. Lecue, and A. Tsybakov,
“Towards the study of least squares estimators with convex penalty,” in Actes du 1er congres national de la smf, tours, 2016, Soc. math. france, paris, 2017, vol. 31, p. 109–136.@incollection {MR3837652, author={Bellec, Pierre and Lecue, Guillaume and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, title={Towards the study of least squares estimators with convex penalty}, booktitle={Actes du 1er Congres National de la SMF, Tours, 2016}, series={Semin. Congr.}, volume={31}, pages={109--136}, publisher={Soc. Math. France, Paris}, year={2017}, mrclass={62J05 (62-02 62J07)}, mrnumber={3837652}, }
Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers
The annals of statistics, vol. 35, iss. 2, p. 608–633, 2007.
By J. Audibert and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{audibert2007fast, title={Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers}, author={Audibert, Jean-Yves and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of statistics}, volume={35}, number={2}, pages={608--633}, year={2007}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Does data interpolation contradict statistical optimality?
, p. 1611–1619, 2019.
By M. Belkin, A. Rakhlin, and A. B. Tsybakov
@inproceedings{belkin2019does, title={Does data interpolation contradict statistical optimality?}, author={Belkin, Mikhail and Rakhlin, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, booktitle={The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, pages={1611--1619}, year={2019}, organization={PMLR}, }
Sharp oracle bounds for monotone and convex regression through aggregation.
J. mach. learn. res., vol. 16, p. 1879–1892, 2015.
By P. C. Bellec and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{bellec2015sharp, title={Sharp oracle bounds for monotone and convex regression through aggregation.}, author={Bellec, Pierre C and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, volume={16}, pages={1879--1892}, year={2015}, }
Bounds on the prediction error of penalized least squares estimators with convex penalty
, p. 315–333, 2017.
By P. Bellec and A. Tsybakov
@inproceedings{bellec2017bounds, title={Bounds on the prediction error of penalized least squares estimators with convex penalty}, author={Bellec, Pierre and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, booktitle={International Conference on Modern Problems of Stochastic Analysis and Statistics}, pages={315--333}, year={2017}, organization={Springer}, }
Slope meets lasso: improved oracle bounds and optimality
The annals of statistics, vol. 46, iss. 6B, p. 3603–3642, 2018.
By P. C. Bellec, G. Lecue, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{bellec2018slope, title={Slope meets lasso: improved oracle bounds and optimality}, author={Bellec, Pierre C and Lecue, Guillaume and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={46}, number={6B}, pages={3603--3642}, year={2018}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
Aggregation and sparsity via l1 penalized least squares
, p. 379–391, 2006.
By F. Bunea, A. B. Tsybakov, and M. H. Wegkamp
@inproceedings{bunea2006aggregation, title={Aggregation and sparsity via l1 penalized least squares}, author={Bunea, Florentina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B and Wegkamp, Marten H}, booktitle={International Conference on Computational Learning Theory}, pages={379--391}, year={2006}, organization={Springer}, }
Aggregation for gaussian regression
The annals of statistics, vol. 35, iss. 4, p. 1674–1697, 2007.
By F. Bunea, A. B. Tsybakov, and M. H. Wegkamp
@article{bunea2007aggregation, title={Aggregation for Gaussian regression}, author={Bunea, Florentina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B and Wegkamp, Marten H}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={35}, number={4}, pages={1674--1697}, year={2007}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Sparsity oracle inequalities for the lasso
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 1, p. 169–194, 2007.
By F. Bunea, A. Tsybakov, and M. Wegkamp
@article{bunea2007sparsity, title={Sparsity oracle inequalities for the Lasso}, author={Bunea, Florentina and Tsybakov, Alexandre and Wegkamp, Marten}, journal={Electronic Journal of Statistics}, volume={1}, pages={169--194}, year={2007}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Bernoulli Society}, }
Sparse density estimation with l1 penalties
, p. 530–543, 2007.
By F. Bunea, A. B. Tsybakov, and M. H. Wegkamp
@inproceedings{bunea2007sparse, title={Sparse density estimation with l1 penalties}, author={Bunea, Florentina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B and Wegkamp, Marten H}, booktitle={International Conference on Computational Learning Theory}, pages={530--543}, year={2007}, organization={Springer}, }
Spades and mixture models
The annals of statistics, vol. 38, iss. 4, p. 2525–2558, 2010.
By F. Bunea, A. B. Tsybakov, M. H. Wegkamp, and A. Barbu
@article{bunea2010spades, title={Spades and mixture models}, author={Bunea, Florentina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B and Wegkamp, Marten H and Barbu, Adrian}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={38}, number={4}, pages={2525--2558}, year={2010}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Sharp optimality in density deconvolution with dominating bias. ii
Theory of probability & its applications, vol. 52, iss. 2, pp. 237-249, 2008.
By C. Butucea and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{butucea2008sharp, title={Sharp optimality in density deconvolution with dominating bias. II}, author={Butucea, Cristina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Theory of Probability & Its Applications}, volume={52}, number={2}, pages={237-249}, year={2008}, publisher={SIAM}, }
Sharp optimality in density deconvolution with dominating bias. i
Theory of probability & its applications, vol. 52, iss. 1, p. 24–39, 2008.
By C. Butucea and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{butucea2008sharp, title={Sharp optimality in density deconvolution with dominating bias. I}, author={Butucea, Cristina and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Theory of Probability & Its Applications}, volume={52}, number={1}, pages={24--39}, year={2008}, publisher={SIAM}, }
Estimation of the l_2-norm and testing in sparse linear regression with unknown variance
Bernoulli, vol. 28, iss. 4, p. 2744–2787, 2022.
By A. Carpentier, O. Collier, L. Comminges, A. B. Tsybakov, and Y. Wang
@article{MR4474561, author={Carpentier, Alexandra and Collier, Olivier and Comminges, Laetitia and Tsybakov, Alexandre B. and Wang, Yuhao}, title={Estimation of the l_2-norm and testing in sparse linear regression with unknown variance}, JOURNAL={Bernoulli}, volume={28}, year={2022}, NUMBER={4}, pages={2744--2787}, }
Sharp adaptation for inverse problems with random noise
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 123, iss. 3, p. 323–354, 2002.
By L. Cavalier and A. Tsybakov
@article{cavalier2002sharp, title={Sharp adaptation for inverse problems with random noise}, author={Cavalier, Laurent and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Probability Theory and Related Fields}, volume={123}, number={3}, pages={323--354}, year={2002}, publisher={Springer}, }
Oracle inequalities for inverse problems
The annals of statistics, vol. 30, iss. 3, p. 843–874, 2002.
By L. Cavalier, G. Golubev, D. Picard, and A. Tsybakov
@article{cavalier2002oracle, title={Oracle inequalities for inverse problems}, author={Cavalier, Laurent and Golubev, GK and Picard, Dominique and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={30}, number={3}, pages={843--874}, year={2002}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Block thresholding and sharp adaptive estimation in severely ill-posed inverse problems
Theory of probability & its applications, vol. 48, iss. 3, p. 426–446, 2004.
By L. Cavalier, Y. Golubev, O. Lepski, and A. Tsybakov
@article{cavalier2004block, title={Block thresholding and sharp adaptive estimation in severely ill-posed inverse problems}, author={Cavalier, Laurent and Golubev, Yu and Lepski, O and Tsybakov, Alexander}, journal={Theory of Probability & Its Applications}, volume={48}, number={3}, pages={426--446}, year={2004}, publisher={SIAM}, }
Penalized maximum likelihood and semiparametric second-order efficiency
The annals of statistics, vol. 34, iss. 1, p. 169–201, 2006.
By A. Dalalyan, G. Golubev, and A. Tsybakov
@article{dalalyan2006penalized, title={Penalized maximum likelihood and semiparametric second-order efficiency}, author={Dalalyan, AS and Golubev, GK and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={34}, number={1}, pages={169--201}, year={2006}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Aggregation by exponential weighting and sharp oracle inequalities
, p. 97–111, 2007.
By A. S. Dalalyan and A. B. Tsybakov
@inproceedings{dalalyan2007aggregation, title={Aggregation by exponential weighting and sharp oracle inequalities}, author={Dalalyan, Arnak S and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, booktitle={International Conference on Computational Learning Theory}, pages={97--111}, year={2007}, organization={Springer}, }
Nonparametric recursive estimation in nonlinear arx models
Problems of information transmission, vol. 29, iss. 4, p. 318–327, 1993.
By P. Doukhan and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{dukan1993nonparametric, title={Nonparametric Recursive Estimation in Nonlinear ARX Models}, author={Doukhan, P and Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={29}, number={4}, pages={318--327}, year={1993}, }
Testing hypotheses about contours in images
Journal of nonparametric statistics, vol. 14, iss. 1-2, p. 67–85, 2002.
By G. Gayraud and A. Tsybakov
@article{gayraud2002testing, title={Testing hypotheses about contours in images}, author={Gayraud, G and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={Journal of Nonparametric Statistics}, volume={14}, number={1-2}, pages={67--85}, year={2002}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, }
Discussion: latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization
The annals of statistics, vol. 40, iss. 4, p. 1984–1988, 2012.
By C. Giraud and A. Tsybakov
@article{giraud2012discussion, title={Discussion: Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization}, author={Giraud, Christophe and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={40}, number={4}, pages={1984--1988}, year={2012}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
Adaptive prediction and estimation in linear regression with infinitely many parameters
The annals of statistics, vol. 29, iss. 6, p. 1601–1619, 2001.
By A. Goldenshluger and A. Tsybakov
@article{goldenshluger2001adaptive, title={Adaptive prediction and estimation in linear regression with infinitely many parameters}, author={Goldenshluger, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={29}, number={6}, pages={1601--1619}, year={2001}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Optimal prediction for linear regression with infinitely many parameters
Journal of multivariate analysis, vol. 84, iss. 1, p. 40–60, 2003.
By A. Goldenshluger and A. Tsybakov
@article{goldenshluger2003optimal, title={Optimal prediction for linear regression with infinitely many parameters}, author={Goldenshluger, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, volume={84}, number={1}, pages={40--60}, year={2003}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Estimating the endpoint of a distribution in the presence of additive observation errors
Statistics & probability letters, vol. 68, iss. 1, p. 39–49, 2004.
By A. Goldenshluger and A. Tsybakov
@article{goldenshluger2004estimating, title={Estimating the endpoint of a distribution in the presence of additive observation errors}, author={Goldenshluger, A and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Statistics & probability letters}, volume={68}, number={1}, pages={39--49}, year={2004}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Optimal change-point estimation from indirect observations
The annals of statistics, vol. 34, iss. 1, p. 350–372, 2006.
By A. Goldenshluger, A. Tsybakov, and A. Zeevi
@article{goldenshluger2006optimal, title={Optimal change-point estimation from indirect observations}, author={Goldenshluger, A and Tsybakov, A and Zeevi, A}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={34}, number={1}, pages={350--372}, year={2006}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 1. minimax complexity
vol. 44, iss. 5, p. 787–818, 2008.
By A. Goldenshluger, A. Juditsky, A. Tsybakov, and A. Zeevi
@inproceedings{goldenshluger2008change, title={Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 1. Minimax complexity}, author={Goldenshluger, Alexander and Juditsky, Anatoli and Tsybakov, AB and Zeevi, Assaf}, booktitle={Annales de l'IHP Probabilites et statistiques}, volume={44}, number={5}, pages={787--818}, year={2008}, }
Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 2. adaptation
vol. 44, iss. 5, p. 819–836, 2008.
By A. Goldenshluger, A. Juditsky, A. Tsybakov, and A. Zeevi
@inproceedings{goldenshluger2008change, title={Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 2. Adaptation}, author={Goldenshluger, Alexander and Juditsky, Anatoli and Tsybakov, Alexandre and Zeevi, Assaf}, booktitle={Annales de l'IHP Probabilites et statistiques}, volume={44}, number={5}, pages={819--836}, year={2008}, }
Asymptotically efficient estimation of analytic functions in gaussian noise
Bernoulli, , p. 167–181, 1996.
By Y. K. Golubev, B. Y. Levit, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{golubev1996asymptotically, title={Asymptotically efficient estimation of analytic functions in Gaussian noise}, author={Golubev, Yuri K and Levit, Boris Y and Tsybakov, Alexander B}, journal={Bernoulli}, pages={167--181}, year={1996}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
Exact asymptotic minimax constants for the estimation of analytical functions in lp
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 112, iss. 1, p. 33–51, 1998.
By E. Guerre and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{guerre1998exact, title={Exact asymptotic minimax constants for the estimation of analytical functions in Lp}, author={Guerre, Emmanuel and Tsybakov, Alexander B}, journal={Probability theory and related fields}, volume={112}, number={1}, pages={33--51}, year={1998}, publisher={Springer}, }
Estimation of non-sharp support boundaries
Journal of multivariate analysis, vol. 55, iss. 2, p. 205–218, 1995.
By W. Hardle, B. Park, and A. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1995estimation, title={Estimation of non-sharp support boundaries}, author={Hardle, W and Park, BU and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, volume={55}, number={2}, pages={205--218}, year={1995}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction: comment
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 86, iss. 414, p. 333–335, 1991.
By W. Hardle and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1991sliced, title={Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction: Comment}, author={Hardle, W and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Journal of the American Statistical Association}, volume={86}, number={414}, pages={333--335}, year={1991}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
Bandwidth choice for average derivative estimation
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 87, iss. 417, p. 218–226, 1992.
By W. Hardle, J. Hart, J. S. Marron, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1992bandwidth, title={Bandwidth choice for average derivative estimation}, author={Hardle, Wolfgang and Hart, Jeffrey and Marron, James Stephen and Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Journal of the American Statistical Association}, volume={87}, number={417}, pages={218--226}, year={1992}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, }
How sensitive are average derivatives?
Journal of econometrics, vol. 58, iss. 1-2, p. 31–48, 1993.
By W. Hardle and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1993sensitive, title={How sensitive are average derivatives?}, author={Hardle, Wolfgang and Tsybakov, Alexander B}, journal={Journal of Econometrics}, volume={58}, number={1-2}, pages={31--48}, year={1993}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Additive nonparametric regression on principal components
Journaltitle of nonparametric statistics, vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 157–184, 1995.
By W. Hardle and A. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1995additive, title={Additive nonparametric regression on principal components}, author={Hardle, Wolfgang and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={Journaltitle of Nonparametric Statistics}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={157--184}, year={1995}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, }
Local polynomial estimators of the volatility function in nonparametric autoregression
Journal of econometrics, vol. 81, iss. 1, p. 223–242, 1997.
By W. Hardle and A. Tsybakov
@article{hardle1997local, title={Local polynomial estimators of the volatility function in nonparametric autoregression}, author={Hardle, Wolfgang and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Journal of econometrics}, volume={81}, number={1}, pages={223--242}, year={1997}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Nonparametric vector autoregression
Journal of statistical planning and inference, vol. 68, iss. 2, p. 221–245, 1998.
By W. Hardle, A. Tsybakov, and L. Yang
@article{hardle1998nonparametric, title={Nonparametric vector autoregression}, author={Hardle, Wolfgang and Tsybakov, Alexandre and Yang, Lijian}, journal={Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, volume={68}, number={2}, pages={221--245}, year={1998}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Generalization error bounds for aggregation by mirror descent with averaging
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 18, 2005.
By A. Juditsky, A. Nazin, A. Tsybakov, and N. Vayatis
@article{juditsky2005generalization, title={Generalization error bounds for aggregation by mirror descent with averaging}, author={Juditsky, Anatoli and Nazin, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre and Vayatis, Nicolas}, journal={Advances in neural information processing systems}, volume={18}, year={2005}, }
Gap-free bounds for stochastic multi-armed bandit
Ifac proceedings volumes, vol. 41, iss. 2, p. 11560–11563, 2008.
By A. Juditsky, A. V. Nazin, A. Tsybakov, and N. Vayatis
@article{juditsky2008gap, title={Gap-free bounds for stochastic multi-armed bandit}, author={Juditsky, Anatoli and Nazin, Alexander V and Tsybakov, AB and Vayatis, Nicolas}, journal={IFAC Proceedings Volumes}, volume={41}, number={2}, pages={11560--11563}, year={2008}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Nonparametric estimation of composite functions
The annals of statistics, vol. 37, iss. 3, p. 1360–1404, 2009.
By A. B. Juditsky, O. V. Lepski, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{juditsky2009nonparametric, title={Nonparametric estimation of composite functions}, author={Juditsky, Anatoli B and Lepski, Oleg V and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={37}, number={3}, pages={1360--1404}, year={2009}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Sharp adaptive estimation of linear functionals
The annals of statistics, vol. 29, iss. 6, p. 1567–1600, 2001.
By J. Klemela and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{klemela2001sharp, title={Sharp adaptive estimation of linear functionals}, author={Klemela, Jussi and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={29}, number={6}, pages={1567--1600}, year={2001}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Exact constants for pointwise adaptive estimation under the riesz transform
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 129, iss. 3, p. 441–467, 2004.
By J. Klemela and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{klemela2004exact, title={Exact constants for pointwise adaptive estimation under the Riesz transform}, author={Klemela, Jussi and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Probability theory and related fields}, volume={129}, number={3}, pages={441--467}, year={2004}, publisher={Springer}, }
Optimal rates of convergence of estimates in the stochastic problem of computerized tomography
Problemy peredachi informatsii, vol. 27, iss. 1, p. 92–103, 1991.
By A. P. Korostelev and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{korostelev1991optimal, title={Optimal Rates of Convergence of Estimates in the Stochastic Problem of Computerized Tomography}, author={Korostelev, Alexander P and Tsybakov, Aleksandr Borisovich}, journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, volume={27}, number={1}, pages={92--103}, year={1991}, publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and~…}, }
Optimal convergence rates of estimates in probabilistic statement of tomography problem
Problemy peredachi informatsii, vol. 27, iss. 1, pp. 92-103, 1991.
By A. P. Korostelev and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{Korostelev199192, author={Korostelev, A.P. and Tsybakov, A.B.}, title={Optimal convergence rates of estimates in probabilistic statement of tomography problem}, journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, year={1991}, volume={27}, number={1}, pages={92-103}, publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and~…}, }
Estimation of the density support and its functionals
Problemy peredachi informatsii, vol. 29, iss. 1, p. 3–18, 1993.
By A. P. Korostelev and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{korostelev1993estimation, title={Estimation of the density support and its functionals}, author={Korostelev, Alexander P and Tsybakov, Aleksandr Borisovich}, journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, volume={29}, number={1}, pages={3--18}, year={1993}, publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and~…}, }
Asymptotic efficiency in estimation of a convex set
Problemy peredachi informatsii, vol. 30, iss. 4, p. 33–44, 1994.
By A. P. Korostelev and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{korostelev1994asymptotic, title={Asymptotic efficiency in estimation of a convex set}, author={Korostelev, Alexander P and Tsybakov, Aleksandr Borisovich}, journal={Problemy Peredachi Informatsii}, volume={30}, number={4}, pages={33--44}, year={1994}, publisher={Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Informatics, Computer Equipment and~…}, }
Asymptotically exact nonparametric hypothesis testing in sup-norm and at a fixed point
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 117, iss. 1, p. 17–48, 2000.
By O. V. Lepski and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{lepski2000asymptotically, title={Asymptotically exact nonparametric hypothesis testing in sup-norm and at a fixed point}, author={Lepski, Oleg V and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Probability Theory and Related Fields}, volume={117}, number={1}, pages={17--48}, year={2000}, publisher={Springer}, }
Smooth discrimination analysis
The annals of statistics, vol. 27, iss. 6, p. 1808–1829, 1999.
By E. Mammen and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{mammen1999smooth, title={Smooth discrimination analysis}, author={Mammen, Enno and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={27}, number={6}, pages={1808--1829}, year={1999}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Visual error criteria for qualitative smoothing
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 90, iss. 430, p. 499–507, 1995.
By J. S. Marron and A. Tsybakov
@article{marron1995visual, title={Visual error criteria for qualitative smoothing}, author={Marron, James Stephen and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={Journal of the American Statistical Association}, volume={90}, number={430}, pages={499--507}, year={1995}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, }
Optimal and robust kernel algorithms for passive stochastic approximation
Ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 38, iss. 5, p. 1577–1583, 1992.
By A. V. Nazin, B. T. Polyak, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{nazin1992optimal, title={Optimal and robust kernel algorithms for passive stochastic approximation}, author={Nazin, Alexander V and Polyak, Boris T and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={IEEE transactions on information theory}, volume={38}, number={5}, pages={1577--1583}, year={1992}, publisher={IEEE}, }
Signal processing by the nonparametric maximum-likelihood method
Problems, vol. 20, iss. 3, p. 177–192, 1984.
By A. S. Nemirovski, B. T. Polyak, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{nemirovski1984signal, title={Signal processing by the nonparametric maximum-likelihood method}, author={Nemirovski, A S and Polyak, B T and Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems}, volume={20}, number={3}, pages={177--192}, year={1984}, }
Rate of convergence of nonparametric estimates of maximum-likelihood type
Problems of information transmission, vol. 21, iss. 4, p. 258–272, 1985.
By A. Nemirovskij, B. Polyak, and A. Tsybakov
@article{nemirovskij1985rate, title={Rate of convergence of nonparametric estimates of maximum-likelihood type}, author={Nemirovskij, AS and Polyak, Boris and Tsybakov, AB}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={21}, number={4}, pages={258--272}, year={1985}, }
Optimal order of accuracy of search algorithms in stochastic optimization
Problems of information transmission, vol. 26, iss. 2, p. 126–133, 1990.
By B. T. Polyak and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{polyak1990optimal, title={Optimal order of accuracy of search algorithms in stochastic optimization}, author={Polyak, B T and Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={26}, number={2}, pages={126--133}, year={1990}, }
Linear and convex aggregation of density estimators
Mathematical methods of statistics, vol. 16, iss. 3, p. 260–280, 2007.
By P. Rigollet and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{rigollet2007linear, title={Linear and convex aggregation of density estimators}, author={Rigollet, Ph and Tsybakov, Alexander B}, journal={Mathematical Methods of Statistics}, volume={16}, number={3}, pages={260--280}, year={2007}, }
Exponential screening and optimal rates of sparse estimation
The annals of statistics, vol. 39, iss. 2, p. 731–771, 2011.
By P. Rigollet and A. Tsybakov
@article{rigollet2011exponential, title={Exponential screening and optimal rates of sparse estimation}, author={Rigollet, Philippe and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={39}, number={2}, pages={731--771}, year={2011}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Nonparametric independent component analysis
Bernoulli, vol. 10, iss. 4, p. 565–582, 2004.
By A. Samarov and A. Tsybakov
@article{samarov2004nonparametric, title={Nonparametric independent component analysis}, author={Samarov, Alexander and Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Bernoulli}, volume={10}, number={4}, pages={565--582}, year={2004}, publisher={Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability}, }
Nonparametric recursive variance estimation
Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics, vol. 27, iss. 1-2, p. 55–63, 1995.
By U. Stadtmüller and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{stadtmuller1995nonparametric, title={Nonparametric recursive variance estimation}, author={Stadtm{\"u}ller, U and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics}, volume={27}, number={1-2}, pages={55--63}, year={1995}, publisher={Taylor & Francis}, }
Discussion of” influential features pca for high dimensional clustering”
The annals of statistics, vol. 44, iss. 6, p. 2382–2386, 2016.
By N. A. Stepanova and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{stepanova2016discussion, title={Discussion of" influential features PCA for high dimensional clustering"}, author={Stepanova, Natalia A and Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={44}, number={6}, pages={2382--2386}, year={2016}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
Error bounds for the method of minimization of empirical risk
Problems of information transmission, vol. 17, iss. 1, p. 33–42, 1981.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1981error, title={Error bounds for the method of minimization of empirical risk}, author={Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={17}, number={1}, pages={33--42}, year={1981}, }
Robust estimates of a function
Problems of information transmission, vol. 18, iss. 3, p. 190–201, 1982.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1982robust, title={Robust estimates of a function}, author={Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={18}, number={3}, pages={190--201}, year={1982}, }
Nonparametric signal estimation when there is incomplete information on the noise distribution
Problems of information transmission, vol. 18, iss. 2, p. 116–130, 1982.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1982nonparametric, title={Nonparametric signal estimation when there is incomplete information on the noise distribution}, author={Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={18}, number={2}, pages={116--130}, year={1982}, }
Robust reconstruction of functions by the local-approximation method
Problems of information transmission, vol. 22, iss. 2, p. 133–146, 1986.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1986robust, title={Robust reconstruction of functions by the local-approximation method}, author={Tsybakov, A B}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={22}, number={2}, pages={133--146}, year={1986}, }
Transmission accuracy of a continuous signal with binary quantization
Problems of information transmission, vol. 23, iss. 1, p. 56–65, 1987.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1987transmission, title={Transmission Accuracy of a Continuous Signal with Binary Quantization}, author={Tsybakov, A. B.}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={23}, number={1}, pages={56--65}, year={1987}, }
Locally-polynomial algorithms of passive stochastic approximation
Problems of control and information theory, vol. 19, iss. 3, p. 181–195, 1990.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1990locally, author={Tsybakov, A.B.}, title={Locally-polynomial algorithms of passive stochastic approximation}, journal={Problems of control and information theory}, year={1990}, volume={19}, number={3}, pages={181--195}, publisher={PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON~…}, }
Recursive estimation of the mode of a multivariate distribution
Problems of information transmission, vol. 26, iss. 1, p. 31–37, 1990.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1990recursive, title={Recursive estimation of the mode of a multivariate distribution}, author={Tsybakov, A. B.}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={26}, number={1}, pages={31--37}, year={1990}, }
Optimal estimation accuracy of nonsmooth images
Problems of information transmission, vol. 25, iss. 3, p. 180–191, 1989.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1989optimal, title={Optimal estimation accuracy of nonsmooth images}, author={Tsybakov, A. B.}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={180--191}, year={1989}, }
Root-n consistent estimators of entropy for densities with unbounded support
Scandinavian journal of statistics, , p. 75–83, 1996.
By A. B. Tsybakov and E. C. van der Meulen
@article{tsybakov1996root, title={Root-n consistent estimators of entropy for densities with unbounded support}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre B and van der Meulen, Edward C}, journal={Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, pages={75--83}, year={1996}, publisher={JSTOR}, }
On nonparametric estimation of density level sets
The annals of statistics, vol. 25, iss. 3, p. 948–969, 1997.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1997nonparametric, title={On nonparametric estimation of density level sets}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={948--969}, year={1997}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Asymptotically efficient signal estimation in l2 under the general loss functions
Problems of information transmission, vol. 33, iss. 1, pp. 78-88, 1997.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{Tsybakov199794, author={Tsybakov, A.B.}, title={Asymptotically efficient signal estimation in L2 under the general loss functions}, journal={Problems of Information Transmission}, year={1997}, volume={33}, number={1}, pages={78-88}, }
Pointwise and sup-norm sharp adaptive estimation of functions on the sobolev classes
The annals of statistics, vol. 26, iss. 6, p. 2420–2469, 1998.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov1998pointwise, title={Pointwise and sup-norm sharp adaptive estimation of functions on the Sobolev classes}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={26}, number={6}, pages={2420--2469}, year={1998}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
On the best rate of adaptive estimation in some inverse problems
Comptes rendus de l’academie des sciences-series i-mathematics, vol. 330, iss. 9, p. 835–840, 2000.
By A. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov2000best, title={On the best rate of adaptive estimation in some inverse problems}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre}, journal={Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics}, volume={330}, number={9}, pages={835--840}, year={2000}, publisher={Elsevier}, }
Optimal rates of aggregation
Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (subseries of lecture notes in computer science), vol. 2777, pp. 303-313, 2003.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@CONFERENCE{Tsybakov2003303, author={Tsybakov, A.B.}, title={Optimal rates of aggregation}, journal={Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)}, year={2003}, volume={2777}, pages={303-313}, doi={10.1007/978-3-540-45167-9_23}, note={cited By 93}, url={}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={Scopus}, }
Optimal aggregation of classifiers in statistical learning
The annals of statistics, vol. 32, iss. 1, p. 135–166, 2004.
By A. B. Tsybakov
@article{tsybakov2004optimal, title={Optimal aggregation of classifiers in statistical learning}, author={Tsybakov, Alexander B}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={32}, number={1}, pages={135--166}, year={2004}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Square root penalty: adaptation to the margin in classification and in edge estimation
The annals of statistics, vol. 33, iss. 3, p. 1203–1224, 2005.
By A. B. Tsybakov and S. A. van de Geer
@article{tsybakov2005square, title={Square root penalty: adaptation to the margin in classification and in edge estimation}, author={Tsybakov, Alexandre B and van de Geer, Sara A}, journal={The Annals of Statistics}, volume={33}, number={3}, pages={1203--1224}, year={2005}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Financial incentives and competitive pressure: the case of the hospital industry
Journal of the european economic association, vol. 20, iss. 2, p. 626–666, 2022.
By P. Chone and L. Wilner
@article{chone2022financial, title={Financial Incentives and Competitive Pressure: The Case of the Hospital Industry}, author={Chone, Philippe and Wilner, Lionel}, journal={Journal of the European Economic Association}, volume={20}, number={2}, pages={626--666}, year={2022}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, url={}, }
The persistence of unhappiness: trapped into despair?
Oxford economic papers, vol. 74, iss. 3, p. 746–772, 2022.
By L. Wilner and others
@article{wilner2022persistence, title={The persistence of unhappiness: trapped into despair?}, author={Wilner, Lionel and others}, journal={Oxford Economic Papers}, volume={74}, number={3}, pages={746--772}, year={2022}, publisher={Oxford Academic}, url={}, }
Citizens’ attitude towards subnational borders: evidence from the merger of french regions
Journal of economic geography, , 2022.
By L. Wilner
@article{wilner2022citizens, title={Citizens’ attitude towards subnational borders: evidence from the merger of French regions}, author={Wilner, Lionel}, journal={Journal of Economic Geography}, year={2022}, url={}, }
How online advertising targets consumers: the uses of categories and algorithmic tools by audience planners
New media & society, .
By T. Beauvisage, J. Beuscart, S. Coavoux, and K. Mellet
@article{doi:10.1177/14614448221146174, author={Thomas Beauvisage and Jean-Samuel Beuscart and Samuel Coavoux and Kevin Mellet}, title={How online advertising targets consumers: The uses of categories and algorithmic tools by audience planners}, journal={New Media \& Society}, volume={0}, number={0}, pages={}, year={0}, doi={10.1177/14614448221146174}, url={}, eprint={}, }
By A. Akhavan, D. Gogolashvili, and A. B. Tsybakov,
Estimating the minimizer and the minimum value of a regression function under passive designArxiv, 2022.@misc{, doi={10.48550/ARXIV.2211.16457}, url={}, author={Akhavan, Arya and Gogolashvili, Davit and Tsybakov, Alexandre B.}, keywords={Statistics Theory (math.ST), Machine Learning (stat.ML), FOS: Mathematics, FOS: Mathematics, FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences, 62G05, 90C25}, title={Estimating the minimizer and the minimum value of a regression function under passive design}, publisher={arXiv}, year={2022}, copyright={ perpetual, non-exclusive license}, }
Learners in the loop: hidden human skills in machine intelligence
Sociologia del lavoro, vol. 163, pp. 110-129, 2022.
By P. Tubaro
@article{tubaro:hal-03787017, title={Learners in the loop: hidden human skills in machine intelligence}, author={Tubaro, Paola}, url={}, journal={Sociologia del Lavoro}, publisher={Franco Angeli}, volume={163}, pages={110-129}, year={2022}, doi={10.3280/SL2022-163006}, keywords={misrecognition; Spanish-speaking countries; Digital labour platforms; artificial intelligence; skills; learning}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03787017}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
Who bears the burden of a pandemic? covid-19 and the transfer of risk to digital platform workers
American behavioral scientist, , 2022.
By P. Tubaro and A. A. Casilli
@article{tubaro:hal-03369291, title={Who bears the burden of a pandemic? COVID-19 and the transfer of risk to digital platform workers}, author={Tubaro, Paola and Casilli, Antonio A}, url={}, journal={American Behavioral Scientist}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, year={2022}, month={Jan}, doi={10.1177/00027642211066027}, keywords={Platforms; digital labor; risk; work-from-home; COVID-19}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03369291}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
Hidden inequalities: the gendered labour of women on micro-tasking platforms
Internet policy review, vol. 11, iss. 1, 2022.
By P. Tubaro, M. Coville, C. Le Ludec, and A. A. Casilli
@article{tubaro:hal-03551747, title={Hidden inequalities: the gendered labour of women on micro-tasking platforms}, author={Tubaro, Paola and Coville, Marion and Le Ludec, Cl{\'e}ment and Casilli, Antonio A}, url={}, journal={Internet Policy Review}, publisher={Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society}, series={The gender of the platform economy}, volume={11}, number={1}, year={2022}, doi={10.14763/2022.1.1623}, keywords={Digital platform labour; micro-work; gender inequalities; women's work; social capital}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03551747}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
By P. Tubaro,
“Social networks and resilience in emerging labor markets,” in A research agenda for social networks and social resilience, E. Lazega, T. A. B. Snijders, and R. Wittek, Eds., Edward elgar, 2022, pp. 45-57.@incollection{tubaro:hal-03850444, title={Social networks and resilience in emerging labor markets}, author={Tubaro, Paola}, url={}, booktitle={A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience}, editor={E. Lazega and T.A.B. Snijders and R. Wittek}, publisher={Edward Elgar}, pages={45-57}, year={2022}, month=Nov, keywords={Labor markets; digital platforms; decent work; economic networks; formal/informal networks; multi-level networks}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03850444}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
By P. Tubaro and A. A. Casilli,
“Human listeners and virtual assistants: privacy and labor arbitrage in the production of smart technologies,” in Digital work in the planetary market, F. F. Mark Graham, Ed., The mit press, 2022.@incollection{tubaro:hal-03688430, title={Human Listeners and Virtual Assistants: Privacy and Labor Arbitrage in the Production of Smart Technologies}, author={Tubaro, Paola and Casilli, Antonio A}, url={}, booktitle={Digital Work in the Planetary Market}, editor={Mark Graham, Fabian Ferrari}, publisher={The MIT Press}, year={2022}, doi={10.7551/mitpress/13835.003.0014}, pdf={}, hal_id={hal-03688430}, hal_version={v1}, url={}, }
By J. Ganault and A. Pailhe,
“Work life balance through the life course,” in Research handbook on work-life balance: emerging issues and methodological challenges, S. Bertolini and B. Poggio, Eds., Northampton: Edward elgar publishing, 2022.@incollection{bertolini_worklife_2022, title={Work Life Balance through the Life Course}, booktitle={Research Handbook on Work-Life Balance: Emerging Issues and Methodological Challenges}, author={Ganault, Jeanne and Pailhe, Ariane}, editor={Bertolini, Sonia and Poggio, Barbara}, year={2022}, publisher={Edward Elgar Publishing}, address={Northampton}, isbn={978-1-78897-604-6}, url={}, }
Autonomie temporelle dans le travail salarié et articulation des temps sociaux: qui peut organiser son temps quotidien?
Sociologie, vol. 13, iss. 4/2022, 2022.
By J. Ganault
@article{ganault_autonomie_2022, title={Autonomie temporelle dans le travail salarié et articulation des temps sociaux: Qui peut organiser son temps quotidien?}, author={Ganault, Jeanne}, year={2022}, journal={Sociologie}, volume={13}, number={4/2022}, url={}, }
Economic crisis and corporate governance: how can board independence and expertise maximize the firm value?
Theoretical economics letters, vol. 12, p. 1227–1258, 2022.
By P. Crifo and G. Roudaut
@article{crifo roudaut_2022, title={Economic crisis and corporate governance: how can board independence and expertise maximize the firm value?}, author={Crifo, P. and Roudaut, G.}, year={2022}, volume={12}, pages={1227–1258}, language={en}, doi={}, journal={Theoretical Economics Letters}, url={}, }
L’investissement socialement responsable: succès ou dilution ?
Revue francaise de gestion, vol. 300, iss. 21, p. 51–60, 2022.
By P. Crifo, M. N., and M. B.
@article{p2022a, author={Crifo, P. and N., Mottis and B., M.’Zali}, year={2022}, title={L’investissement socialement responsable: succès ou dilution ?}, volume={300}, pages={51–60}, language={fr}, journal={Revue Francaise de Gestion}, number={21}, }
La finance durable, nouvel enjeu de la compétition économique mondiale
Politique étrangère, vol. 3, p. 79–92, 2021.
By G. Cravero and P. Crifo
@article{cravero2021a, title={La finance durable, nouvel enjeu de la compétition économique mondiale}, author={Cravero, G. and Crifo, P.}, year={2021}, journal={Politique étrangère}, volume={3}, pages={79–92}, language={fr}, doi={ 10.3917/pe.213.0079}, url={}, }
Le rôle des labels dans la finance verte : construction et régulation d’un marché des labels en france
Revue d’economie financière, vol. 138, iss. 2020-2, p. 209–223, 2020.
By P. Crifo, R. Durand R., and J. -P. Gond
@article{p2020a, author={Crifo, P. and R., Durand R., and Gond, J.-P.}, year={2020}, title={Le rôle des labels dans la finance verte : construction et régulation d’un marché des labels en France}, volume={138}, pages={209–223}, language={fr}, journal={Revue d’Economie Financière}, number={2020-2}, }
Finance climat
Revue d’economie financière, vol. 138, iss. 2020-2, p. 11–18, 2020.
By J. Boissinot, C. Casamatta, and P. Crifo
@article{boissinot2020a, author={Boissinot, J. and Casamatta, C. and Crifo, P.}, year={2020}, title={Finance Climat}, volume={138}, pages={11–18}, language={fr}, journal={Revue d’Economie Financière}, number={2020-2}, }
Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance: the role of executive compensation programs
Industrial relations, vol. 59, iss. 2, p. 240–274, 2020.
By S. Cavaco, P. Crifo, and A. Guidoux
@article{s2020a, author={Cavaco, S. and Crifo, P. and Guidoux, A.}, year={2020}, title={Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance: The role of executive compensation programs}, volume={59}, pages={240–274}, language={en}, journal={Industrial Relations}, number={2}, }
Environmental, social and governance (esg) performance and sovereign bond spreads: an empirical analysis of oecd countries
Journal of banking and finance, vol. 98, p. 156–169, 2019.
By G. Capelle-Blancard, P. Crifo, M. Diaye, R. Oueghlissi, and B. Scholtens
@article{g2019a, author={Capelle-Blancard, G. and Crifo, P. and Diaye, MA. and Oueghlissi, R. and Scholtens, B.}, year={2019}, title={Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and sovereign bond spreads: an empirical analysis of OECD countries}, volume={98}, pages={156–169}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Banking and Finance}, }
Financial markets and the transition to a low-carbon economy: challenging the dominant logics
Organization & environment, vol. 32, iss. 1, p. 3–17, 2019.
By T. Louche C.and Busch, P. Crifo, and A. Markus
@article{c2019a, author={Louche, C.and Busch, T. and Crifo, P. and Markus, A.}, year={2019}, title={Financial Markets and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: Challenging the Dominant Logics}, volume={32}, pages={3–17}, language={en}, journal={Organization & Environment}, number={1}, }
Csr needs cpr: corporate sustainability and politics
California management review, vol. 60, iss. 4, p. 5–24, 2018.
By T. Lyon, M. Delmas, J. Maxwell, T. Bansal, M. Chiroleu-Assouline, P. Crifo, D. R, J. P. Gond, A. King, M. Lenox, M. Toeffel, D. Vogel, and F. Wijen
@article{lyon2018a, author={Lyon, T. and Delmas, M. and Maxwell, J. and Bansal, T. and Chiroleu-Assouline, M. and Crifo, P. and R, Durand and Gond, J.P. and King, A. and Lenox, M. and Toeffel, M. and Vogel, D. and Wijen, F.}, year={2018}, title={CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics}, volume={60}, pages={5–24}, language={en}, journal={California Management Review}, number={4}, }
Corporate governance as a key driver of corporate sustainability in france: the role of board members and investor relations
Journal of business ethics, , 2018.
By P. Crifo, E. Escrig-Olmedo, and N. Mottis
@article{p2018a, author={Crifo, P. and Escrig-Olmedo, E. and Mottis, N.}, year={2018}, title={Corporate Governance as a Key Driver of Corporate Sustainability in France: The Role of Board Members and Investor Relations}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Business Ethics}, }
Le gouvernement d’entreprise: nouveaux enjeux
Revue d’economie financière, vol. 130, p. 9–18, 2018.
By P. Crifo and A. Rebérioux
@article{p2018b, author={Crifo, P. and Rebérioux, A.}, year={2018}, title={Le gouvernement d'entreprise: nouveaux enjeux}, volume={130}, pages={9–18}, language={fr}, journal={Revue d'Economie Financière}, }
By P. Crifo, M. Diaye, and R. Oueghlissi,
Measuring the effect of government esg performance on sovereign borrowing cost.quarterly review of economics and finance, 2017.@misc{p2017a, author={Crifo, P. and Diaye, MA. and Oueghlissi, R.}, year={2017}, title={Measuring the effect of government ESG performance on sovereign borrowing cost.Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance}, volume={66}, pages={13–20}, language={en}, }
Independent directors: less informed but better selectcavaco, s. and crifo, p. and réberioux, a. and roudaut, g.ed than affiliated board members?
Journal of corporate finance, vol. 43, p. 106–121, 2017.
By S. Cavaco, P. Crifo, A. Réberioux, and G. Roudaut
@article{s2017a, author={Cavaco, S. and Crifo, P. and Réberioux, A. and Roudaut, G.}, year={2017}, title={Independent directors: less informed but better selectCavaco, S. and Crifo, P. and Réberioux, A. and Roudaut, G.ed than affiliated board members?}, volume={43}, pages={106–121}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Corporate Finance}, }
Socially responsible investment in france
Business & society, vol. 55, iss. 4, p. 576–593, 2016.
By N. Crifo P.and Mottis
@article{p2016a, author={Crifo, P.and Mottis, N.}, year={2016}, title={Socially Responsible Investment in France}, volume={55}, pages={576–593}, language={en}, journal={Business & Society}, number={4}, }
Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: a typology of oecd countries
Journal of governance and regulation, vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 14–27, 2016.
By P. Crifo and A. Rebérioux
@article{p2016b, author={Crifo, P. and Rebérioux, A.}, year={2016}, title={Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A typology of OECD countries}, volume={5}, pages={14–27}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Governance and Regulation}, number={2}, }
Csr related management practices and firm performance: an empirical analysis of the quantity-quality trade-off on french data
International journal of production economics, vol. 171, iss. 3, p. 405–416, 2016.
By P. Crifo, M. Diaye, and S. Pekovic
@article{p2016c, author={Crifo, P. and Diaye, MA. and Pekovic, S.}, year={2016}, title={CSR related management practices and Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis of the Quantity-Quality Trade-off on French Data}, volume={171}, pages={405–416}, language={en}, journal={International Journal of Production Economics}, number={3}, }
The price of environmental, social and governance practices disclosure: an experiment with professional private equity investors
Journal of corporate finance, vol. 30, p. 168–194, 2015.
By P. Crifo, V. Forget, and S. Teyssier
@article{p2015a, author={Crifo, P. and Forget, V. and Teyssier, S.}, year={2015}, title={The Price of Environmental, Social and Governance Practices Disclosure: An experiment with professional private equity investors}, volume={30}, pages={168–194}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Corporate Finance}, }
The economics of corporate social responsibility: a firm level perspective survey
Journal of economic surveys, vol. 29, iss. 1, p. 112–130, 2015.
By P. Crifo and V. Forget
@article{p2015b, author={Crifo, P. and Forget, V.}, year={2015}, title={The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Firm Level Perspective Survey}, volume={29}, pages={112–130}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Economic Surveys}, number={1}, }
Gouvernance et responsabilité sociétale des entreprises:nouvelle frontière de la finance durable ?
Revue d’economie financière, vol. 117, p. 205–223, 2015.
By P. Crifo and A. Rebérioux
@article{p2015c, author={Crifo,P. and Rebérioux, A.}, year={2015}, title={Gouvernance et responsabilité sociétale des entreprises:nouvelle frontière de la finance durable ?}, volume={117}, pages={205–223}, language={fr}, journal={Revue d'Economie Financière}, }
Csr and financial performance: complementarity between environmental, social and business behaviours
Applied economics, vol. 46, iss. 27, p. 3323–3338, 2014.
By S. Cavaco and P. Crifo
@article{s2014a, author={Cavaco, S. and Crifo, P.}, year={2014}, title={CSR and Financial Performance: Complementarity between Environmental, Social and Business Behaviours}, volume={46}, pages={3323–3338}, language={en}, journal={Applied Economics}, number={27}, }
La responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises: moteur de la transition énergétique?
Revue d’economie industrielle, vol. 148, p. 349–381, 2014.
By P. Crifo and V. Forget
@article{p2014a, author={Crifo, P. and Forget, V.}, year={2014}, title={La responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises: moteur de la transition énergétique?}, volume={148}, pages={349–381}, language={fr}, journal={Revue d'Economie Industrielle}, }
The economics of corporate environmental responsibility
International review of environmental and resource economics, vol. 7, p. 1–19, 2014.
By P. Crifo and B. Sinclair-Desgagné
@article{p2014b, author={Crifo, P. and Sinclair-Desgagné, B.}, year={2014}, title={The economics of corporate environmental responsibility}, volume={7}, pages={1–19}, language={en}, journal={International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics}, }
L’investissement socialement responsable à la recherchede nouveaux élans ?
Revue française de gestion, vol. 236, p. 69–77, 2013.
By P. Crifo and N. Mottis
@article{p2013a, author={Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2013}, title={L’Investissement socialement responsable à la recherchede nouveaux élans ?}, volume={236}, pages={69–77}, language={fr}, journal={Revue Française de Gestion}, }
Think global, invest responsible: why the private equity industry goes green
Journal of business ethics, vol. 116, iss. 1, p. 21–48, 2012.
By P. Crifo and V. Forget
@article{p2012a, author={Crifo, P. and Forget, V.}, year={2012}, title={Think global, invest responsible: why the private equity industry goes green}, volume={116}, pages={21–48}, language={en}, journal={Journal of Business Ethics}, number={1}, }
Le rôle des inégalités dans la crise
Economie publique, vol. 26, iss. 27, p. 51–67, 2011.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo2011a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2011}, title={Le rôle des inégalités dans la crise}, volume={26}, pages={51–67}, language={fr}, journal={Economie Publique}, number={27}, }
The composition of compensation policy : from cash to fringe benefits
Annales d’economie et statistiques, vol. 101-102, p. 307–326, 2011.
By P. Crifo and M. Diaye
@article{p2011a, author={Crifo, P. and Diaye, MA.}, year={2011}, title={The Composition of Compensation Policy : From Cash to Fringe Benefits}, volume={101-102}, pages={307–326}, language={fr}, journal={Annales d'Economie et Statistiques}, }
L’isr en france: opportunité de “niche ou placement” mainstream
Gérer et comprendre, vol. 104, p. 14–25, 2011.
By P. Crifo and N. Mottis
@article{p2011b, author={Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2011}, title={L'ISR en France: opportunité de "niche ou placement" mainstream}, volume={104}, pages={14–25}, language={fr}, journal={Gérer et Comprendre}, }
La responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises est-elle soluble dans la maximisation du profit ?
Sociétal, vol. 66, p. 96–106, 2009.
By P. Crifo and J. Ponssard
@article{p2009a, author={Crifo, P. and Ponssard, JP.}, year={2009}, title={La Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale des entreprises est-elle soluble dans la maximisation du profit ?}, volume={66}, pages={96–106}, language={fr}, journal={Sociétal}, }
Human capital accumulation and the transition from specialization to multi-tasking
Macroeconomic dynamics, vol. 12, p. 320–344, 2008.
By R. Boucekkine and P. Crifo
@article{r2008a, author={Boucekkine, R. and Crifo, P.}, year={2008}, title={Human Capital Accumulation and the Transition from Specialization to Multi-tasking}, volume={12}, pages={320–344}, language={en}, journal={Macroeconomic Dynamics}, }
Entrepreneurship, technological change and endogenous returns to ability
Economic modelling, vol. 25, iss. 4, p. 585–604, 2008.
By P. Crifo and H. Sami
@article{p2008a, author={Crifo, P. and Sami, H.}, year={2008}, title={Entrepreneurship, technological change and endogenous returns to ability}, volume={25}, pages={585–604}, language={nl}, journal={Economic Modelling}, number={4}, }
Skill supply response and biased technical change
Labour economics, vol. 15, p. 818–830, 2008.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo2008a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2008}, title={Skill Supply Response and Biased Technical Change}, volume={15}, pages={818–830}, language={en}, journal={Labour Economics}, }
L’augmentation des inégalités est-elle le prix à payer pour l’innovation et la croissance?
Revue française d’economie, vol. 19, iss. 3, p. 117–157, 2005.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo2005a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2005}, title={L’augmentation des inégalités est-elle le prix à payer pour l’innovation et la croissance?}, volume={19}, pages={117–157}, language={fr}, journal={Revue Française d’Economie}, number={3}, }
Why will technical change not be permanently skill-biased ?
Review of economic dynamics, vol. 7, iss. 1, p. 157–180, 2004.
By CrifoP. and E. Lehmann
@article{p2004a, author={CrifoP. and Lehmann, E.}, year={2004}, title={Why Will Technical Change Not Be Permanently Skill-Biased ?}, volume={7}, pages={157–180}, language={en}, journal={Review of Economic Dynamics}, number={1}, }
Pourquoi les entreprises évaluent-elles leurs salariés?
Economie et prévision, vol. 3, iss. 4), p. 27–55, 2004.
By P. Crifo, M. Diaye, and N. Greenan
@article{p2004b, author={Crifo, P. and Diaye, MA. and Greenan, N.}, year={2004}, title={Pourquoi les entreprises évaluent-elles leurs salariés?}, volume={3}, pages={27–55}, language={fr}, journal={Economie et Prévision}, number={4)}, }
La modélisation du changement organisationnel: déterminants et conséquences sur le marché du travail
L’actualité économique, revue d’analyse economique, vol. 79, iss. 3, p. 349–365, 2003.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo2003a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2003}, title={La modélisation du changement organisationnel: déterminants et conséquences sur le marché du travail}, volume={79}, pages={349–365}, language={fr}, journal={L’Actualité Économique, Revue d’Analyse Economique}, number={3}, }
New organisational forms, learning and incentives-based inequality
International journal of manpower, vol. 22, iss. 1, p. 83–97, 2001.
By P. Crifo and M. Villeval
@article{p2001a, author={Crifo, P. and Villeval, MC.}, year={2001}, title={New Organisational Forms, Learning and Incentives-Based Inequality}, volume={22}, pages={83–97}, language={en}, journal={International Journal of Manpower}, number={1}, }
L’analyse de l’innovation dans les modèles de croissance endogène
Revue française d’economie, vol. 14, iss. 2, p. 189–221, 1999.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo1999a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={1999}, title={L’analyse de l’innovation dans les modèles de croissance endogène}, volume={14}, pages={189–221}, language={fr}, journal={Revue Française d’Economie}, number={2}, }
By P. Crifo,
“Le rôle des entreprises dans la transformation des métropoles,” in Qualité de villes, Ratp group, 2022.@incollection{crifo2022a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2022}, title={Le rôle des entreprises dans la transformation des métropoles}, language={fr}, booktitle={Qualité de Villes}, publisher={RATP group}, }
By P. Crifo,
“La promesse des labels de la finance verte,” in Le virus de la recherche – transition environnementale, Presses universitaires de grenoble, 2022.@incollection{crifo2022b, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2022}, title={La promesse des labels de la finance verte}, language={fr}, booktitle={Le virus de la recherche – transition environnementale}, publisher={Presses Universitaires de Grenoble}, }
By Drobinski, Badosa, Bilger, B. Crifo, E. andGiraudet, Gosselin, Guerineau, Guillemoles, Habets, Levy, Mayer, Quelin, Raymond, Suchet, Tao, Tantet, and Viguie,
Changement climatique et transition énergétique en ile de france. les carnets du grec francilien, groupe régional d’expertise sur le changement climatique et la transition écologique en île-de-france, 2022.@misc{drobinski2022a, author={Drobinski and Badosa and Bilger and Brigaudand Crifo and Esnos andGiraudet and Gosselin and Guerineau and Guillemoles and Habets and Levy and Mayer and Quelin and Raymond and Suchet and Tao and Tantet and Viguie}, year={2022}, title={Changement climatique et transition énergétique en Ile de France. Les carnets du GREC francilien, Groupe régional d’expertise sur le changement climatique et la transition écologique en Île-de-France}, language={fr}, }
L’isr à la recherche d’une double matérialité, financière et extra-financière
, 2022.
By P. Crifo
@book{crifo2022c, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2022}, title={L’ISR à la recherche d’une double matérialité, financière et extra-financière}, editor={Mottis, N.}, edition={2e}, booktitle={ISR et Finance Durable}, publisher={Ellipse}, language={fr}, address={Paris}, }
By D. -L. Arjaliès, V. Bouchet, P. Crifo, and N. Mottis,
“La mesure d’impact et l’investissement socialement responsable (isr): un tour d’horizon,” in Zone frontières et entreprise socialement responsable, T. E., B. L., and G. Merxem L, Eds., Edition yvon blais (canada) and mare & martin (france), 2022.@incollection{arjali2022a, author={Arjaliès, D.-L. and Bouchet, V. and Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2022}, title={La mesure d’impact et l’Investissement Socialement Responsable (ISR): Un tour d’horizon}, editor={E., Tchotourian and L., Bres and Merxem L, Geelhand}, publisher={Edition Yvon Blais (Canada) and Mare & Martin (France)}, language={fr}, booktitle={Zone frontières et entreprise socialement responsable}, }
By P. Crifo and N. Mottis,
Label isr l’ardente nécessité d’une refondation, 2021.@misc{crifo2021a, author={Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2021}, title={Label ISR l’ardente nécessité d’une refondation}, booktitle={les 20 du Forum pour l’investissement responsable.}, language={fr}, }
Des centres plus verts, des banlieues plus grises
Institut des politiques publiques, , iss. 65, 2021.
By L. Bou Sleiman, P. Crifo, and B. Schmutz
@article{l2021a, author={Bou Sleiman, L. and Crifo, P. and Schmutz, B.}, year={2021}, title={Des centres plus verts, des banlieues plus grises}, volume={}, note={article ipp}, language={fr}, journal={Institut des Politiques Publiques}, number={65}, }
By P. Crifo, Y. Kervinio, and E. Quinet,
L’intégration des impacts environnementaux dans l’évaluation des investissements privés, 2021.@misc{crifo2021b, author={Crifo, P. and Kervinio, Y. and Quinet, E.}, year={2021}, title={L’intégration des impacts environnementaux dans l’évaluation des investissements privés}, journal={Transitions – Les nouvelles annales des ponts et chaussées}, language={fr}, pages={76-83}, }
La participation des salariés
, 2019.
By P. Crifo and A. Rebérioux
@article{crifo2019a, author={Crifo, P. and Rebérioux, A.}, year={2019}, title={La participation des salariés}, language={fr}, publisher={Presses de Science Po}, editor={Coll. Sécuriser l'emploi}, }
By C. Casamatta and P. Crifo,
Finance verte: utopie ou réalité? in quelle finance en 2030 ? 40 points de vue d’expertsCentre des professions financières., 2019.@misc{casamatta2019a, author={Casamatta, C. and Crifo, P.}, year={2019}, title={Finance Verte: Utopie ou réalité? In Quelle Finance en 2030 ? 40 points de vue d’experts}, editor={PH. Cassou}, publisher={Centre des professions financières.}, language={fr}, }
By D. L. Arjalies, P. Chollet, P. Crifo, and N. Mottis,
Mesure d’impact et label isr. analyse et recommandationsComité scientifique du label isr, 2018.@misc{arjalies2018a, author={Arjalies, D.L. and Chollet, P. and Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2018}, title={Mesure d'impact et label ISR. Analyse et recommandations}, language={fr}, publisher={Comité scientifique du label ISR}, }
By S. Benhamou, M. A. Diaye, and P. Crifo,
Rse et compétitivité. evaluation et approche stratégiqueFrance stratégie, 2016.@misc{benhamou2016a, author={Benhamou, S. and Diaye, M.A. and Crifo, P.}, year={2016}, title={RSE et compétitivité. Evaluation et approche stratégique}, publisher= {France Stratégie}, language={fr}, }
By S. Cavaco and P. Crifo,
“Rse et performance.” Ires, etude cfe cgc, 2015.@incollection{cavaco2015a, author={Cavaco, S. and Crifo, P.}, year={2015}, title={RSE et performance}, language={en}, publisher={IRES, Etude CFE CGC}, }
By P. Crifo, M. A. Diaye, R. Oueghlissi, and S. Pekovic,
“What drives firm’s corporate social responsibility: the role of ownership concentration,” in Global perspectives of corporate social action and social and financial performance, Manos and Drori, Eds., New York: Palgrave mc millan, 2015.@incollection{crifo2015a, author={Crifo, P. and Diaye, M.A. and Oueghlissi, R. and Pekovic, S.}, year={2015}, title={What drives firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility: The role of ownership concentration}, language={en}, booktitle={Global Perspectives of Corporate Social Action and Social and Financial Performance}, editor={Manos and Drori}, publisher={Palgrave Mc Millan}, address={New York}, }
By P. Crifo and V. Forget,
Esg, stratégies d’entreprise et performance financièreParis: Ellipse, 2014.@misc{crifo2014a, author={Crifo, P. and Forget, V.}, year={2014}, title={ESG, stratégies d’entreprise et performance financière}, booktitle={ISR et Finance Durable}, editor={Mottis, N.}, publisher={Ellipse}, language={fr}, address={Paris}, }
The link between corporate governance and csr: the role of board of directors
Ims luxembourg, , 2013.
By P. Crifo, A. Reberioux, and T. Williamson
@article{crifo2013a, author={Crifo, P. and Reberioux, A. and Williamson, T.}, year={2013}, title={The Link between corporate governance and CSR: the role of board of directors}, language={en}, journal={IMS Luxembourg}, }
By P. Crifo,
“Quelle économie verte ?,” in Le développement durable à découvert, Cnrs editions, 2013.@incollection{crifo2013b, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2013}, title={Quelle économie verte ?}, language={fr}, booktitle={Le développement durable à découvert}, publisher={CNRS editions}, }
By P. Crifo and E. Laurent,
“Enjeux environnementaux et question sociale. pourquoi et comment lier justice sociale et écologie?.” , 2013, vol. 23-2013.@incollection{crifo2013c, author={Crifo, P. and Laurent, E.}, year={2013}, title={Enjeux environnementaux et question sociale. Pourquoi et comment lier justice sociale et écologie?}, language={fr}, journal={Références économiques du CEDD}, volume={23-2013}, }
By P. Crifo, M. Glachant, S. Hallegate, E. Laurent, and G. Raphael,
L’économie verte contre la crise – 30 propositions pour une france plus soutenablePresses universitaires de france, 2012.@misc{crifo2012a, author={Crifo, P. and Glachant, M. and Hallegate, S. and Laurent, E. and Raphael, G.}, year={2012}, title={L'économie verte contre la crise - 30 propositions pour une France plus soutenable}, publisher={Presses Universitaires de France}, language={fr}, }
L’économie verte : nouveau modèle de croissance ou bulle verte ?
Cahier du cercle des economistes – la croissance verte : une solution d’avenir, , 2012.
By P. Crifo
@article{crifo2012b, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2012}, title={L’économie verte : nouveau modèle de croissance ou bulle verte ?}, journal={Cahier du Cercle des Economistes - La croissance verte : une solution d’avenir}, language={fr}, }
By P. Crifo,
Environnement et compétitivité des entreprises: contrainte ou opportunité ?Conseil ecpnomique pour le développement durable, 2012.@misc{crifo2012c, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2012}, title={Environnement et compétitivité des entreprises: contrainte ou opportunité ?}, publisher={Conseil Ecpnomique pour le Développement Durable}, language={fr}, }
By P. Crifo,
“Quelles politiques pour verdir la croissance?,” in Repenser l’économie avec les lauréats du prix du meilleur jeune économiste le monde/cercle des économiste, , la découverte, 2012.@incollection{crifo2012d, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2012}, title={Quelles politiques pour verdir la croissance?}, language={fr}, booktitle={Repenser l'économie Avec les lauréats du prix du Meilleur jeune économiste Le Monde/Cercle des économiste}, publisher={, La Découverte}, }
L’industrie française face à l’économie verte: l’exemple de sept filières
, p. 154, 2011.
By P. Crifo, M. Flam, and M. Glachant
@article{crifo2011a, author={Crifo, P. and Flam, M. and Glachant, M.}, year={2011}, title={L'industrie française face à l'économie verte: l'exemple de sept filières}, pages={154}, language={fr}, publisher={Cercle de l'industrie}, }
By P. Crifo,
Les politiques environnementales et technologiques au service de l’innovation de la croissance vertes. et l’isr en france, état des lieux et perspectivesConseil ecpnomique pour le développement durable, 2010.@misc{crifo2010a, author={Crifo, P.}, year={2010}, title={Les politiques environnementales et technologiques au service de l’innovation de la croissance vertes. et L’ISR en France, état des lieux et perspectives}, booktitle={Rapport Le financement de la croissance verte}, language={fr}, publisher={Conseil Ecpnomique pour le Développement Durable}, }
Greenbusiness ou greenwashing ? la responsabilité sociale et environnementale (rse) des entreprises
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By P. Crifo and J. P. Ponssard
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Corporate social responsibility: from compliance to opportunity
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By P. Crifo and J. P. Ponssard
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L’économie verte et le rôle de l’industrie dans la croissance verte
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By P. Crifo, R. Crassous Doerfler, and M. Flam
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Des politiques publiques au service de l’économie verte
Cahiers français, , iss. 355, 2010.
By P. Crifo and O. Godard
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By P. Crifo, M. Debonneuil, and A. Grandjean,
Croissance verteConseil economique pour le développement durable (cedd), 2009.@misc{crifo2009a, author={Crifo, P. and Debonneuil, M. and Grandjean, A.}, year={2009}, title={Croissance Verte}, publisher={Conseil Economique pour le Développement Durable (CEDD)}, language={fr}, }
By S. Cavaco and P. Crifo,
Complementarity between csr practices and corporate performance: an empirical studyEditions de l’ecole polytechnique, 2010.@misc{cavaco2010a, author={Cavaco, S. and Crifo, P.}, year={2010}, title={Complementarity between CSR practices and corporate performance: an empirical study}, booktitle={CSR: from compliance to opportunity}, editor={Crifo, P. and Ponssard, JP.}, publisher={Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique}, language={en}, }
By P. Crifo and N. Mottis,
Composition and activities of sri teams: case study of the french marketEditions de l’ecole polytechnique, 2010.@misc{crifo2010f, author={Crifo, P. and Mottis, N.}, year={2010}, title={Composition and activities of SRI teams: case study of the French market}, booktitle={CSR: from compliance to opportunity}, editor={Crifo, P. and Ponssard, JP.}, publisher={Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique}, language={en}, }
Entrepreneurial innovation, economic growth and the stigma of failure. in entrepreneurship and its economic significance, behavior and effects
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By P. Crifo and H. Sami
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By R. Boucekkine and P. Crifo,
Changement organisationnel et capital humainBelgique: Cifop, 2002.@misc{boucekkine2002a, author={Boucekkine, R. and Crifo, P.}, year={2002}, title={Changement organisationnel et capital humain}, booktitle={Capital humain et marchés du travail : perspectives régionales et européennes}, publisher={CIFoP}, language={fr}, address={Belgique}, }
A solution to the two-person implementation
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By J. -F. Laslier, M. Nunez, and R. Sanver
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By B. Garbinti and F. Savignac,
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Measuring distribution and mobility of income and wealth
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By R. Chetty, J. N. Friedman, J. C. Gornick, B. Johnson, and A. Kennickell
@book{NBERchet-1, title={Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth}, author={Raj Chetty and John N. Friedman and Janet C. Gornick and Barry Johnson and Arthur Kennickell}, institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}, type={Book}, publisher={University of Chicago Press}, year={forthcoming}, url={}, }
Accounting for wealth-inequality dynamics: methods, estimates, and simulations for france
Journal of the european economic association, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 620-663, 2020.
By B. Garbinti, J. Goupille-Lebret, and T. Piketty
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Pricing reliability options under different electricity price regimes
Energy economics, vol. 87, p. 104705, 2020.
By L. Andreis, M. Flora, F. Fontini, and T. Vargiolu
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Price dynamics in the european union emissions trading system and evaluation of its ability to boost emission-related investment decisions
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L’emploi et le territoire
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By T. Delemotte, F. Kramarz, and B. Schmutz
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Determinants of the gilets jaunes movement
Revue economique, vol. 71, iss. 1, pp. 109-138, 2020.
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The territory of the gilets jaunes
Institut des politiques publiques, policy briefs, , iss. 39, 2019.
By P. C. Boyer, T. Delemotte, G. Gauthier, V. Rollet, and B. Schmutz
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Wages, hires, and labor market concentration
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By I. Marinescu, I. Ouss, and L. Pape
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Endogenously asymmetric demand shocks in a monetary union
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Les dynamiques individuelles de revenu salarial en france pendant la crise
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Parcours professionnels, facteurs démographiques et financiers: quels effets sur la réversion?
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By F. Godet, V. Lin, and L. Wilner
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Constant utility index and inter-month substitution
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A decomposition of labor earnings growth: recovering gaussianity?
Labour economics, vol. 63, p. 101807, 2020.
By P. Pora and L. Wilner
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Group testing against covid-19
Covid economics, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 32-42, 2020.
By C. Gollier and O. Gossner
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The implementation of stabilization policy
Theoretical economics, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 677-716, 2021.
By O. Loisel
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Indices de prix à utilité constante et substitutions intermensuelles
Revue economique, vol. 66, iss. 4, pp. 755-768, 2015.
By P. Sillard and L. Wilner
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Inclusive cognitive hierarchy
Journal of economic behavior & organization, vol. 186, pp. 458-480, 2021.
By Y. Koriyama and A. I. Ozkes
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Conditional asymmetry in Power ARCH($\infty$) models
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By J. Royer
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Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
The annals of statistics, vol. 50, iss. 4, pp. 2157-2178, 2022.
By J. Mourtada
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The evolution of mining pools and miners’ behaviors in the bitcoin blockchain
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By N. Tovanich, N. Soulié, N. Heulot, and P. Isenberg
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Pattern analysis of money flow in the bitcoin blockchain
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By N. Tovanich and R. Cazabet
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Two-stage weighted least squares estimator of the conditional mean of observation-driven time series models
Journal of econometrics, , 2021.
By A. Aknouche and C. Francq
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Volatility estimation when the zero-process is nonstationary
Journal of business & economic statistics, , 2021.
By C. Francq and G. Sucarrat
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Quasi score-driven models
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By F. C. Blasques F. and S. Laurent
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Local asymptotic normality of general conditionally heteroskedastic and score-driven time-series models
Econometric theory, , 2022.
By C. Francq and J. -M. Zakoian
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Adaptiveness of the empirical distribution of residuals in semi-parametric conditional loaction-scale models
Bernoulli, vol. 28, pp. 548-578, 2022.
By C. Francq and J-M. Zakoian
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L’investissement socialement responsable: succès ou dilution?
Revue francaise de gestion, vol. 300, iss. 21, pp. 51-60, 2022.
By P. Crifo, N. Mottis, and B. M’Zali
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Listening to music videos on youtube. digital consumption practices and the environmental impact of streaming
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By J. Beuscart, S. Coavoux, and J. Garrocq
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Quel est l’impact économique des réfugiés?
Conseil d’analyse économique, vol. Focus du CAE, iss. 70, 2021.
By P. M. Auriol E. and P. Rousseaux
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Le regard d’oeconomicus sur l’économie française en 2021: incertitudes, instabilités, reconstructions – en partenariat avec les journées de l’economie
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By C. F. G. R. R. . F. . . T. . . P. Briera T. and M. Varron
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Tout relocaliser n’est pas possible, conversation avec isabelle méjean
Oeconomicus, , 2021.
By P. Rousseaux
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Les raisons profondes du ralentissement allemand
Les echos, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
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8 points sur la modern monetary theory: se libérer du cercle de la dette?
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By L. U. Batut C. and P. Rousseaux
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Les raisons des signes tardifs de relance de l’économie allemande et les solutions de sortie de crise envisagées
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
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Ursula von der leyen: un portrait
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By F. Hublet and P. Rousseaux
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La croissance allemande inquiète – simple soubresaut ou mauvaise augure?
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
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La situation économique européenne, entre doutes et optimisme
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
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Le cloud act, une bombe `a retardement pour l’europe, signée donald trump
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
@article{LGC6, author={Rousseaux, P}, title={Le Cloud Act, une bombe `a retardement pour l'Europe, signée Donald Trump}, journal={Le Grand Continent}, volume={}, year={2019}, number={}, url={}, }
De l’asymétrie à l’union, les dynamiques et enjeux économiques du traité franco-allemand d’aix-la-chapelle
Le grand continent, , 2019.
By P. Rousseaux
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The effect of the 7r allele at the drd4 locus on risk tolerance is independent of background risk in senegalese fishermen
Scientific reports, vol. 13, iss. 1, 2023.
By G. -J. Clochard, A. Mbengue, C. Mettling, B. Diouf, C. Faurie, O. Sene, E. Chancerel, E. Guichoux, G. Hollard, M. Raymond, and M. Willinger
@article{Clochard2023, author={Clochard, G.-J. and Mbengue, A. and Mettling, C. and Diouf, B. and Faurie, C. and Sene, O. and Chancerel, E. and Guichoux, E. and Hollard, G. and Raymond, M. and Willinger, M.}, title={The effect of the 7R allele at the DRD4 locus on risk tolerance is independent of background risk in Senegalese fishermen}, journal={Scientific Reports}, year={2023}, volume={13}, number={1}, doi={10.1038/s41598-022-27002-3}, art_number={622}, url={}, publisher={Nature Research}, }
Do elections affect immigration? evidence from french municipalities
Journal of public economics, vol. 218, 2023.
By B. Schmutz and G. Verdugo
@article{Schmutz2023, author={Schmutz, B. and Verdugo, G.}, title={Do elections affect immigration? Evidence from French municipalities}, keywords={Immigration, Public housing, Local elections}, journal={Journal of Public Economics}, year={2023}, volume={218}, issn={0047-2727}, doi={}, art_number={104803}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
From risk reduction to risk elimination by conditional mean risk sharing of independent losses
Insurance: mathematics and economics, vol. 108, pp. 46-59, 2023.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit202346, author={Denuit, M. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={From risk reduction to risk elimination by conditional mean risk sharing of independent losses}, journal={Insurance: Mathematics and Economics}, year={2023}, volume={108}, pages={46-59}, doi={10.1016/j.insmatheco.2022.11.003}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Trimming extreme reports in preference aggregation
Games and economic behavior, vol. 137, pp. 116-151, 2023.
By P. Louis, M. Nunez, and D. Xefteris
@article{louis2023trimming, author={Louis, Philippos and Nunez, Matias and Xefteris, Dimitrios}, title={Trimming extreme reports in preference aggregation}, journal={Games and Economic Behavior}, year={2023}, volume={137}, pages={116-151}, doi={10.1016/j.geb.2022.11.003}, publisher={Elsevier}, url={}, }
Multivariate time series models for mixed data
Bernoulli, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 669-695, 2023.
By Z. -M. Debaly and L. Truquet
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How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility
Journal of population economics, vol. 36, iss. 1, pp. 235-262, 2023.
By F. Kramarz, O. Rosenqvist, and O. N. Skans
@article{Kramarz2023235, author={Kramarz, F. and Rosenqvist, O. and Skans, O.N.}, title={How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility}, journal={Journal of Population Economics}, year={2023}, volume={36}, number={1}, pages={235-262}, doi={10.1007/s00148-021-00834-5}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Rate of convergence for particle approximation of pdes in wasserstein space
Journal of applied probability, vol. 59, iss. 4, pp. 992-1008, 2022.
By M. Germain, H. Pham, and X. Warin
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Two person bargaining mechanisms: a laboratory experiment
Group decision and negotiation, vol. 31, iss. 6, pp. 1145-1177, 2022.
By D. Bol, J. -F. Laslier, and M. Nunez
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Tax haven, pollution haven or both?
International tax and public finance, vol. 29, iss. 6, pp. 1527-1560, 2022.
By T. Madiès, O. Tarola, and E. Taugourdeau
@article{Madiès20221527, author={Madiès, T. and Tarola, O. and Taugourdeau, E.}, title={Tax haven, pollution haven or both?}, journal={International Tax and Public Finance}, year={2022}, volume={29}, number={6}, pages={1527-1560}, doi={10.1007/s10797-022-09745-x}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Invoicing currency and financial hedging
Journal of money, credit and banking, vol. 54, iss. 8, pp. 2411-2444, 2022.
By V. Lyonnet, J. Martin, and I. Mejean
@article{Lyonnet20222411, author={Lyonnet, V. and Martin, J. and Mejean, I.}, title={Invoicing Currency and Financial Hedging}, journal={Journal of Money, Credit and Banking}, year={2022}, volume={54}, number={8}, pages={2411-2444}, doi={10.1111/jmcb.12966}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Inc}, }
Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence
Quantitative marketing and economics, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 353-395, 2022.
By M. Cure, M. Hunold, R. Kesler, U. Laitenberger, and T. Larrieu
@article{Cure2022353, author={Cure, M. and Hunold, M. and Kesler, R. and Laitenberger, U. and Larrieu, T.}, title={Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence}, journal={Quantitative Marketing and Economics}, year={2022}, volume={20}, number={4}, pages={353-395}, doi={10.1007/s11129-022-09255-4}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Cyclone generation algorithm including a thermodynamic module for integrated national damage assessment (catherina 1.0) compatible with coupled model intercomparison project (cmip) climate data
Geoscientific model development, vol. 15, iss. 21, pp. 8001-8039, 2022.
By T. Le Guenedal, P. Drobinski, and P. Tankov
@article{LeGuenedal20228001, author={Le Guenedal, T. and Drobinski, P. and Tankov, P.}, title={Cyclone generation Algorithm including a THERmodynamic module for Integrated National damage Assessment (CATHERINA 1.0) compatible with Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) climate data}, journal={Geoscientific Model Development}, year={2022}, volume={15}, number={21}, pages={8001-8039}, doi={10.5194/gmd-15-8001-2022}, url={}, publisher={Copernicus Publications}, }
Inequality and earnings dynamics in france: national policies and local consequences
Quantitative economics, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 1527-1591, 2022.
By F. Kramarz, E. Nimier-David, and T. Delemotte
@article{Kramarz20221527, author={Kramarz, F. and Nimier-David, E. and Delemotte, T.}, title={Inequality and earnings dynamics in France: National policies and local consequences}, journal={Quantitative Economics}, year={2022}, volume={13}, number={4}, pages={1527-1591}, doi={10.3982/QE1876}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Ltd}, }
Public communication with externalities
Games and economic behavior, vol. 136, pp. 177-196, 2022.
By G. Lukyanov, K. Shamruk, T. Su, and A. Wakrim
@article{Lukyanov2022177, author={Lukyanov, G. and Shamruk, K. and Su, T. and Wakrim, A.}, title={Public communication with externalities}, journal={Games and Economic Behavior}, year={2022}, volume={136}, pages={177-196}, doi={10.1016/j.geb.2022.09.003}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Cyber-contagion model with network structure applied to insurance
Insurance: mathematics and economics, vol. 107, pp. 88-101, 2022.
By C. Hillairet, O. Lopez, L. d’Oultremont, and B. Spoorenberg
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A presmoothing approach for estimation in the semiparametric cox mixture cure model
Bernoulli, vol. 28, iss. 4, pp. 2689-2715, 2022.
By E. Musta, V. N. P. Lea, and I. N. D. V. K. Legom
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Yogurts choose consumers? estimation of random-utility models via two-sided matching
Review of economic studies, vol. 89, iss. 6, pp. 3085-3114, 2022.
By O. Bonnet, A. Galichon, Y. -W. Hsieh, K. O’Hara, and M. Shum
@article{Bonnet20223085, author={Bonnet, O. and Galichon, A. and Hsieh, Y.-W. and O'Hara, K. and Shum, M.}, title={Yogurts Choose Consumers? Estimation of Random-Utility Models via Two-Sided Matching}, journal={Review of Economic Studies}, year={2022}, volume={89}, number={6}, pages={3085-3114}, doi={10.1093/restud/rdac006}, url={}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, }
Stochastic derivative estimation for max-stable random fields
European journal of operational research, vol. 302, iss. 2, pp. 575-588, 2022.
By E. Koch and C. Y. Robert
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Relaxing the gaussian assumption in shrinkage and sure in high dimension
Annals of statistics, vol. 50, iss. 5, pp. 2737-2766, 2022.
By M. Fathi, L. Goldstein, G. Reinert, and A. Saumard
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More or less unmarried. the impact of legal settings of cohabitation on labour market outcomes
European economic review, vol. 149, 2022.
By M. Goussé and M. Leturcq
@article{Goussé2022, author={Goussé, M. and Leturcq, M.}, title={More or less unmarried. The impact of legal settings of cohabitation on labour market outcomes}, journal={European Economic Review}, year={2022}, volume={149}, doi={10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104259}, art_number={104259}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
How do wage setting institutions affect wage rigidity? evidence from french micro data
Labour economics, vol. 78, 2022.
By E. Gautier, S. Roux, and M. Suarez Castillo
@article{Gautier2022, author={Gautier, E. and Roux, S. and Suarez Castillo, M.}, title={How do wage setting institutions affect wage rigidity? Evidence from French micro data}, journal={Labour Economics}, year={2022}, volume={78}, doi={10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102232}, art_number={102232}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Parametric estimation of hidden markov models by least squares type estimation and deconvolution
Statistical papers, vol. 63, iss. 5, pp. 1615-1648, 2022.
By C. Chesneau, S. El Kolei, and F. Navarro
@article{Chesneau20221615, author={Chesneau, C. and El Kolei, S. and Navarro, F.}, title={Parametric estimation of hidden Markov models by least squares type estimation and deconvolution}, journal={Statistical Papers}, year={2022}, volume={63}, number={5}, pages={1615-1648}, doi={10.1007/s00362-022-01288-x}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Nonatomic aggregative games with infinitely many types
European journal of operational research, vol. 301, iss. 3, pp. 1149-1165, 2022.
By P. Jacquot and C. Wan
@article{Jacquot20221149, author={Jacquot, P. and Wan, C.}, title={Nonatomic aggregative games with infinitely many types}, journal={European Journal of Operational Research}, year={2022}, volume={301}, number={3}, pages={1149-1165}, doi={10.1016/j.ejor.2021.11.025}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Mortality credits within large survivor funds
Astin bulletin, vol. 52, iss. 3, pp. 813-834, 2022.
By M. Denuit, P. Hieber, and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit2022813, author={Denuit, M. and Hieber, P. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={MORTALITY CREDITS WITHIN LARGE SURVIVOR FUNDS}, journal={ASTIN Bulletin}, year={2022}, volume={52}, number={3}, pages={813-834}, doi={10.1017/asb.2022.13}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
Revenue-maximizing auctions: a bidder’s standpoint
Operations research, vol. 70, iss. 5, pp. 2767-2783, 2022.
By T. Nedelec, C. Calauzènes, V. Perchet, and N. El Karoui
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Profitability and revenue uncertainty of wind farms in western europe in present and future climate
Energies, vol. 15, iss. 17, 2022.
By B. Alonzo, S. Concettini, A. Creti, P. Drobinski, and P. Tankov
@article{Alonzo2022, author={Alonzo, B. and Concettini, S. and Creti, A. and Drobinski, P. and Tankov, P.}, title={Profitability and Revenue Uncertainty of Wind Farms in Western Europe in Present and Future Climate}, journal={Energies}, year={2022}, volume={15}, number={17}, doi={10.3390/en15176446}, art_number={6446}, url={}, publisher={MDPI}, }
The more it changes the more it stays the same: the french social space of material consumption between 1985 and 2017
British journal of sociology, vol. 73, iss. 4, pp. 706-753, 2022.
By M. Ginsburger
@article{Ginsburger2022706, author={Ginsburger, M.}, title={The more it changes the more it stays the same: The French social space of material consumption between 1985 and 2017}, journal={British Journal of Sociology}, year={2022}, volume={73}, number={4}, pages={706-753}, doi={10.1111/1468-4446.12970}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Inc}, }
Autoregressive models for time series of random sums of positive variables: application to tree growth as a function of climate and insect outbreak
Ecological modelling, vol. 471, 2022.
By Z. M. Debaly, P. Marchand, and M. M. Girona
@article{Debaly2022, author={Debaly, Z.M. and Marchand, P. and Girona, M.M.}, title={Autoregressive models for time series of random sums of positive variables: Application to tree growth as a function of climate and insect outbreak}, journal={Ecological Modelling}, year={2022}, volume={471}, doi={10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110053}, art_number={110053}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Risk-sharing rules and their properties, with applications to peer-to-peer insurance
Journal of risk and insurance, vol. 89, iss. 3, pp. 615-667, 2022.
By M. Denuit, J. Dhaene, and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit2022615, author={Denuit, M. and Dhaene, J. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={Risk-sharing rules and their properties, with applications to peer-to-peer insurance}, journal={Journal of Risk and Insurance}, year={2022}, volume={89}, number={3}, pages={615-667}, doi={10.1111/jori.12385}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Inc}, }
The marcinkiewicz–zygmund law of large numbers for exchangeable arrays
Statistics and probability letters, vol. 188, 2022.
By L. Davezies, X. D’Haultfoeuille, and Y. Guyonvarch
@article{Davezies2022, author={Davezies, L. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. and Guyonvarch, Y.}, title={The Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund law of large numbers for exchangeable arrays}, journal={Statistics and Probability Letters}, year={2022}, volume={188}, doi={10.1016/j.spl.2022.109536}, art_number={109536}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
European fiscal reform preferences of parliamentarians in france, germany and italy
European union politics, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 529-540, 2022.
By S. Blesse, M. Bordignon, P. C. Boyer, P. Carapella, F. Heinemann, E. Janeba, and A. Raj
@article{Blesse2022529, author={Blesse, S. and Bordignon, M. and Boyer, P.C. and Carapella, P. and Heinemann, F. and Janeba, E. and Raj, A.}, title={European fiscal reform preferences of parliamentarians in France, Germany and Italy}, journal={European Union Politics}, year={2022}, volume={23}, number={3}, pages={529-540}, doi={10.1177/14651165221098541}, url={}, publisher={SAGE Publications Ltd}, }
Conditional tail expectation decomposition and conditional mean risk sharing for dependent and conditionally independent losses
Methodology and computing in applied probability, vol. 24, iss. 3, pp. 1953-1985, 2022.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit20221953, author={Denuit, M. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={Conditional Tail Expectation Decomposition and Conditional Mean Risk Sharing for Dependent and Conditionally Independent Losses}, journal={Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability}, year={2022}, volume={24}, number={3}, pages={1953-1985}, doi={10.1007/s11009-021-09888-0}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
On automatic bias reduction for extreme expectile estimation
Statistics and computing, vol. 32, iss. 4, 2022.
By S. Girard, G. Stupfler, and A. Usseglio-Carleve
@article{Girard2022, author={Girard, S. and Stupfler, G. and Usseglio-Carleve, A.}, title={On automatic bias reduction for extreme expectile estimation}, journal={Statistics and Computing}, year={2022}, volume={32}, number={4}, doi={10.1007/s11222-022-10118-x}, art_number={64}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Optimal robust mean and location estimation via convex programs with respect to any pseudo-norms
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 183, iss. 3-4, pp. 997-1025, 2022.
By J. Depersin and G. Lecue
@article{Depersin2022997, author={Depersin, J. and Lecue, G.}, title={Optimal robust mean and location estimation via convex programs with respect to any pseudo-norms}, journal={Probability Theory and Related Fields}, year={2022}, volume={183}, number={3-4}, pages={997-1025}, doi={10.1007/s00440-022-01127-y}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Doubling back on double marginalization
Review of industrial organization, vol. 61, iss. 1, pp. 1-19, 2022.
By L. Linnemer
@article{Linnemer20221, author={Linnemer, L.}, title={Doubling Back on Double Marginalization}, journal={Review of Industrial Organization}, year={2022}, volume={61}, number={1}, pages={1-19}, doi={10.1007/s11151-022-09872-z}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
How skillful are the european subseasonal predictions of wind speed and surface temperature?
Monthly weather review, vol. 150, iss. 7, pp. 1621-1637, 2022.
By N. Goutham, R. Plougonven, H. Omrani, S. Parey, P. Tankov, A. Tantet, P. Hitchcock, and P. Drobinski
@article{Goutham20221621, author={Goutham, N. and Plougonven, R. and Omrani, H. and Parey, S. and Tankov, P. and Tantet, A. and Hitchcock, P. and Drobinski, P.}, title={How Skillful Are the European Subseasonal Predictions of Wind Speed and Surface Temperature?}, journal={Monthly Weather Review}, year={2022}, volume={150}, number={7}, pages={1621-1637}, doi={10.1175/MWR-D-21-0207.1}, url={}, publisher={American Meteorological Society}, }
The petit effect of campaign spending on votes: using political financing reforms to measure spending impacts in multiparty elections
Public choice, vol. 192, iss. 1-2, pp. 29-57, 2022.
By A. François, M. Visser, and L. Wilner
@article{François202229, author={François, A. and Visser, M. and Wilner, L.}, title={The petit effect of campaign spending on votes: using political financing reforms to measure spending impacts in multiparty elections}, journal={Public Choice}, year={2022}, volume={192}, number={1-2}, pages={29-57}, doi={10.1007/s11127-022-00970-w}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators
Journal of multivariate analysis, vol. 190, 2022.
By A. Derumigny and J. -D. Fermanian
@article{Derumigny2022, author={Derumigny, A. and Fermanian, J.-D.}, title={Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators}, journal={Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, year={2022}, volume={190}, doi={10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962}, art_number={104962}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Bayesian estimation and comparison of conditional moment models
Journal of the royal statistical society. series b: statistical methodology, vol. 84, iss. 3, pp. 740-764, 2022.
By S. Chib, M. Shin, and A. Simoni
@article{Chib2022740, author={Chib, S. and Shin, M. and Simoni, A.}, title={Bayesian estimation and comparison of conditional moment models}, journal={Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology}, year={2022}, volume={84}, number={3}, pages={740-764}, doi={10.1111/rssb.12484}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Inc}, }
Fast nonasymptotic testing and support recovery for large sparse toeplitz covariance matrices
Journal of multivariate analysis, vol. 190, 2022.
By N. Bettache, C. Butucea, and M. Sorba
@article{Bettache2022, author={Bettache, N. and Butucea, C. and Sorba, M.}, title={Fast nonasymptotic testing and support recovery for large sparse Toeplitz covariance matrices}, journal={Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, year={2022}, volume={190}, doi={10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104883}, art_number={104883}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Contrast estimation for noisy observations of diffusion processes via closed-form density expansions
Statistical inference for stochastic processes, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 303-336, 2022.
By S. El Kolei and F. Navarro
@article{ElKolei2022303, author={El Kolei, S. and Navarro, F.}, title={Contrast estimation for noisy observations of diffusion processes via closed-form density expansions}, journal={Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes}, year={2022}, volume={25}, number={2}, pages={303-336}, doi={10.1007/s11203-021-09256-2}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media B.V.}, }
Efficient conditional monte carlo simulations for the exponential integrals of gaussian random fields
Journal of applied probability, vol. 59, iss. 2, pp. 366-383, 2022.
By Q. H. Nguyen and C. Y. Robert
@article{Nguyen2022366, author={Nguyen, Q.H. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={Efficient conditional Monte Carlo simulations for the exponential integrals of Gaussian random fields}, journal={Journal of Applied Probability}, year={2022}, volume={59}, number={2}, pages={366-383}, doi={10.1017/jpr.2021.57}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
Deep learning for efficient frontier calculation in finance
Journal of computational finance, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 1-36, 2022.
By X. Warin
@article{Warin20221, author={Warin, X.}, title={Deep learning for efficient frontier calculation in finance}, journal={Journal of Computational Finance}, year={2022}, volume={26}, number={1}, pages={1-36}, doi={10.21314/JCF.2021.017}, url={}, publisher={Incisive Media Ltd.}, }
Ramsey rule with forward/backward utility for long-term yield curves modeling
Decisions in economics and finance, vol. 45, iss. 1, pp. 375-414, 2022.
By N. El Karoui, C. Hillairet, and M. Mrad
@article{ElKaroui2022375, author={El Karoui, N. and Hillairet, C. and Mrad, M.}, title={Ramsey rule with forward/backward utility for long-term yield curves modeling}, journal={Decisions in Economics and Finance}, year={2022}, volume={45}, number={1}, pages={375-414}, doi={10.1007/s10203-022-00370-1}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Polynomial series expansions and moment approximations for conditional mean risk sharing of insurance losses
Methodology and computing in applied probability, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 693-711, 2022.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit2022693, author={Denuit, M. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={Polynomial Series Expansions and Moment Approximations for Conditional Mean Risk Sharing of Insurance Losses}, journal={Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability}, year={2022}, volume={24}, number={2}, pages={693-711}, doi={10.1007/s11009-021-09881-7}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Majority judgment vs. approval voting
Operations research, vol. 70, iss. 3, pp. 1296-1316, 2022.
By M. Balinski and R. Laraki
@article{Balinski20221296, author={Balinski, M. and Laraki, R.}, title={Majority Judgment vs. Approval Voting}, journal={Operations Research}, year={2022}, volume={70}, number={3}, pages={1296-1316}, doi={10.1287/OPRE.2019.1877}, url={}, publisher={INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences}, }
Deepsets and their derivative networks for solving symmetric pdes
Journal of scientific computing, vol. 91, iss. 2, 2022.
By M. Germain, M. Laurière, H. Pham, and X. Warin
@article{Germain2022, author={Germain, M. and Laurière, M. and Pham, H. and Warin, X.}, title={DeepSets and Their Derivative Networks for Solving Symmetric PDEs}, journal={Journal of Scientific Computing}, year={2022}, volume={91}, number={2}, doi={10.1007/s10915-022-01796-w}, art_number={63}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Joint inference on extreme expectiles for multivariate heavy-tailed distributions
Bernoulli, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 1021-1048, 2022.
By S. A. Padoan and G. Stupfler
@article{Padoan20221021, author={Padoan, S.A. and Stupfler, G.}, title={Joint inference on extreme expectiles for multivariate heavy-tailed distributions}, journal={Bernoulli}, year={2022}, volume={28}, number={2}, pages={1021-1048}, doi={10.3150/21-BEJ1375}, url={}, publisher={Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability}, }
Stationarity and ergodicity of markov switching positive conditional mean models
Journal of time series analysis, vol. 43, iss. 3, pp. 436-459, 2022.
By A. Aknouche and C. Francq
@article{Aknouche2022436, author={Aknouche, A. and Francq, C.}, title={Stationarity and ergodicity of Markov switching positive conditional mean models}, journal={Journal of Time Series Analysis}, year={2022}, volume={43}, number={3}, pages={436-459}, doi={10.1111/jtsa.12621}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Inc}, }
Educational inequalities in labor market exit of older workers in 15 european countries
Journal of social policy, vol. 51, iss. 2, pp. 435-459, 2022.
By J. Mäcken, P. Prag, M. Hess, and L. E. A. Ellwardt
@article{Mäcken2022435, author={Mäcken, J. and Prag, P. and Hess, M. and Ellwardt, L.E.A.}, title={Educational Inequalities in Labor Market Exit of Older Workers in 15 European Countries}, journal={Journal of Social Policy}, year={2022}, volume={51}, number={2}, pages={435-459}, doi={10.1017/S0047279421000258}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
All-in-one robust estimator of the gaussian mean
Annals of statistics, vol. 50, iss. 2, pp. 1193-1219, 2022.
By A. S. DALALYAN and A. Minasyan
@article{DALALYAN20221193, author={DALALYAN, A.S. and Minasyan, A.}, title={ALL-IN-ONE ROBUST ESTIMATOR OF THE GAUSSIAN MEAN}, journal={Annals of Statistics}, year={2022}, volume={50}, number={2}, pages={1193-1219}, doi={10.1214/21-AOS2145}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Incentives, lockdown, and testing: from thucydides’ analysis to the covid-19 pandemic
Journal of mathematical biology, vol. 84, iss. 5, 2022.
By E. Hubert, T. Mastrolia, D. Possamaï, and X. Warin
@article{Hubert2022, author={Hubert, E. and Mastrolia, T. and Possamaï, D. and Warin, X.}, title={Incentives, lockdown, and testing: from Thucydides’ analysis to the COVID-19 pandemic}, journal={Journal of Mathematical Biology}, year={2022}, volume={84}, number={5}, doi={10.1007/s00285-022-01736-0}, art_number={37}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Optimal consumption with reference to past spending maximum
Finance and stochastics, vol. 26, iss. 2, pp. 217-266, 2022.
By S. Deng, X. Li, H. Pham, and X. Yu
@article{Deng2022217, author={Deng, S. and Li, X. and Pham, H. and Yu, X.}, title={Optimal consumption with reference to past spending maximum}, journal={Finance and Stochastics}, year={2022}, volume={26}, number={2}, pages={217-266}, doi={10.1007/s00780-022-00475-w}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Clustering multivariate functional data using unsupervised binary trees
Computational statistics and data analysis, vol. 168, 2022.
By S. Golovkine, N. Klutchnikoff, and V. Patilea
@article{Golovkine2022, author={Golovkine, S. and Klutchnikoff, N. and Patilea, V.}, title={Clustering multivariate functional data using unsupervised binary trees}, journal={Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}, year={2022}, volume={168}, doi={10.1016/j.csda.2021.107376}, art_number={107376}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Price formation and optimal trading in intraday electricity markets
Mathematics and financial economics, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 205-237, 2022.
By O. Féron, P. Tankov, and L. Tinsi
@article{Féron2022205, author={Féron, O. and Tankov, P. and Tinsi, L.}, title={Price formation and optimal trading in intraday electricity markets}, journal={Mathematics and Financial Economics}, year={2022}, volume={16}, number={2}, pages={205-237}, doi={10.1007/s11579-021-00307-z}, url={}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, }
Conditional mean risk sharing in the individual model with graphical dependencies
Annals of actuarial science, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 183-209, 2022.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
@article{Denuit2022183, author={Denuit, M. and Robert, C.Y.}, title={Conditional mean risk sharing in the individual model with graphical dependencies}, journal={Annals of Actuarial Science}, year={2022}, volume={16}, number={1}, pages={183-209}, doi={10.1017/S1748499521000166}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
Should we insure workers or jobs during recessions?
Journal of economic perspectives, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 29-54, 2022.
By G. Giupponi, C. Landais, and A. Lapeyre
@article{Giupponi202229, author={Giupponi, G. and Landais, C. and Lapeyre, A.}, title={Should We Insure Workers or Jobs during Recessions?}, journal={Journal of Economic Perspectives}, year={2022}, volume={36}, number={2}, pages={29-54}, doi={10.1257/jep.36.2.29}, url={}, publisher={American Economic Association}, }
Heterogeneous employment effects of job search programs: (inline image) a machine learning approach
Journal of human resources, vol. 57, iss. 2, pp. 597-636, 2022.
By M. C. Knaus, M. Lechner, and A. Strittmatter
@article{Knaus2022597, author={Knaus, M.C. and Lechner, M. and Strittmatter, A.}, title={Heterogeneous Employment Effects of Job Search Programs: (inline image) A Machine Learning Approach}, journal={Journal of Human Resources}, year={2022}, volume={57}, number={2}, pages={597-636}, doi={10.3368/jhr.57.2.0718-9615R1}, url={}, publisher={University of Wisconsin Press}, }
Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) α-meu
Journal of economic theory, vol. 200, 2022.
By M. Frick, R. Iijima, and Y. Le Yaouanq
@article{Frick2022, author={Frick, M. and Iijima, R. and Le Yaouanq, Y.}, title={Objective rationality foundations for (dynamic) α-MEU}, journal={Journal of Economic Theory}, year={2022}, volume={200}, doi={10.1016/j.jet.2021.105394}, art_number={105394}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Improved clustering algorithms for the bipartite stochastic block model
Ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 68, iss. 3, pp. 1960-1975, 2022.
By M. Ndaoud, S. Sigalla, and A. B. Tsybakov
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On the implementation of the median
Journal of mathematical economics, vol. 99, 2022.
By M. Nunez, C. Pimienta, and D. Xefteris
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K-bmom: a robust lloyd-type clustering algorithm based on bootstrap median-of-means
Computational statistics and data analysis, vol. 167, 2022.
By C. Brunet-Saumard, E. Genetay, and A. Saumard
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Parametric insurance and technology adoption in developing countries
Geneva risk and insurance review, vol. 47, iss. 1, pp. 7-44, 2022.
By E. Biffis, E. Chavez, A. Louaas, and P. Picard
@article{Biffis20227, author={Biffis, E. and Chavez, E. and Louaas, A. and Picard, P.}, title={Parametric insurance and technology adoption in developing countries}, journal={GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review}, year={2022}, volume={47}, number={1}, pages={7-44}, doi={10.1057/s10713-020-00061-0}, url={}, publisher={Palgrave Macmillan}, }
Deep neural networks algorithms for stochastic control problems on finite horizon: numerical applications
Methodology and computing in applied probability, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. 143-178, 2022.
By A. Bachouch, C. Huré, N. Langrené, and H. Pham
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Testing the existence of moments for garch processes
Journal of econometrics, vol. 227, iss. 1, pp. 47-64, 2022.
By C. Francq and J. -M. Zakoian
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Reference values of coagulation assays performed for thrombophilia screening after a first venous thrombosis and their intra-patient associations
Thrombosis research, vol. 210, pp. 94-103, 2022.
By J. -C. Gris, É. Cochery-Nouvellon, C. Bourguignon, É. Mercier, S. Bouvier, I. Quéré, A. Perez-Martin, N. Molinari, and É. Matzner-Lober
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Optimal contracts under adverse selection for staple goods such as energy: effectiveness of in-kind insurance
Energy economics, vol. 106, 2022.
By C. Alasseur, C. Chaton, and E. Hubert
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Does perceived social mobility affect health? evidence from a fixed effects approach
Social science and medicine, vol. 294, 2022.
By A. Gugushvili, O. Zelinska, P. Prag, and G. Bulczak
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Testing for changes in the tail behavior of brown–resnick pareto processes
Stochastic processes and their applications, vol. 144, pp. 312-368, 2022.
By C. Y. Robert
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Waste-free sequential monte carlo
Journal of the royal statistical society. series b: statistical methodology, vol. 84, iss. 1, pp. 114-148, 2022.
By H. -D. Dau and N. Chopin
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The finite sample properties of sparse m-estimators with pseudo-observations
Annals of the institute of statistical mathematics, vol. 74, iss. 1, 2022.
By B. Poignard and J. -D. Fermanian
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General marginal-free association indices for contingency tables: from the altham index to the intrinsic association coefficient
Sociological methods and research, vol. 51, iss. 1, pp. 203-236, 2022.
By M. Bouchet-Valat
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Avancées récentes de la recherche en microéconomie appliquée
Revue economique, vol. 73, iss. 5, pp. 663-668, 2022.
By T. Kamionka and J. Tanguy
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The augmented social scientist: using sequential transfer learning to annotate millions of texts with human-level accuracy
Sociological methods and research, , 2022.
By S. Do, É. Ollion, and R. Shen
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Forecasting financial markets with semantic network analysis in the covid-19 crisis
Journal of forecasting, , 2022.
By A. Fronzetti Colladon, S. Grassi, F. Ravazzolo, and F. Violante
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The malliavin-stein method for hawkes functionals
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By C. Hillairet, L. Huang, M. Khabou, and A. Réveillac
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Wages and corporate social responsibility: entrenchment or ethics?
Employee relations, , 2022.
By P. Crifo, M. -A. Diaye, and S. Pekovic
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An elementary analysis of ridge regression with random design
Comptes rendus mathematique, vol. 360, pp. 1055-1063, 2022.
By J. Mourtada and L. Rosasco
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Nonparametric and high-dimensional functional graphical models
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 6175-6231, 2022.
By E. Solea and H. Dette
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Legislators in the crossfire: strategic non-voting and the effect of transparency
European journal of political economy, , 2022.
By H. Cloléry
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Distinguishing incentive from selection effects in auction-determined contracts
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By L. Lamy, M. Patnam, and M. Visser
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Testing for equality between conditional copulas given discretized conditioning events
Canadian journal of statistics, , 2022.
By A. Derumigny, J. -D. Fermanian, and A. Min
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Optimal detection of the feature matching map in presence of noise and outliers
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 5720-5750, 2022.
By T. Galstyan, A. Minasyan, and A. S. Dalalyan
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Reallocation with priorities and minimal envy mechanisms
Economic theory, , 2022.
By J. Combe
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When are google data useful to nowcast gdp? an approach via preselection and shrinkage
Journal of business and economic statistics, , 2022.
By L. Ferrara and A. Simoni
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Nonparametric difference-in-differences in repeated cross-sections with continuous treatments
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille, S. Hoderlein, and Y. Sasaki
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Stochastic optimization with dynamic probabilistic forecasts
Annals of operations research, , 2022.
By P. Tankov and L. Tinsi
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50 shades of bayesian testing of hypotheses☆
Handbook of statistics, vol. 47, pp. 103-120, 2022.
By C. P. Robert
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Supply shocks in supply chains: evidence from the early lockdown in china
Imf economic review, , 2022.
By R. Lafrogne-Joussier, J. Martin, and I. Mejean
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Social connections and the sorting of workers to firms
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By M. Eliason, L. Hensvik, F. Kramarz, and O. N. Skans
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Optimal nuclear liability insurance
Energy journal, vol. 43, iss. 1, pp. 97-115, 2022.
By A. Louaas and P. Picard
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On the complexity of approximating multimarginal optimal transport
Journal of machine learning research, vol. 23, 2022.
By T. Lin, N. Ho, M. Cuturi, and M. I. Jordan
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Estimation of copulas via maximum mean discrepancy
Journal of the american statistical association, , 2022.
By P. Alquier, B. -E. Chérief-Abdellatif, A. Derumigny, and J. -D. Fermanian
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Utility/privacy trade-off as regularized optimal transport
Mathematical programming, , 2022.
By E. Boursier and V. Perchet
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Approximation error analysis of some deep backward schemes for nonlinear pdes
Siam journal on scientific computing, vol. 44, iss. 1, p. A28-A56, 2022.
By M. Germain, H. Pham, and X. Warin
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Composite bias-reduced lp-quantile-based estimators of extreme quantiles and expectiles
Canadian journal of statistics, , 2022.
By G. Stupfler and A. Usseglio-Carleve
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Surviving debt and survival debt in times of lockdown
Economic and political weekly, vol. 57, iss. 1, pp. 41-49, 2022.
By I. Guérin, S. Michiels, A. Natal, C. J. Nordman, and G. Venkatasubramanian
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A corrected clarke test for model selection and beyond
Journal of econometrics, , 2022.
By F. Brück, J. -D. Fermanian, and A. Min
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Garch-ugh: a bias-reduced approach for dynamic extreme value-at-risk estimation in financial time series
Quantitative finance, vol. 22, iss. 7, pp. 1277-1294, 2022.
By H. Kaibuchi, Y. Kawasaki, and G. Stupfler
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Learning the smoothness of noisy curves with application to online curve estimation
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 1485-1560, 2022.
By S. Golovkine, N. Klutchnikoff, and V. Patilea
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An improper estimator with optimal excess risk in misspecified density estimation and logistic regression
Journal of machine learning research, vol. 23, 2022.
By J. Mourtada and S. Gaïffas
@article{Mourtada2022, author={Mourtada, J. and Gaïffas, S.}, title={An improper estimator with optimal excess risk in misspecified density estimation and logistic regression}, journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year={2022}, volume={23}, url={}, publisher={Microtome Publishing}, }
The motivations and practices of impact assessment in socially responsible investing: the french case and its implications for the accounting and impact investing communities
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By D. -L. Arjaliès, P. Chollet, P. Crifo, and N. Mottis
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Fokker–planck equations with terminal condition and related mckean probabilistic representation
Nonlinear differential equations and applications, vol. 29, iss. 1, 2022.
By L. Izydorczyk, N. Oudjane, F. Russo, and G. Tessitore
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Simultaneous semiparametric estimation of clustering and regression
Journal of computational and graphical statistics, vol. 31, iss. 2, pp. 477-485, 2022.
By M. Marbac, M. Sedki, C. Biernacki, and V. Vandewalle
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Functional estimation of extreme conditional expectiles
Econometrics and statistics, vol. 21, pp. 131-158, 2022.
By S. Girard, G. Stupfler, and A. Usseglio-Carleve
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Portfolio diversification and model uncertainty: a robust dynamic mean-variance approach
Mathematical finance, vol. 32, iss. 1, pp. 349-404, 2022.
By H. Pham, X. Wei, and C. Zhou
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Collaborative insurance with stop-loss protection and team partitioning
North american actuarial journal, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 143-160, 2022.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
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Direct and indirect effects based on changes-in-changes
Journal of business and economic statistics, vol. 40, iss. 1, pp. 432-443, 2022.
By M. Huber, M. Schelker, and A. Strittmatter
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Iterations of dependent random maps and exogeneity in nonlinear dynamics
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Revisiting identification concepts in bayesi ananalysis
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 144, pp. 1-38, 2021.
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How serious is the measurement-error problem in risk-aversion tasks?
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Wilks’ theorem for semiparametric regressions with weakly dependent data
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Extreme conditional expectile estimation in heavy-tailed heteroscedastic regression models
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Detecting spatial clusters in functional data: new scan statistic approaches
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A multi-factor approach to modelling the impact of wind energy on electricity spot prices
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A fully backward representation of semilinear pdes applied to the control of thermostatic loads in power systems
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Ecological compensation: how much and where?
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Heterogeneous mental health development during the covid-19 pandemic in the united kingdom
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A note on the stability of multivariate non-linear time series with an application to time series of counts
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Estimated reproduction ratios in the sir model
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Outlier detection in networks with missing links
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Can t2-weighted dixon fat-only images replace t1-weighted images in degenerative disc disease with modic changes on lumbar spine mri?
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By S. Yang, L. Lassalle, A. Mekki, G. Appert, F. Rannou, C. Nguyen, M. -M. Lefèvre-Colau, C. Mutschler, J. -L. Drapé, and A. Feydy
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Maximum likelihood estimation of sparse networks with missing observations
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Microéconomie appliquée. avancées récentes
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Constant payoff in zero-sum stochastic games
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Corrigendum and addendum to “from risk sharing to pure premium for a large number of heterogeneous losses” [insurance: mathematics and economics 96 (2021) 116–126](s0167668720301566)(10.1016/j.insmatheco.2020.11.006)
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Efron’s asymptotic monotonicity property in the gaussian stable domain of attraction
Journal of multivariate analysis, vol. 186, 2021.
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Convolution-based filtering and forecasting: an application to wti crude oil prices
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L’investissement socialement responsible: succès ou dilution ?
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Comparative advantage and moonlighting
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A survey of electricity spot and futures price models for risk management applications
Energy economics, vol. 102, 2021.
By T. Deschatre, O. Féron, and P. Gruet
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Finite sample improvement of akaike’s information criterion
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Equivalent models for observables under the assumption of missing at random
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Deep learning for discrete-time hedging in incomplete markets
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Le magnifique jean-jacques laffont (13 april 1947 – 1 may 2004)
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Stop-loss protection for a large p2p insurance pool
Insurance: mathematics and economics, vol. 100, pp. 210-233, 2021.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
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A likelihood-based approach for cure regression models
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By K. Burke and V. Patilea
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Erratum: publisher correction: identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behavior (nature human behaviour (2021))
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By M. C. Mills, F. C. Tropf, D. M. Brazel, N. van Zuydam, A. Vaez, T. H. Pers, H. Snieder, J. R. B. Perry, K. K. Ong, M. den Hoed, N. Barban, F. R. Day, eQTLGen Consortium, B. Consortium, and H. R. B. Consortium
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Rao–blackwellisation in the markov chain monte carlo era
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High-sensitivity sars-cov-2 group testing by digital pcr among symptomatic patients in hospital settings
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Vertical integration as a source of hold-up: an experiment
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By M. -L. Allain, C. Chambolle, P. Rey, and S. Teyssier
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An equilibrium model of the market for bitcoin mining
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From patrons to ex-peers. state reforms, professional mobilizations and the changing elites of biomedical research in france (late 1940s-early 2000s) [des patrons aux ex-pairs réformes de l’état, mobilisations professionnelles et transformations de l’élite du gouvernement de la recherche en biomédecine en france (fin des années 1940-début des années 2000)]
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By J. Aust, P. Clément, N. Gally, C. Gozlan, É. Ollion, and E. Picard
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Rationalizing rational expectations: characterizations and tests
Quantitative economics, vol. 12, iss. 3, pp. 817-842, 2021.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille, C. Gaillac, and A. Maurel
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The combined effect of covid-19 and neighbourhood deprivation on two dimensions of subjective well-being: empirical evidence from england
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Social network, unemployment and sector trap: a theoretical model explaining the case study of portuguese immigrants in the french labor market
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Remembering carine nourry
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Central bank digital currency: central banking for all?
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Why are low-skilled workers less mobile? the role of mobility costs and spatial frictions
Annals of economics and statistics, vol. 142, pp. 283-303, 2021.
By B. Schmutz, M. Sidibé, and É. Vidal-Naquet
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Affine modeling of credit risk, pricing of credit events, and contagion
Management science, vol. 67, iss. 6, pp. 3674-3693, 2021.
By A. Monfort, F. Pegoraro, J. -P. Renne, and G. Roussellet
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Discrimination in dynamic procurement design with learning-by-doing
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A solution to the two-person implementation problem
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The virtuous cycle of agreement
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Implementation via approval mechanisms
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Risk sharing under the dominant peer-to-peer property and casualty insurance business models
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Household cleaning and poor asthma control among elderly women
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology: in practice, vol. 9, iss. 6, p. 2358-2365.e4, 2021.
By O. Dumas, A. Bédard, M. Marbac, M. Sedki, S. Temam, S. Chanoine, G. Severi, M. -C. Boutron-Ruault, J. Garcia-Aymerich, V. Siroux, R. Varraso, and N. Le Moual
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Data-driven thresholding in denoising with spectral graph wavelet transform
Journal of computational and applied mathematics, vol. 389, 2021.
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The role of electoral incentives for policy innovation: evidence from the us welfare reform
American economic journal: economic policy, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 26-57, 2021.
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Heterogeneity and wage inequalities over the life cycle
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Estimation of convex supports from noisy measurements
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Bayesian midas penalized regressions: estimation, selection, and prediction
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Cognitive remediation and professional insertion of people with schizophrenia: remedrehab, a randomized controlled trial
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Estimating the value of higher education financial aid: evidence from a field experiment
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Does downward social mobility make people more hostile towards immigrants?
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The flip side of marital specialization: the gendered effect of divorce on living standards and labor supply
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Segregsmall: a command to estimate segregation in the presence of small units
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Intergenerational social mobility and health in russia: mind over matter?
Advances in life course research, vol. 47, 2021.
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The crucial role of domestic and international market-mediated adaptation to climate change
Journal of environmental economics and management, vol. 106, 2021.
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Foreign demand, developing country exports, and co2 emissions: firm-level evidence from india
Journal of development economics, vol. 149, 2021.
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Pegging the interest rate on bank reserves: a resolution of new keynesian puzzles and paradoxes
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Multivariate hawkes process for cyber insurance
Annals of actuarial science, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 14-39, 2021.
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Forecast performance and bubble analysis in noncausal mar(1, 1) processes
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Optimal insurance coverage of low-probability catastrophic risks
Geneva risk and insurance review, vol. 46, iss. 1, pp. 61-88, 2021.
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Adaptiveness of the empirical distribution of residuals in semi-parametric conditional location scale models
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Neural networks-based backward scheme for fully nonlinear pdes
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On the subgame perfect implementabılıty of voting rules
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Hierarchical copulas with archimedean blocks and asymmetric between-block pairs
Computational statistics and data analysis, vol. 154, 2021.
By I. Chaoubi, H. Cossette, E. Marceau, and C. Y. Robert
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Interaction effects of corporate hedging activities for a multi-risk exposure: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Review of quantitative finance and accounting, vol. 56, iss. 2, pp. 789-818, 2021.
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Online sign identification: minimization of the number of errors in thresholding bandits
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 22, pp. 18577-18589, 2021.
By R. Ouhamma, R. Degenne, P. Gaillard, and V. Perchet
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Decentralized learning in online queuing systems
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 22, pp. 18501-18512, 2021.
By F. Sentenac, E. Boursier, and V. Perchet
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Optimality of variational inference for stochastic block model with missing links
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 24, pp. 19947-19959, 2021.
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Locally differentially private estimation of nonlinear functionals of discrete distributions
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 30, pp. 24753-24764, 2021.
By C. Butucea and Y. Issartel
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Local differential privacy for regret minimization in reinforcement learning
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 13, pp. 10561-10573, 2021.
By E. Garcelon, V. Perchet, C. Pike-Burke, and M. Pirotta
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Online matching in sparse random graphs: non-asymptotic performances of greedy algorithm
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 26, pp. 21400-21412, 2021.
By N. Noiry, F. Sentenac, and V. Perchet
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Mckean feynman-kac probabilistic representations of non-linear partial differential equations
Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics, vol. 378, pp. 187-212, 2021.
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Classification with abstention but without disparities
37th conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence, uai 2021, , pp. 1227-1236, 2021.
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What makes a good high school? measuring school effects beyond the average [qu’est-ce qu’un bon lycée ? mesurer les effets établissements, au-delà de la moyenne]
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Control and optimal stopping mean field games: a linear programming approach
Electronic journal of probability, vol. 26, 2021.
By R. Dumitrescu, M. Leutscher, and P. Tankov
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Teaching labor laws: evidence from a randomized control trial in south africa†
American economic journal: applied economics, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 125-149, 2021.
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Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behaviour
Nature human behaviour, , 2021.
By M. C. Mills, F. C. Tropf, D. M. Brazel, N. van Zuydam, A. Vaez, M. Agbessi, H. Ahsan, I. Alves, A. K. Andiappan, W. Arindrarto, P. Awadalla, A. Battle, F. Beutner, M. Jan Bonder, D. I. Boomsma, M. W. Christiansen, A. Claringbould, P. Deelen, T. Esko, M. -J. Favé, L. Franke, T. Frayling, S. A. Gharib, G. Gibson, B. T. Heijmans, G. Hemani, R. Jansen, M. Kähönen, A. Kalnapenkis, S. Kasela, J. Kettunen, Y. Kim, H. Kirsten, P. Kovacs, K. Krohn, J. Kronberg, V. Kukushkina, Z. Kutalik, B. Lee, T. Lehtimäki, M. Loeffler, U. M. Marigorta, H. Mei, L. Milani, G. W. Montgomery, M. Müller-Nurasyid, M. Nauck, M. G. Nivard, B. W. J. H. Penninx, M. Perola, N. Pervjakova, B. L. Pierce, J. Powell, H. Prokisch, B. M. Psaty, O. T. Raitakari, S. Ripatti, O. Rotzschke, S. Rüeger, A. Saha, M. Scholz, K. Schramm, I. Seppälä, E. P. Slagboom, C. D. A. Stehouwer, M. Stumvoll, P. Sullivan, P. A. C. ‘t Hoen, A. Teumer, J. Thiery, L. Tong, A. Tönjes, J. van Dongen, M. van Iterson, J. van Meurs, J. H. Veldink, J. Verlouw, P. M. Visscher, U. Völker, U. Võsa, H. -J. Westra, C. Wijmenga, H. Yaghootkar, J. Yang, B. Zeng, F. Zhang, M. M. J. van Greevenbroek, C. G. Schalkwijk, J. Deelen, D. van Heemst, C. M. van Duijn, B. A. Hofman, A. Isaacs, A. G. Uitterlinden, M. Verbiest, H. E. D. Suchiman, M. Verkerk, R. van der Breggen, J. van Rooij, N. Lakenberg, H. Mei, J. Bot, D. V. Zhernakova, R. Luijk, M. J. Bonder, M. A. Swertz, E. W. van Zwet, E. T. Akimova, S. Bergmann, J. D. Boardman, J. E. Buring, D. Cesarini, D. I. Chasman, J. E. Chavarro, M. Cocca, M. P. Concas, G. Davey-Smith, G. Davies, I. J. Deary, A. J. Gaskins, E. J. C. de Geus, C. Gieger, G. Girotto, H. J. Grabe, E. P. Gunderson, K. M. Harris, F. P. Hartwig, C. He, G. Homuth, B. L. Horta, J. Jan Hottenga, H. Huang, E. Hyppӧnen, M. A. Ikram, M. Johannesson, Z. Kamali, M. Kavousi, P. Kraft, B. Kühnel, C. Langenberg, L. C. Study, P. A. Lind, J. Luan, R. Mägi, P. K. E. Magnusson, A. Mahajan, N. G. Martin, H. Mbarek, M. I. McCarthy, G. McMahon, M. B. McQueen, S. E. Medland, T. Meitinger, A. Metspalu, E. Mihailov, S. A. Missmer, S. Møllegaard, D. O. Mook-Kanamori, A. Morgan, P. J. van der Most, R. de Mutsert, R. Noordam, C. Power, P. Redmond, J. W. Rich-Edwards, P. M. Ridker, C. A. Rietveld, S. M. Ring, L. M. Rose, R. Rueedi, K. Stefánsson, D. Stöckl, K. Strauch, A. R. Thurik, N. J. Timpson, C. Turman, N. J. Wareham, G. Willemsen, J. H. Zhao, T. H. Pers, H. Snieder, J. R. B. Perry, K. K. Ong, M. den Hoed, N. Barban, F. R. Day, eQTLGen Consortium, B. Consortium, and H. R. B. Consortium
@article{Mills2021, author={Mills, M.C. and Tropf, F.C. and Brazel, D.M. and van Zuydam, N. and Vaez, A. and Agbessi, M. and Ahsan, H. and Alves, I. and Andiappan, A.K. and Arindrarto, W. and Awadalla, P. and Battle, A. and Beutner, F. and Jan Bonder, M. and Boomsma, D.I. and Christiansen, M.W. and Claringbould, A. and Deelen, P. and Esko, T. and Favé, M.-J. and Franke, L. and Frayling, T. and Gharib, S.A. and Gibson, G. and Heijmans, B.T. and Hemani, G. and Jansen, R. and Kähönen, M. and Kalnapenkis, A. and Kasela, S. and Kettunen, J. and Kim, Y. and Kirsten, H. and Kovacs, P. and Krohn, K. and Kronberg, J. and Kukushkina, V. and Kutalik, Z. and Lee, B. and Lehtimäki, T. and Loeffler, M. and Marigorta, U.M. and Mei, H. and Milani, L. and Montgomery, G.W. and Müller-Nurasyid, M. and Nauck, M. and Nivard, M.G. and Penninx, B.W.J.H. and Perola, M. and Pervjakova, N. and Pierce, B.L. and Powell, J. and Prokisch, H. and Psaty, B.M. and Raitakari, O.T. and Ripatti, S. and Rotzschke, O. and Rüeger, S. and Saha, A. and Scholz, M. and Schramm, K. and Seppälä, I. and Slagboom, E.P. and Stehouwer, C.D.A. and Stumvoll, M. and Sullivan, P. and ‘t Hoen, P.A.C. and Teumer, A. and Thiery, J. and Tong, L. and Tönjes, A. and van Dongen, J. and van Iterson, M. and van Meurs, J. and Veldink, J.H. and Verlouw, J. and Visscher, P.M. and Völker, U. and Võsa, U. and Westra, H.-J. and Wijmenga, C. and Yaghootkar, H. and Yang, J. and Zeng, B. and Zhang, F. and van Greevenbroek, M.M.J. and Schalkwijk, C.G. and Deelen, J. and van Heemst, D. and van Duijn, C.M. and Hofman, B.A. and Isaacs, A. and Uitterlinden, A.G. and Verbiest, M. and Suchiman, H.E.D. and Verkerk, M. and van der Breggen, R. and van Rooij, J. and Lakenberg, N. and Mei, H. and Bot, J. and Zhernakova, D.V. and Luijk, R. and Bonder, M.J. and Swertz, M.A. and van Zwet, E.W. and Akimova, E.T. and Bergmann, S. and Boardman, J.D. and Buring, J.E. and Cesarini, D. and Chasman, D.I. and Chavarro, J.E. and Cocca, M. and Concas, M.P. and Davey-Smith, G. and Davies, G. and Deary, I.J. and Gaskins, A.J. and de Geus, E.J.C. and Gieger, C. and Girotto, G. and Grabe, H.J. and Gunderson, E.P. and Harris, K.M. and Hartwig, F.P. and He, C. and Homuth, G. and Horta, B.L. and Jan Hottenga, J. and Huang, H. and Hyppӧnen, E. and Ikram, M.A. and Johannesson, M. and Kamali, Z. and Kavousi, M. and Kraft, P. and Kühnel, B. and Langenberg, C. and Study, L.C. and Lind, P.A. and Luan, J. and Mägi, R. and Magnusson, P.K.E. and Mahajan, A. and Martin, N.G. and Mbarek, H. and McCarthy, M.I. and McMahon, G. and McQueen, M.B. and Medland, S.E. and Meitinger, T. and Metspalu, A. and Mihailov, E. and Missmer, S.A. and Møllegaard, S. and Mook-Kanamori, D.O. and Morgan, A. and van der Most, P.J. and de Mutsert, R. and Noordam, R. and Power, C. and Redmond, P. and Rich-Edwards, J.W. and Ridker, P.M. and Rietveld, C.A. and Ring, S.M. and Rose, L.M. and Rueedi, R. and Stefánsson, K. and Stöckl, D. and Strauch, K. and Thurik, A.R. and Timpson, N.J. and Turman, C. and Wareham, N.J. and Willemsen, G. and Zhao, J.H. and Pers, T.H. and Snieder, H. and Perry, J.R.B. and Ong, K.K. and den Hoed, M. and Barban, N. and Day, F.R. and eQTLGen Consortium and BIOS Consortium and Human Reproductive Behaviour Consortium}, title={Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behaviour}, journal={Nature Human Behaviour}, year={2021}, doi={10.1038/s41562-021-01135-3}, url={}, publisher={Nature Research}, }
On the estimation of network complexity: dimension of graphons
Journal of machine learning research, vol. 22, pp. 1-62, 2021.
By Y. Issartel
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A mean field control approach for smart charging with aggregate power demand constraints
Proceedings of 2021 ieee pes innovative smart grid technologies europe: smart grids: toward a carbon-free future, isgt europe 2021, , 2021.
By A. Seguret, C. Wan, and C. Alasseur
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Spectral folding and two-channel filter-banks on arbitrary graphs
Icassp, ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing – proceedings, vol. 2021-June, pp. 5070-5074, 2021.
By E. Pavez, B. Girault, A. Ortega, and P. A. Chou
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Orthogonality and zero dc tradeoffs in biorthogonal graph filterbanks
Icassp, ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing – proceedings, vol. 2021-June, pp. 5509-5513, 2021.
By D. E. O. Tzamarias, E. Pavez, B. Girault, A. Ortega, I. Blanes, and J. Serra-Sagristà
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Adaptive tuning of hamiltonian monte carlo within sequential monte carlo
Bayesian analysis, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 745-771, 2021.
By A. Buchholz, N. Chopin, and P. E. Jacob
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Upper estimates for inhomogeneous random walks confined to the positive orthant
Electronic communications in probability, vol. 26, 2021.
By R. Essifi and S. Mustapha
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Deep k-svd denoising
Ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 30, pp. 5944-5955, 2021.
By M. Scetbon, M. Elad, and P. Milanfar
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Linking migration reasons and origins to labour market outcomes: recent evidence from europe [liens entre les motifs de migration et l’origine géographique des migrants et leurs résultats sur les marchés du travail en europe]
Economie et statistique, vol. 2021, iss. 524-525, pp. 103-118, 2021.
By M. Akgüç and C. Welter-Médée
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Sibling similarity in education across and within societies
Demography, vol. 58, iss. 3, pp. 1011-1037, 2021.
By M. Grätz, K. J. Barclay, Ø. N. Wiborg, T. H. Lyngstad, A. Karhula, J. Erola, P. Prag, T. Laidley, and D. Conley
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Deep neural networks algorithms for stochastic control problems on finite horizon: convergence analysis
Siam journal on numerical analysis, vol. 59, iss. 1, pp. 525-557, 2021.
By C. Huré, H. Pham, A. Bachouch, and N. Langrené
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Testing and relaxing the exclusion restriction in the control function approach
Journal of econometrics, , 2021.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille, S. Hoderlein, and Y. Sasaki
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Subjective social mobility and health in germany
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By P. Prag and A. Gugushvili
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Identifying causal channels of policy reforms with multiple treatments and different types of selection
Journal of econometric methods, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 67-88, 2021.
By A. Doerr and A. Strittmatter
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Propagation of cyber incidents in an insurance portfolio: counting processes combined with compartmental epidemiological models
Scandinavian actuarial journal, vol. 2021, iss. 8, pp. 671-694, 2021.
By C. Hillairet and O. Lopez
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Politically feasible reforms of nonlinear tax systems
American economic review, vol. 111, iss. 1, pp. 153-191, 2021.
By F. J. Bierbrauer, P. C. Boyer, and A. Peichl
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From risk sharing to pure premium for a large number of heterogeneous losses
Insurance: mathematics and economics, vol. 96, pp. 116-126, 2021.
By M. Denuit and C. Y. Robert
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Reputation and earnings dynamics
Journal of economic theory, vol. 191, 2021.
By B. Jovanovic and J. Prat
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Model risk management: valuation and governance of pseudo-models
Econometrics and statistics, vol. 17, pp. 1-22, 2021.
By C. Gourieroux and A. Monfort
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Depth for curve data and applications
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 116, iss. 536, pp. 1881-1897, 2021.
By P. L. de Micheaux, P. Mozharovskyi, and M. Vimond
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Nonparametric estimation in a regression model with additive and multiplicative noise
Journal of computational and applied mathematics, vol. 380, 2020.
By C. Chesneau, S. El Kolei, J. Kou, and F. Navarro
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On th edependence between default risk and recovery rates in structural models
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 140, pp. 45-82, 2020.
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A principal-agent approach to capacity remuneration mechanisms
International journal of theoretical and applied finance, vol. 23, iss. 8, 2020.
By C. Alasseur, H. Farhat, and M. Saguan
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The unintended consequences of antipiracy laws on markets with asymmetric piracy: the case of the french movie industry
Information systems research, vol. 31, iss. 4, pp. 1064-1086, 2020.
By C. Bellégo and R. de Nijs
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Price formation and optimal trading in intraday electricity markets with a major player
Risks, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 1-21, 2020.
By O. Féron, P. Tankov, and L. Tinsi
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Insurance law and incomplete contracts
Rand journal of economics, vol. 51, iss. 4, pp. 1253-1286, 2020.
By J. -M. Bourgeon and P. Picard
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Nation-building, nationalism, and wars ∗
Journal of economic growth, vol. 25, iss. 4, pp. 381-430, 2020.
By A. Alesina, B. Reich, and A. Riboni
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Purchasing alliances and product variety
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 73, 2020.
By M. -L. Allain, R. Avignon, and C. Chambolle
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The ground for negotiation: zoning for risk reduction around hazardous plants
Journal of economic behavior and organization, vol. 180, pp. 657-677, 2020.
By C. Grislain-Letrémy and B. Villeneuve
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Heritability of education remains associated with social mobility
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, vol. 117, iss. 46, pp. 28566-28567, 2020.
By P. Engzell and F. C. Tropf
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Life cycle patterns of cognitive performance over the long run
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, vol. 117, iss. 44, pp. 27255-27261, 2020.
By A. Strittmatter, U. Sunde, and D. Zegners
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Deviation inequalities for random polytopes in arbitrary convex bodies
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By V. -E. Brunel
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Learning the distribution of latent variables in paired comparison models with round-robin scheduling
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Revue economique, vol. 71, iss. 6, pp. 939-942, 2020.
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Does gender matter for promotion in science? evidence from physicists in france [le genre est-il un facteur important pour la promotion des chercheurs ? le cas de l’institut de physique au cnrs en france]
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Feasibility of type 3 polygraphy for evaluating leak determinants in cpap-treated osa patients: a step toward personalized leak management
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Ill-posed estimation in high-dimensional models with instrumental variables
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Discrete choice and rational inattention: a general equivalence result
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The evolution of the us family income–schooling relationship and educational selectivity
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Multi-subject meg/eeg source imaging with sparse multi-task regression
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Estimates of covid-19 cases across four canadian provinces
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The economic value of wind energy nowcasting
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Interobserver agreement issues in radiology
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The wealth of parents: trends over time in assortative mating based on parental wealth
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The impact of renewable versus non-renewable natural capital on economic growth
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Regression discontinuity designs, white noise models, and minimax
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Stationary bubble equilibria in rational expectation models
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Vertical transfers and tax competition: does trade integration matter?
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Finite-sample generalized confidence distributions and sign-based robust estimators in median regressions with heterogeneous dependent errors
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Measuring the risk of supply and demand imbalance at the monthly to seasonal scale in france
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Large-loss behavior of conditional mean risk sharing
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Two-way fixed effects estimators with heterogeneous treatment effects
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Efficient volatility estimation in a two-factor model
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Algorithmic trading in a microstructural limit order book model
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The sibsize revolution in an international context: declining social disparities in the number of siblings in 26 countries
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On iteration improvement for averaged expected cost control for one-dimensional ergodic diffusions
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Local differential privacy: elbow effect in optimal density estimation and adaptation over besov ellipsoids
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Kernel and wavelet density estimators on manifolds and more general metric spaces
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On sampling from a log-concave density using kinetic langevin diffusions
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On estimation of nonsmooth functionals of sparse normal means
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Correction to: robust classification via mom minimization (machine learning, (2020), 109, 8, (1635-1665), 10.1007/s10994-019-05863-6)
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Robust classification via mom minimization
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Virtual historical simulation for estimating the conditional var of large portfolios
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Dynamics of variance risk premia: a new model for disentangling the price of risk
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Sociology, genetics, and the coming of age of sociogenomics
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Unpaired kidney exchange: overcoming double coincidence of wants without money
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Main effects and interactions in mixed and incomplete data frames
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 115, iss. 531, pp. 1292-1303, 2020.
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Identification and estimation in non-fundamental structural varma models
Review of economic studies, vol. 87, iss. 4, pp. 1915-1953, 2020.
By C. Gouriéroux, A. Monfort, and J. -P. Renne
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Eligibility, experience rating, and unemployment insurance take-up
Quantitative economics, vol. 11, iss. 3, pp. 1059-1107, 2020.
By S. Auray and D. L. Fuller
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Optimal policy and network effects for the deployment of zero emission vehicles
European economic review, vol. 126, 2020.
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On kendall’s regression
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Understanding the determination of severance pay: mandates, bargaining, and unions*
Scandinavian journal of economics, vol. 122, iss. 3, pp. 1073-1111, 2020.
By S. Auray, S. Danthine, and M. Poschke
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A general model of price competition with soft capacity constraints
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A multiparameter regression model for interval-censored survival data
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The welfare cost of inflation risk under imperfect insurance
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 138, 2020.
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Estimating selection models without an instrument with stata
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Prediction of tumor grade and lymphovascular space invasion in endometrial adenocarcinoma with mr imaging-based radiomic analysis
Diagnostic and interventional imaging, vol. 101, iss. 6, pp. 401-411, 2020.
By M. Bereby-Kahane, R. Dautry, E. Matzner-Lober, F. Cornelis, D. Sebbag-Sfez, V. Place, M. Mezzadri, P. Soyer, and A. Dohan
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The importance of considering optimal government policy when social norms matter for the private provision of public goods
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By G. Meunier and I. Schumacher
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Decoupling the ces distribution circle with quality and beyond: equilibrium distributions and the ces-logit nexus
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Existence of solutions to principal–agent problems with adverse selection under minimal assumptions
Journal of mathematical economics, vol. 88, pp. 64-71, 2020.
By G. Carlier and K. S. Zhang
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Simulation of fuel poverty in france
Energy policy, vol. 140, 2020.
By C. Chaton and A. Gouraud
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Price discrimination within and across emu markets: evidence from french exporters
Journal of international economics, vol. 124, 2020.
By F. Fontaine, J. Martin, and I. Mejean
@article{Fontaine2020, author={Fontaine, F. and Martin, J. and Mejean, I.}, title={Price discrimination within and across EMU markets: Evidence from French exporters}, journal={Journal of International Economics}, year={2020}, volume={124}, doi={10.1016/j.jinteco.2020.103300}, art_number={103300}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Uninsured unemployment risk and optimal monetary policy in a zero-liquidity economy
American economic journal: macroeconomics, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 241-283, 2020.
By E. Challe
@article{Challe2020241, author={Challe, E.}, title={Uninsured unemployment risk and optimal monetary policy in a zero-liquidity economy}, journal={American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics}, year={2020}, volume={12}, number={2}, pages={241-283}, doi={10.1257/mac.20180207}, url={}, publisher={American Economic Association}, }
Variable selection for mixed data clustering: application in human population genomics
Journal of classification, vol. 37, iss. 1, pp. 124-142, 2020.
By M. Marbac, M. Sedki, and T. Patin
@article{Marbac2020124, author={Marbac, M. and Sedki, M. and Patin, T.}, title={Variable Selection for Mixed Data Clustering: Application in Human Population Genomics}, journal={Journal of Classification}, year={2020}, volume={37}, number={1}, pages={124-142}, doi={10.1007/s00357-018-9301-y}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Optimal variable selection and adaptive noisy compressed sensing
Ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 66, iss. 4, pp. 2517-2532, 2020.
By M. Ndaoud and A. B. Tsybakov
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A mckean–vlasov approach to distributed electricity generation development
Mathematical methods of operations research, vol. 91, iss. 2, pp. 269-310, 2020.
By R. Aïd, M. Basei, and H. Pham
@article{Aïd2020269, author={Aïd, R. and Basei, M. and Pham, H.}, title={A McKean–Vlasov approach to distributed electricity generation development}, journal={Mathematical Methods of Operations Research}, year={2020}, volume={91}, number={2}, pages={269-310}, doi={10.1007/s00186-019-00692-8}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Probabilistic wind forecasting up to three months ahead using ensemble predictions for geopotential height
International journal of forecasting, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 515-530, 2020.
By B. Alonzo, P. Tankov, P. Drobinski, and R. Plougonven
@article{Alonzo2020515, author={Alonzo, B. and Tankov, P. and Drobinski, P. and Plougonven, R.}, title={Probabilistic wind forecasting up to three months ahead using ensemble predictions for geopotential height}, journal={International Journal of Forecasting}, year={2020}, volume={36}, number={2}, pages={515-530}, doi={10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.07.005}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Forecasting bulk prices of bordeaux wines using leading indicators
International journal of forecasting, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 292-309, 2020.
By E. Paroissien
@article{Paroissien2020292, author={Paroissien, E.}, title={Forecasting bulk prices of Bordeaux wines using leading indicators}, journal={International Journal of Forecasting}, year={2020}, volume={36}, number={2}, pages={292-309}, doi={10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.04.021}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Changing life : novice mps at the national assembly, or the political condition in the twenty-first century [changer de vie : les députés novices et la condition politique au xxie siècle]
Politix, vol. 128, iss. 4, pp. 91-114, 2020.
By É. Ollion
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Adaptive bayesian estimation in indirect gaussian sequence space models
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 137, pp. 83-116, 2020.
By J. Johannes, A. Simoni, and R. Schenk
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Substitution between online distribution channels: evidence from the oslo hotel market
International journal of industrial organization, vol. 69, 2020.
By A. Cazaubiel, M. Cure, B. O. Johansen, and T. Verge
@article{Cazaubiel2020, author={Cazaubiel, A. and Cure, M. and Johansen, B.O. and Verge, T.}, title={Substitution between online distribution channels: Evidence from the Oslo hotel market}, journal={International Journal of Industrial Organization}, year={2020}, volume={69}, doi={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2019.102577}, art_number={102577}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier Inc.}, }
Majority judgment vs. majority rule
Social choice and welfare, vol. 54, iss. 2-3, pp. 429-461, 2020.
By M. Balinski and R. Laraki
@article{Balinski2020429, author={Balinski, M. and Laraki, R.}, title={Majority judgment vs. majority rule}, journal={Social Choice and Welfare}, year={2020}, volume={54}, number={2-3}, pages={429-461}, doi={10.1007/s00355-019-01200-x}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Clusters of diet, physical activity, television exposure and sleep habits and their association with adiposity in preschool children: the eden mother-child cohort
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, vol. 17, iss. 1, 2020.
By C. Saldanha-Gomes, M. Marbac, M. Sedki, M. Cornet, S. Plancoulaine, M. -A. Charles, S. Lioret, and P. Dargent-Molina
@article{Saldanha-Gomes2020, author={Saldanha-Gomes, C. and Marbac, M. and Sedki, M. and Cornet, M. and Plancoulaine, S. and Charles, M.-A. and Lioret, S. and Dargent-Molina, P.}, title={Clusters of diet, physical activity, television exposure and sleep habits and their association with adiposity in preschool children: The EDEN mother-child cohort}, journal={International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity}, year={2020}, volume={17}, number={1}, doi={10.1186/s12966-020-00927-6}, art_number={20}, url={}, publisher={BioMed Central Ltd.}, }
Taxation of temporary jobs: good intentions with bad outcomes?
Economic journal, vol. 130, iss. 626, pp. 422-445, 2020.
By P. Cahuc, O. Charlot, F. Malherbet, H. Benghalem, and E. Limon
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An extended mean field game for storage in smart grids
Journal of optimization theory and applications, vol. 184, iss. 2, pp. 644-670, 2020.
By C. Alasseur, I. Ben Taher, and A. Matoussi
@article{Alasseur2020644, author={Alasseur, C. and Ben Taher, I. and Matoussi, A.}, title={An Extended Mean Field Game for Storage in Smart Grids}, journal={Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications}, year={2020}, volume={184}, number={2}, pages={644-670}, doi={10.1007/s10957-019-01619-3}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Pricing individual stock options using both stock and market index information
Journal of banking and finance, vol. 111, 2020.
By J. V. K. Rombouts, L. Stentoft, and F. Violante
@article{Rombouts2020, author={Rombouts, J.V.K. and Stentoft, L. and Violante, F.}, title={Pricing individual stock options using both stock and market index information}, journal={Journal of Banking and Finance}, year={2020}, volume={111}, doi={10.1016/j.jbankfin.2019.105727}, art_number={105727}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Gaussian bounds for the weighted heat kernels on the interval, ball, and simplex
Constructive approximation, vol. 51, iss. 1, pp. 73-122, 2020.
By G. Kerkyacharian, P. Petrushev, and Y. Xu
@article{Kerkyacharian202073, author={Kerkyacharian, G. and Petrushev, P. and Xu, Y.}, title={Gaussian Bounds for the Weighted Heat Kernels on the Interval, Ball, and Simplex}, journal={Constructive Approximation}, year={2020}, volume={51}, number={1}, pages={73-122}, doi={10.1007/s00365-019-09458-1}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Bounding the expectation of the supremum of empirical processes indexed by hölder classes
Mathematical methods of statistics, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 76-86, 2020.
By N. Schreuder
@article{Schreuder202076, author={Schreuder, N.}, title={Bounding the Expectation of the Supremum of Empirical Processes Indexed by Hölder Classes}, journal={Mathematical Methods of Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={29}, number={1}, pages={76-86}, doi={10.3103/S1066530720010056}, url={}, publisher={Pleiades journals}, }
Locally private non-asymptotic testing of discrete distributions is faster using interactive mechanisms
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 2020-December, 2020.
By B. Thomas and B. Cristina
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Debiased sinkhorn barycenters
37th international conference on machine learning, icml 2020, vol. PartF168147-6, pp. 4642-4651, 2020.
By H. Janati, M. Cuturi, and A. Gramfort
@CONFERENCE{Janati20204642, author={Janati, H. and Cuturi, M. and Gramfort, A.}, title={Debiased sinkhorn barycenters}, journal={37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2020}, year={2020}, volume={PartF168147-6}, pages={4642-4651}, url={}, publisher={International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)}, }
Missing data imputation using optimal transport
37th international conference on machine learning, icml 2020, vol. PartF168147-10, pp. 7087-7097, 2020.
By B. Muzellec, J. Josse, C. Boyer, and M. Cuturi
@CONFERENCE{Muzellec20207087, author={Muzellec, B. and Josse, J. and Boyer, C. and Cuturi, M.}, title={Missing data imputation using optimal transport}, journal={37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2020}, year={2020}, volume={PartF168147-10}, pages={7087-7097}, url={}, publisher={International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)}, }
Fixed-support wasserstein barycenters: computational hardness and fast algorithm
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 2020-December, 2020.
By T. Lin, N. Ho, X. Chen, M. Cuturi, and M. I. Jordan
@CONFERENCE{Lin2020, author={Lin, T. and Ho, N. and Chen, X. and Cuturi, M. and Jordan, M.I.}, title={Fixed-support wasserstein barycenters: Computational hardness and fast algorithm}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2020}, volume={2020-December}, url={}, publisher={Neural information processing systems foundation}, }
Projection robust wasserstein distance and riemannian optimization
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 2020-December, 2020.
By T. Lin, C. Fan, N. Ho, M. Cuturi, and M. I. Jordan
@CONFERENCE{Lin2020, author={Lin, T. and Fan, C. and Ho, N. and Cuturi, M. and Jordan, M.I.}, title={Projection robust wasserstein distance and riemannian optimization}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2020}, volume={2020-December}, url={}, publisher={Neural information processing systems foundation}, }
Secession with natural resources
Economic journal, vol. 130, iss. 631, pp. 2207-2248, 2020.
By A. Dhillon, P. Krishnan, M. Patnam, and C. Perroni
@article{Dhillon20202207, author={Dhillon, A. and Krishnan, P. and Patnam, M. and Perroni, C.}, title={Secession with natural resources}, journal={Economic Journal}, year={2020}, volume={130}, number={631}, pages={2207-2248}, doi={10.1093/EJ/UEAA033}, url={}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, }
Eco-citizenship: from norm to practice social position, material constraints and diverse relationships toward eco-citizenship [de la norme à la pratique écocitoyenne position sociale, contraintesmatérielles et diversité des rapports à l’écocitoyenneté] [von der norm zur praxis der ökobürger soziale stellung, materielle zwänge und unterschiede der beziehungen zum ökobürgertum] [de la norma a la práctica ecociudadana posición social, trabas materiales y diversidad de las relaciones con la ecociudadanía]
Revue francaise de sociologie, vol. 61, iss. 1, pp. 43-78, 2020.
By M. Ginsburger
@article{Ginsburger202043, author={Ginsburger, M.}, title={Eco-Citizenship: From Norm to Practice Social Position, Material Constraints and Diverse Relationships toward Eco-Citizenship [De la norme à la pratique écocitoyenne Position sociale, contraintesmatérielles et diversité des rapports à l'écocitoyenneté] [Von der Norm zur Praxis der Ökobürger Soziale Stellung, materielle Zwänge und Unterschiede der Beziehungen zum Ökobürgertum] [De la norma a la práctica ecociudadana Posición social, trabas materiales y diversidad de las relaciones con la ecociudadanía]}, journal={Revue Francaise de Sociologie}, year={2020}, volume={61}, number={1}, pages={43-78}, doi={10.3917/rfs.611.0043}, url={}, publisher={Editions Ophrys}, }
Estimating fast mean-reverting jumps in electricity market models
Esaim – probability and statistics, vol. 24, pp. 963-1002, 2020.
By T. Deschatre, O. Féron, and M. Hoffmann
@article{Deschatre2020963, author={Deschatre, T. and Féron, O. and Hoffmann, M.}, title={Estimating fast mean-reverting jumps in electricity market models}, journal={ESAIM - Probability and Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={24}, pages={963-1002}, doi={10.1051/ps/2020027}, url={}, publisher={EDP Sciences}, }
Goodness-of-fit test for the baseline hazard rate
Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics, vol. 339, pp. 35-45, 2020.
By A. Anfriani, C. Butucea, E. Gerardin, T. Jeantheau, and U. Lecleire
@CONFERENCE{Anfriani202035, author={Anfriani, A. and Butucea, C. and Gerardin, E. and Jeantheau, T. and Lecleire, U.}, title={Goodness-of-fit Test for the Baseline Hazard Rate}, journal={Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={339}, pages={35-45}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-57306-5_4}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Linear wavelet estimation in regression with additive and multiplicative noise
Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics, vol. 339, pp. 135-144, 2020.
By C. Chesneau, J. Kou, and F. Navarro
@CONFERENCE{Chesneau2020135, author={Chesneau, C. and Kou, J. and Navarro, F.}, title={Linear Wavelet Estimation in Regression with Additive and Multiplicative Noise}, journal={Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={339}, pages={135-144}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-57306-5_13}, url={}, publisher={Springer}, }
Access to apprenticeship: a matter of regional expenditures? [l’accès à la formation en apprentissage : une question de ressources régionales?]
Formation emploi, , iss. 142, pp. 15-33, 2020.
By M. Garrouste, F. Kramarz, and C. Zizzo
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Sharp large deviations for the drift parameter of the explosive cox–ingersoll–ross process
Theory of probability and its applications, vol. 65, iss. 3, pp. 454-469, 2020.
By M. du Roy De Chaumaray
@article{duRoyDeChaumaray2020454, author={du Roy De Chaumaray, M.}, title={Sharp large deviations for the drift parameter of the explosive cox–ingersoll–ross process}, journal={Theory of Probability and its Applications}, year={2020}, volume={65}, number={3}, pages={454-469}, doi={10.1137/S0040585X97T990058}, url={}, publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications}, }
The european intraday electricity market: a modeling based on the hawkes process
Journal of energy markets, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 57-96, 2020.
By B. Favetto
@article{Favetto202057, author={Favetto, B.}, title={The european intraday electricity market: A modeling based on the hawkes process}, journal={Journal of Energy Markets}, year={2020}, volume={13}, number={3}, pages={57-96}, doi={10.21314/JEM.2020.211}, url={}, publisher={Infopro digital}, }
Informal economy, government intervention and labor market in algeria: an analysis by structural models
Economics bulletin, vol. 40, iss. 2, pp. 1178-1193, 2020.
By K. Cherfi-Feroukhi and S. Souam
@article{Cherfi-Feroukhi20201178, author={Cherfi-Feroukhi, K. and Souam, S.}, title={Informal economy, government intervention and labor market in Algeria: An analysis by structural models}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year={2020}, volume={40}, number={2}, pages={1178-1193}, url={}, publisher={Economics Bulletin}, }
Confidence regions and minimax rates in outlier-robust estimation on the probability simplex
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 2653-2677, 2020.
By A. -H. Bateni and A. S. Dalalyan
@article{Bateni20202653, author={Bateni, A.-H. and Dalalyan, A.S.}, title={Confidence regions and minimax rates in outlier-robust estimation on the probability simplex}, journal={Electronic Journal of Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={14}, number={2}, pages={2653-2677}, doi={10.1214/20-EJS1731}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
An adverse selection approach to power pricing
Siam journal on control and optimization, vol. 58, iss. 2, pp. 686-713, 2020.
By C. Alasseur, I. Ekeland, R. Élie, N. Hernándezsantibáñez, and D. Possamai
@article{Alasseur2020686, author={Alasseur, C. and Ekeland, I. and Élie, R. and Hernándezsantibáñez, N. and Possamai, D.}, title={An adverse selection approach to power pricing}, journal={SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization}, year={2020}, volume={58}, number={2}, pages={686-713}, doi={10.1137/19M1260578}, url={}, publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications}, }
Payoffs-beliefs duality and the value of information
Siam journal on optimization, vol. 30, iss. 1, pp. 464-489, 2020.
By M. de Lara and O. Gossner
@article{deLara2020464, author={de Lara, M. and Gossner, O.}, title={Payoffs-beliefs duality and the value of information}, journal={SIAM Journal on Optimization}, year={2020}, volume={30}, number={1}, pages={464-489}, doi={10.1137/18M1230049}, url={}, publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications}, }
High-dimensional penalized arch processes
Econometric reviews, , 2020.
By B. Poignard and J. -D. Fermanian
@article{Poignard2020, author={Poignard, B. and Fermanian, J.-D.}, title={High-dimensional penalized arch processes}, journal={Econometric Reviews}, year={2020}, doi={10.1080/07474938.2020.1761153}, url={}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Inc.}, }
Deep backward schemes for high-dimensional nonlinear pdes
Mathematics of computation, vol. 89, pp. 1547-1579, 2020.
By C. Hure, H. Pham, and X. Warin
@article{Hure20201547, author={Hure, C. and Pham, H. and Warin, X.}, title={Deep backward schemes for high-dimensional nonlinear pdes}, journal={Mathematics of Computation}, year={2020}, volume={89}, pages={1547-1579}, doi={10.1090/MCOM/3514}, url={}, publisher={American Mathematical Society}, }
Exponential weights in multivariate regression and a low-rankness favoring prior
Annales de l’institut henri poincare (b) probability and statistics, vol. 56, iss. 2, pp. 1465-1483, 2020.
By A. S. Dalalyan
@article{Dalalyan20201465, author={Dalalyan, A.S.}, title={Exponential weights in multivariate regression and a low-rankness favoring prior}, journal={Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={56}, number={2}, pages={1465-1483}, doi={10.1214/19-AIHP1010}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
When commitment fails: evidence from a field experiment
Management science, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 503-529, 2020.
By A. John
@article{John2020503, author={John, A.}, title={When commitment fails: Evidence from a field experiment}, journal={Management Science}, year={2020}, volume={66}, number={2}, pages={503-529}, doi={10.1287/mnsc.2018.3236}, url={}, publisher={INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences}, }
Nonzero-sum stochastic differential games with impulse controls: a verification theorem with applications
Mathematics of operations research, vol. 45, iss. 1, pp. 205-232, 2020.
By R. Aïd, M. Basei, G. Callegaro, L. Campi, and T. Vargiolu
@article{Aïd2020205, author={Aïd, R. and Basei, M. and Callegaro, G. and Campi, L. and Vargiolu, T.}, title={Nonzero-sum stochastic differential games with impulse controls: A verification theorem with applications}, journal={Mathematics of Operations Research}, year={2020}, volume={45}, number={1}, pages={205-232}, doi={10.1287/moor.2019.0989}, url={}, publisher={INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences}, }
The provision of wage incentives: a structural estimation using contracts variation
Quantitative economics, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 349-397, 2020.
By X. D’Haultfoeuille and P. Février
@article{D'Haultfoeuille2020349, author={D'Haultfoeuille, X. and Février, P.}, title={The provision of wage incentives: A structural estimation using contracts variation}, journal={Quantitative Economics}, year={2020}, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={349-397}, doi={10.3982/QE597}, url={}, publisher={John Wiley and Sons Ltd}, }
A computational approach for detecting micro-domains and confinement domains in cells: a simulation study
Physical biology, vol. 17, iss. 2, 2020.
By V. Briane, A. Salomon, M. Vimond, and C. Kervrann
@article{Briane2020, author={Briane, V. and Salomon, A. and Vimond, M. and Kervrann, C.}, title={A computational approach for detecting micro-domains and confinement domains in cells: A simulation study}, journal={Physical Biology}, year={2020}, volume={17}, number={2}, doi={10.1088/1478-3975/ab5e1d}, art_number={025002}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Physics Publishing}, }
Intracellular delivery of antisense dna and sirna with amino groups masked with disulfide units
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin, vol. 68, iss. 2, pp. 129-132, 2020.
By Z. Shu, A. Ota, Y. Takayama, Y. Katsurada, K. Kusamori, N. Abe, K. Nakamoto, F. Tomoike, S. Tada, Y. Ito, M. Nishikawa, Y. Kimura, and H. Abe
@article{Shu2020129, author={Shu, Z. and Ota, A. and Takayama, Y. and Katsurada, Y. and Kusamori, K. and Abe, N. and Nakamoto, K. and Tomoike, F. and Tada, S. and Ito, Y. and Nishikawa, M. and Kimura, Y. and Abe, H.}, title={Intracellular Delivery of Antisense DNA and siRNA with Amino Groups Masked with Disulfide Units}, journal={Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin}, year={2020}, volume={68}, number={2}, pages={129-132}, doi={10.1248/cpb.c19-00811}, url={}, publisher={NLM (Medline)}, }
A sequential algorithm to detect diffusion switching along intracellular particle trajectories
Bioinformatics, vol. 36, iss. 1, pp. 317-329, 2020.
By V. Briane, M. Vimond, C. A. Valades-Cruz, A. Salomon, C. Wunder, and C. Kervrann
@article{Briane2020317, author={Briane, V. and Vimond, M. and Valades-Cruz, C.A. and Salomon, A. and Wunder, C. and Kervrann, C.}, title={A sequential algorithm to detect diffusion switching along intracellular particle trajectories}, journal={Bioinformatics}, year={2020}, volume={36}, number={1}, pages={317-329}, doi={10.1093/bioinformatics/btz489}, url={}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, }
Legal efficiency and consistency
European economic review, vol. 121, 2020.
By L. Anderlini, L. Felli, and A. Riboni
@article{Anderlini2020, author={Anderlini, L. and Felli, L. and Riboni, A.}, title={Legal efficiency and consistency}, journal={European Economic Review}, year={2020}, volume={121}, doi={10.1016/j.euroecorev.2019.103323}, art_number={103323}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Variance swap payoffs, risk premia and extreme market conditions
Econometrics and statistics, vol. 13, pp. 106-124, 2020.
By J. V. K. Rombouts, L. Stentoft, and F. Violante
@article{Rombouts2020106, author={Rombouts, J.V.K. and Stentoft, L. and Violante, F.}, title={Variance swap payoffs, risk premia and extreme market conditions}, journal={Econometrics and Statistics}, year={2020}, volume={13}, pages={106-124}, doi={10.1016/j.ecosta.2019.05.003}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Sample complexity of sinkhorn divergences
Aistats 2019 – 22nd international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, , 2020.
By A. Genevay, L. Chizat, F. Bach, M. Cuturi, and G. Peyré
@CONFERENCE{Genevay2020, author={Genevay, A. and Chizat, L. and Bach, F. and Cuturi, M. and Peyré, G.}, title={Sample complexity of sinkhorn divergences}, journal={AISTATS 2019 - 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, year={2020}, url={}, publisher={PLMR}, }
Regulatory arbitrage and the efficiency of banking regulation
Journal of financial intermediation, vol. 41, 2020.
By P. C. Boyer and H. Kempf
@article{Boyer2020, author={Boyer, P.C. and Kempf, H.}, title={Regulatory arbitrage and the efficiency of banking regulation}, journal={Journal of Financial Intermediation}, year={2020}, volume={41}, doi={10.1016/j.jfi.2017.09.002}, art_number={100765}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Heritability of education rises with intergenerational mobility
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, vol. 116, iss. 51, pp. 25386-25388, 2019.
By P. Engzell and F. C. Tropf
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Mixed causal-noncausal ar processes and the modelling of explosive bubbles
Econometric theory, vol. 35, iss. 6, pp. 1234-1270, 2019.
By S. Fries and J. -M. Zakoian
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Variance optimal hedging with application to electricity markets
Journal of computational finance, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 33-59, 2019.
By X. Warin
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Atomic and molecular decomposition of homogeneous spaces of distributions associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators
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By A. G. Georgiadis, G. Kerkyacharian, G. Kyriazis, and P. Petrushev
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Quorum rules and shareholder voting
International review of law and economics, vol. 60, 2019.
By P. Charléty, M. -C. Fagart, and S. Souam
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User-friendly guarantees for the langevin monte carlo with inaccurate gradient
Stochastic processes and their applications, vol. 129, iss. 12, pp. 5278-5311, 2019.
By A. S. Dalalyan and A. Karagulyan
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Using polygenic scores in social science research: unraveling childlessness
Frontiers in sociology, vol. 4, 2019.
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Forward feynman-kac type representation for semilinear non-conservative partial differential equations
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By A. Le Cavil, N. Oudjane, and F. Russo
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E4clim 1.0: the energy for a climate integrated model: description and application to italy
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Evaluating vacancy referrals and the roles of sanctions and sickness absence
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Locus of control and internal migration
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Mind-changes at the fomc
Economics letters, vol. 184, 2019.
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Food trade and biodiversity effects
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Nonparametric intensity estimation from noisy observations of a poisson process under unknown error distribution
Metrika, vol. 82, iss. 8, pp. 961-990, 2019.
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Learning from mom’s principles: le cam’s approach
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Collective matrix completion
Journal of machine learning research, vol. 20, 2019.
By M. Z. Alaya and O. Klopp
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Minimax rate of testing in sparse linear regression
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By A. Carpentier, O. Collier, L. Comminges, A. B. Tsybakov, and Y. Wang
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Some simple bitcoin economics
Journal of monetary economics, vol. 106, pp. 16-26, 2019.
By L. Schilling and H. Uhlig
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Referrals and search efficiency: who learns what and when?
Journal of labor economics, vol. 37, iss. 4, pp. 1267-1300, 2019.
By T. Barr, R. Bojilov, and L. Munasinghe
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Invited editorial “the challenges imposed by low interest rates”
Journal of asset management, vol. 20, iss. 6, pp. 413-420, 2019.
By J. -M. Beacco, C. Lubochinsky, M. Brière, A. Monfort, C. Hillairet, and S. Benoît
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Mandatory voting, large shareholder power, and wolf packs
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Parameter-free small variance asymptotics for dictionary learning
European signal processing conference, vol. 2019-September, 2019.
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Algorithms of robust stochastic optimization based on mirror descent method
Automation and remote control, vol. 80, iss. 9, pp. 1607-1627, 2019.
By A. V. Nazin, A. S. Nemirovsky, A. B. Tsybakov, and A. B. Juditsky
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Firm size, quality bias and import demand
Journal of international economics, vol. 120, pp. 59-83, 2019.
By J. Blaum, C. Lelarge, and M. Peters
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How do markets react to (un)expected fundamental value shocks? an experimental analysis
Journal of behavioral and experimental finance, vol. 23, pp. 90-113, 2019.
By W. Bousselmi, P. Sentis, and M. Willinger
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Institutional quality and capital inflows: theory and evidence
Journal of international money and finance, vol. 96, pp. 168-191, 2019.
By E. Challe, J. I. Lopez, and E. Mengus
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European monetary union reform preferences of french and german parliamentarians
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Zero-sum stochastic differential games of generalized mckean–vlasov type
Journal des mathematiques pures et appliquees, vol. 129, pp. 180-212, 2019.
By A. Cosso and H. Pham
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Episodes of war and peace in an estimated open economy model
Journal of economic dynamics and control, vol. 105, pp. 203-249, 2019.
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Bayesian inference for partially identified smooth convex models
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Optimal graphon estimation in cut distance
Probability theory and related fields, vol. 174, iss. 3-4, pp. 1033-1090, 2019.
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An overview of diffusion models for intracellular dynamics analysis
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An equivalence result for moment equations when data are missing at random
Statistical theory and related fields, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 199-207, 2019.
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Fast and stable multivariate kernel density estimation by fast sum updating
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Response to criticisms of the majority judgement [réponse à des critiques du jugement majoritaire]
Revue economique, vol. 70, iss. 4, pp. 589-610, 2019.
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A classification point-of-view about conditional kendall’s tau
Computational statistics and data analysis, vol. 135, pp. 70-94, 2019.
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On concavity of the monopolist’s problem facing consumers with nonlinear price preferences
Communications on pure and applied mathematics, vol. 72, iss. 7, pp. 1386-1423, 2019.
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Labour supply and taxation with restricted choices
Journal of econometrics, vol. 211, iss. 1, pp. 16-46, 2019.
By M. Beffy, R. Blundell, A. Bozio, G. Laroque, and M. Tô
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On the role of debt maturity in a model with sovereign risk and financial frictions
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Machine learning for semi linear pdes
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By Q. Chan-Wai-Nam, J. Mikael, and X. Warin
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Fuzzy differences-in-differences with stata
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Encouraging investors to enable corporate sustainability transitions: the case of responsible investment in france
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Least impulse response estimator for stress test exercises
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Corporate-ngo partnerships through sustainability labeling schemes: motives and risks
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Information geometry for regularized optimal transport and barycenters of patterns
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Attention and saliency on the internet: evidence from an online recommendation system
Journal of economic behavior and organization, vol. 161, pp. 216-242, 2019.
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About the origin of cities
Journal of urban economics, vol. 111, pp. 1-13, 2019.
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Economic assessment of nutritional recommendations: a comment
Journal of health economics, vol. 65, pp. 43-47, 2019.
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Foreign expansion, competition and bank risk
Journal of international economics, vol. 118, pp. 179-199, 2019.
By E. Faia, S. Laffitte, and G. I. P. Ottaviano
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A weak martingale approach to linear-quadratic mckean–vlasov stochastic control problems
Journal of optimization theory and applications, vol. 181, iss. 2, pp. 347-382, 2019.
By M. Basei and H. Pham
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Iterative solutions for structural gravity models in panels
International economics, vol. 157, pp. 55-67, 2019.
By A. Poissonnier
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Informed sub-sampling mcmc: approximate bayesian inference for large datasets
Statistics and computing, vol. 29, iss. 3, pp. 449-482, 2019.
By F. Maire, N. Friel, and P. Alquier
@article{Maire2019449, author={Maire, F. and Friel, N. and Alquier, P.}, title={Informed sub-sampling MCMC: approximate Bayesian inference for large datasets}, journal={Statistics and Computing}, year={2019}, volume={29}, number={3}, pages={449-482}, doi={10.1007/s11222-018-9817-3}, url={}, publisher={Springer New York LLC}, }
Impact of family characteristics on the gender publication gap: evidence for physicists in france
Interdisciplinary science reviews, vol. 44, iss. 2, pp. 204-220, 2019.
By J. Mairesse, M. Pezzoni, and F. Visentin
@article{Mairesse2019204, author={Mairesse, J. and Pezzoni, M. and Visentin, F.}, title={Impact of family characteristics on the gender publication gap: evidence for physicists in France}, journal={Interdisciplinary Science Reviews}, year={2019}, volume={44}, number={2}, pages={204-220}, doi={10.1080/03080188.2019.1603884}, url={}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, }
A cautionary tale on instrumental calibration for the treatment of nonignorable unit nonresponse in surveys
Journal of the american statistical association, vol. 114, iss. 526, pp. 906-915, 2019.
By É. Lesage, D. Haziza, and X. D’Haultfoeuille
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Varsellcm: an r/c++ package for variable selection in model-based clustering of mixed-data with missing values
Bioinformatics, vol. 35, iss. 7, pp. 1255-1257, 2019.
By M. Marbac and M. Sedki
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Label wars: competition among ngos as sustainability standard setters
Journal of economic behavior and organization, vol. 160, pp. 1-18, 2019.
By S. Poret
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Comparison of stochastic and deterministic frameworks in dengue modelling
Mathematical biosciences, vol. 310, pp. 1-12, 2019.
By C. Champagne and B. Cazelles
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Functional garch models: the quasi-likelihood approach and its applications
Journal of econometrics, vol. 209, iss. 2, pp. 353-375, 2019.
By C. Cerovecki, C. Francq, S. Hörmann, and J. -M. Zakoian
@article{Cerovecki2019353, author={Cerovecki, C. and Francq, C. and Hörmann, S. and Zakoian, J.-M.}, title={Functional GARCH models: The quasi-likelihood approach and its applications}, journal={Journal of Econometrics}, year={2019}, volume={209}, number={2}, pages={353-375}, doi={10.1016/j.jeconom.2019.01.006}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier Ltd}, }
On some applicable approximations of gaussian type integrals
Journal of mathematical modeling, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 221-229, 2019.
By C. Chesneau and F. Navarro
@article{Chesneau2019221, author={Chesneau, C. and Navarro, F.}, title={On some applicable approximations of gaussian type integrals}, journal={Journal of Mathematical Modeling}, year={2019}, volume={7}, number={2}, pages={221-229}, doi={10.22124/jmm.2019.12897.1250}, url={}, publisher={University of Guilan}, }
The effectiveness of hiring credits
Review of economic studies, vol. 86, iss. 2, pp. 593-626, 2019.
By P. Cahuc, S. Carcillo, and T. Le Barbanchon
@article{Cahuc2019593, author={Cahuc, P. and Carcillo, S. and Le Barbanchon, T.}, title={The effectiveness of hiring credits}, journal={Review of Economic Studies}, year={2019}, volume={86}, number={2}, pages={593-626}, doi={10.1093/restud/rdy011}, url={}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, }
A model for predicting wine quality in a rhône valley vineyard
Agronomy journal, vol. 111, iss. 2, pp. 545-554, 2019.
By P. Abbal, J. -M. Sablayrolles, E. Matzner-Lober, and A. Carbonneau
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Introduction to the special issue on frontiers in environmental economics
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 133, pp. 1-24, 2019.
By L. Linnemer and D. Martimort
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Domestic and export performances of french firms
World economy, vol. 42, iss. 3, pp. 785-817, 2019.
By J. Bardaji, J. -C. Bricongne, B. Campagne, and G. Gaulier
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Dengue modeling in rural cambodia: statistical performance versus epidemiological relevance
Epidemics, vol. 26, pp. 43-57, 2019.
By C. Champagne, R. Paul, S. Ly, V. Duong, R. Leang, and B. Cazelles
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Impacts of innovation, export, and other factors on firm employment growth in chinese manufacturing industries
Industrial and corporate change, vol. 28, iss. 1, pp. 123-138, 2019.
By J. Mairesse and Y. Wu
@article{Mairesse2019123, author={Mairesse, J. and Wu, Y.}, title={Impacts of innovation, export, and other factors on firm employment growth in Chinese manufacturing industries}, journal={Industrial and Corporate Change}, year={2019}, volume={28}, number={1}, pages={123-138}, doi={10.1093/icc/dty066}, url={}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, }
Branching diffusion representation of semilinear pdes and monte carlo approximation
Annales de l’institut henri poincare (b) probability and statistics, vol. 55, iss. 1, pp. 184-210, 2019.
By P. Henry-Labordère, N. Oudjane, X. Tan, N. Touzi, and X. Warin
@article{Henry-Labordère2019184, author={Henry-Labordère, P. and Oudjane, N. and Tan, X. and Touzi, N. and Warin, X.}, title={Branching diffusion representation of semilinear PDEs and Monte Carlo approximation}, journal={Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics}, year={2019}, volume={55}, number={1}, pages={184-210}, doi={10.1214/17-AIHP880}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Qml inference for volatility models with covariates
Econometric theory, vol. 35, iss. 1, pp. 37-72, 2019.
By C. Francq and L. Q. Thieu
@article{Francq201937, author={Francq, C. and Thieu, L.Q.}, title={QML Inference for volatility models with covariates}, journal={Econometric Theory}, year={2019}, volume={35}, number={1}, pages={37-72}, doi={10.1017/S0266466617000512}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
Unemployment insurance take-up rates in an equilibrium search model
European economic review, vol. 112, pp. 1-31, 2019.
By S. Auray, D. L. Fuller, and D. Lkhagvasuren
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A non-structural investigation of vix risk neutral density
Journal of banking and finance, vol. 99, pp. 1-20, 2019.
By A. Barletta, P. Santucci de Magistris, and F. Violante
@article{Barletta20191, author={Barletta, A. and Santucci de Magistris, P. and Violante, F.}, title={A non-structural investigation of VIX risk neutral density}, journal={Journal of Banking and Finance}, year={2019}, volume={99}, pages={1-20}, doi={10.1016/j.jbankfin.2018.11.012}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
An extremal property of the normal distribution, with a discrete analog
Statistics and probability letters, vol. 145, pp. 181-186, 2019.
By E. Hillion, O. Johnson, and A. Saumard
@article{Hillion2019181, author={Hillion, E. and Johnson, O. and Saumard, A.}, title={An extremal property of the normal distribution, with a discrete analog}, journal={Statistics and Probability Letters}, year={2019}, volume={145}, pages={181-186}, doi={10.1016/j.spl.2018.08.018}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Preferences under ignorance
International economic review, vol. 60, iss. 1, pp. 241-257, 2019.
By O. Gossner and C. Kuzmics
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Dynamic asset correlations based on vines
Econometric theory, vol. 35, iss. 1, pp. 167-197, 2019.
By B. Poignard and J. -D. Fermanian
@article{Poignard2019167, author={Poignard, B. and Fermanian, J.-D.}, title={Dynamic asset correlations based on vines}, journal={Econometric Theory}, year={2019}, volume={35}, number={1}, pages={167-197}, doi={10.1017/S026646661800004X}, url={}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, }
Randomized filtering and bellman equation in wasserstein space for partial observation control problem
Stochastic processes and their applications, vol. 129, iss. 2, pp. 674-711, 2019.
By E. Bandini, A. Cosso, M. Fuhrman, and H. Pham
@article{Bandini2019674, author={Bandini, E. and Cosso, A. and Fuhrman, M. and Pham, H.}, title={Randomized filtering and Bellman equation in Wasserstein space for partial observation control problem}, journal={Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, year={2019}, volume={129}, number={2}, pages={674-711}, doi={10.1016/}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Approximation of markov semigroups in total variation distance under an irregular setting: an application to the cir process
Stochastic processes and their applications, vol. 129, iss. 2, pp. 539-571, 2019.
By C. Rey
@article{Rey2019539, author={Rey, C.}, title={Approximation of Markov semigroups in total variation distance under an irregular setting: An application to the CIR process}, journal={Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, year={2019}, volume={129}, number={2}, pages={539-571}, doi={10.1016/}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
The role of migration policies in the attraction and retention of international talent: the case of indian researchers
Sociology, vol. 53, iss. 1, pp. 52-68, 2019.
By S. Toma and M. Villares-Varela
@article{Toma201952, author={Toma, S. and Villares-Varela, M.}, title={The Role of Migration Policies in the Attraction and Retention of International Talent: The Case of Indian Researchers}, journal={Sociology}, year={2019}, volume={53}, number={1}, pages={52-68}, doi={10.1177/0038038517750540}, url={}, publisher={SAGE Publications Ltd}, }
Improving approximate bayesian computation via quasi-monte carlo
Journal of computational and graphical statistics, vol. 28, iss. 1, pp. 205-219, 2019.
By A. Buchholz and N. Chopin
@article{Buchholz2019205, author={Buchholz, A. and Chopin, N.}, title={Improving Approximate Bayesian Computation via Quasi-Monte Carlo}, journal={Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, year={2019}, volume={28}, number={1}, pages={205-219}, doi={10.1080/10618600.2018.1497511}, url={}, publisher={American Statistical Association}, }
Tree-sliced variants of wasserstein distances
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 32, 2019.
By T. Le, M. Yamada, K. Fukumizu, and M. Cuturi
@CONFERENCE{Le2019, author={Le, T. and Yamada, M. and Fukumizu, K. and Cuturi, M.}, title={Tree-sliced variants of wasserstein distances}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2019}, volume={32}, url={}, publisher={Neural information processing systems foundation}, }
Comparing distributions: l1 geometry improves kernel two-sample testing
Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 32, 2019.
By M. Scetbon and G. Varoquaux
@CONFERENCE{Scetbon2019, author={Scetbon, M. and Varoquaux, G.}, title={Comparing distributions: l1 geometry improves kernel two-sample testing}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2019}, volume={32}, url={}, publisher={Neural information processing systems foundation}, }
Commentaire de l’article « l’objectivité sous contrôle», de claire vivès
Revue francaise de sociologie, vol. 60, iss. 3, pp. 483-487, 2019.
By L. Behaghel, M. Gurgand, and B. Crépon
@article{Behaghel2019483, author={Behaghel, L. and Gurgand, M. and Crépon, B.}, title={Commentaire de l’article « L’objectivité sous contrôle», de Claire Vivès}, journal={Revue Francaise de Sociologie}, year={2019}, volume={60}, number={3}, pages={483-487}, doi={10.3917/rfs.603.0483}, url={}, publisher={Editions Ophrys}, }
Model risk management: limits and future of bayesian approaches
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 136, pp. 1-26, 2019.
By J. P. Florens, C. Gourieroux, and A. Monfort
@article{Florens20191, author={Florens, J.P. and Gourieroux, C. and Monfort, A.}, title={Model risk management: Limits and future of Bayesian approaches}, journal={Annals of Economics and Statistics}, year={2019}, number={136}, pages={1-26}, doi={10.15609/annaeconstat2009.136.0001}, url={}, publisher={GENES (Groupe des Ecoles en Economie et Statistiques)}, }
Roger guesnerie: an hors catégorie career
Annals of economics and statistics, , iss. 135, pp. 1-55, 2019.
By L. Linnemer
@article{Linnemer20191, author={Linnemer, L.}, title={Roger guesnerie: An hors Catégorie career}, journal={Annals of Economics and Statistics}, year={2019}, number={135}, pages={1-55}, doi={10.15609/annaeconstat2009.135.0001}, url={}, publisher={GENES (Groupe des Ecoles en Economie et Statistiques)}, }
Monk – outlier-robust mean embedding estimation by median-of-means
36th international conference on machine learning, icml 2019, vol. 2019-June, pp. 6717-6728, 2019.
By M. Lerasle, Z. Szabó, T. Mathieu, and G. Lecue
@CONFERENCE{Lerasle20196717, author={Lerasle, M. and Szabó, Z. and Mathieu, T. and Lecue, G.}, title={MONK - Outlier-robust mean embedding estimation by median-of-means}, journal={36th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2019}, year={2019}, volume={2019-June}, pages={6717-6728}, url={}, publisher={International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)}, }
Subspace robust wasserstein distances
36th international conference on machine learning, icml 2019, vol. 2019-June, pp. 8897-8912, 2019.
By F. -P. Paty and M. Cuturi
@CONFERENCE{Paty20198897, author={Paty, F.-P. and Cuturi, M.}, title={Subspace robust wasserstein distances}, journal={36th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2019}, year={2019}, volume={2019-June}, pages={8897-8912}, url={}, publisher={International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)}, }
Long-time large deviations for the multiasset wishart stochastic volatility model and option pricing
Siam journal on financial mathematics, vol. 10, iss. 4, pp. 942-976, 2019.
By A. Alfonsi, D. Krief, and P. Tankov
@article{Alfonsi2019942, author={Alfonsi, A. and Krief, D. and Tankov, P.}, title={Long-time large deviations for the Multiasset Wishart stochastic volatility model and option pricing}, journal={SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics}, year={2019}, volume={10}, number={4}, pages={942-976}, doi={10.1137/18M1197588}, url={}, publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications}, }
Depth and depth-based classification with r package ddalpha
Journal of statistical software, vol. 91, 2019.
By O. Pokotylo, P. Mozharovskyi, and R. Dyckerhoff
@article{Pokotylo2019, author={Pokotylo, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. and Dyckerhoff, R.}, title={Depth and depth-based classification with R package ddalpha}, journal={Journal of Statistical Software}, year={2019}, volume={91}, doi={10.18637/jss.v091.i05}, url={}, publisher={American Statistical Association}, }
Gaussian processes and bayesian moment estimation
Journal of business and economic statistics, , 2019.
By J. -P. Florens and A. Simoni
@article{Florens2019, author={Florens, J.-P. and Simoni, A.}, title={Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Moment Estimation}, journal={Journal of Business and Economic Statistics}, year={2019}, doi={10.1080/07350015.2019.1668799}, url={}, publisher={American Statistical Association}, }
On kernel-based estimation of conditional kendall’s tau: finite-distance bounds and asymptotic behavior
Dependence modeling, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 292-321, 2019.
By A. Derumigny and J. -D. Fermanian
@article{Derumigny2019292, author={Derumigny, A. and Fermanian, J.-D.}, title={On kernel-based estimation of conditional Kendall's tau: Finite-distance bounds and asymptotic behavior}, journal={Dependence Modeling}, year={2019}, volume={7}, number={1}, pages={292-321}, doi={10.1515/demo-2019-0016}, url={}, publisher={De Gruyter Open Ltd}, }
Multidimensional linear functional estimation in sparse gaussian models and robust estimation of the mean
Electronic journal of statistics, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 2830-2864, 2019.
By O. Collier and A. S. Dalalyan
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Structured matrix estimation and completion
Bernoulli, vol. 25, iss. 4B, pp. 3883-3911, 2019.
By O. Klopp, Y. Lu, A. B. Tsybakov, and H. H. Zhou
@article{Klopp20193883, author={Klopp, O. and Lu, Y. and Tsybakov, A.B. and Zhou, H.H.}, title={Structured matrix estimation and completion}, journal={Bernoulli}, year={2019}, volume={25}, number={4B}, pages={3883-3911}, doi={10.3150/19-BEJ1114}, url={}, publisher={International Statistical Institute}, }
Weighted poincaré inequalities, concentration inequalities and tail bounds related to stein kernels in dimension one
Bernoulli, vol. 25, iss. 4B, pp. 3978-4006, 2019.
By A. Saumard
@article{Saumard20193978, author={Saumard, A.}, title={Weighted Poincaré inequalities, concentration inequalities and tail bounds related to Stein kernels in dimension one}, journal={Bernoulli}, year={2019}, volume={25}, number={4B}, pages={3978-4006}, doi={10.3150/19-BEJ1117}, url={}, publisher={International Statistical Institute}, }
Construction of an aggregate consistent utility, without pareto optimality. application to long-term yield curve modeling
Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics, vol. 289, pp. 169-199, 2019.
By N. El Karoui, C. Hillairet, and M. Mrad
@CONFERENCE{ElKaroui2019169, author={El Karoui, N. and Hillairet, C. and Mrad, M.}, title={Construction of an Aggregate Consistent Utility, Without Pareto Optimality. Application to Long-Term Yield Curve Modeling}, journal={Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics}, year={2019}, volume={289}, pages={169-199}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-22285-7_6}, url={}, publisher={Springer New York LLC}, }
Rate optimal estimation of quadratic functionals in inverse problems with partially unknown operator and application to testing problems
Esaim – probability and statistics, vol. 23, pp. 524-551, 2019.
By M. Kroll
@article{Kroll2019524, author={Kroll, M.}, title={Rate optimal estimation of quadratic functionals in inverse problems with partially unknown operator and application to testing problems}, journal={ESAIM - Probability and Statistics}, year={2019}, volume={23}, pages={524-551}, doi={10.1051/ps/2018027}, url={}, publisher={EDP Sciences}, }
Sparse covariance matrix estimation in high-dimensional deconvolution
Bernoulli, vol. 25, iss. 3, pp. 1901-1938, 2019.
By D. Belomestny, M. Trabs, and A. B. Tsybakov
@article{Belomestny20191901, author={Belomestny, D. and Trabs, M. and Tsybakov, A.B.}, title={Sparse covariance matrix estimation in high-dimensional deconvolution}, journal={Bernoulli}, year={2019}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={1901-1938}, doi={10.3150/18-BEJ1040A}, url={}, publisher={International Statistical Institute}, }
On the isoperimetric constant, covariance inequalities and lp-poincaré inequalities in dimension one
Bernoulli, vol. 25, iss. 3, pp. 1794-1815, 2019.
By A. Saumard and J. A. Wellner
@article{Saumard20191794, author={Saumard, A. and Wellner, J.A.}, title={On the isoperimetric constant, covariance inequalities and Lp-Poincaré inequalities in dimension one}, journal={Bernoulli}, year={2019}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={1794-1815}, doi={10.3150/18-BEJ1036}, url={}, publisher={International Statistical Institute}, }
Exponential inequalities for nonstationary markov chains
Dependence modeling, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 150-168, 2019.
By P. Alquier, P. Doukhan, and X. Fan
@article{Alquier2019150, author={Alquier, P. and Doukhan, P. and Fan, X.}, title={Exponential inequalities for nonstationary Markov chains}, journal={Dependence Modeling}, year={2019}, volume={7}, number={1}, pages={150-168}, doi={10.1515/demo-2019-0007}, url={}, publisher={De Gruyter Open Ltd}, }
Rent creation and rent sharing: new measures and impacts on total factor productivity
Economic inquiry, vol. 57, iss. 4, pp. 1915-1938, 2019.
By G. Cette, J. Lopez, and J. Mairesse
@article{Cette20191915, author={Cette, G. and Lopez, J. and Mairesse, J.}, title={RENT CREATION AND RENT SHARING: NEW MEASURES AND IMPACTS ON TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY}, journal={Economic Inquiry}, year={2019}, volume={57}, number={4}, pages={1915-1938}, doi={10.1111/ecin.12809}, url={}, publisher={Blackwell Publishing Inc.}, }
Local optimal transport for functional brain template estimation
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), vol. 11492 LNCS, pp. 237-248, 2019.
By T. Bazeille, H. Richard, H. Janati, and B. Thirion
@article{Bazeille2019237, author={Bazeille, T. and Richard, H. and Janati, H. and Thirion, B.}, title={Local Optimal Transport for Functional Brain Template Estimation}, journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)}, year={2019}, volume={11492 LNCS}, pages={237-248}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-20351-1_18}, url={}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, }
Group level meg/eeg source imaging via optimal transport: minimum wasserstein estimates
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), vol. 11492 LNCS, pp. 743-754, 2019.
By H. Janati, T. Bazeille, B. Thirion, M. Cuturi, and A. Gramfort
@article{Janati2019743, author={Janati, H. and Bazeille, T. and Thirion, B. and Cuturi, M. and Gramfort, A.}, title={Group Level MEG/EEG Source Imaging via Optimal Transport: Minimum Wasserstein Estimates}, journal={Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)}, year={2019}, volume={11492 LNCS}, pages={743-754}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-20351-1_58}, url={}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, }
Formal and informal interactions in a duopoly model
Economics bulletin, vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 1095-1102, 2019.
By K. Cherfi-Feroukhi and S. Souam
@article{Cherfi-Feroukhi20191095, author={Cherfi-Feroukhi, K. and Souam, S.}, title={Formal and informal interactions in a duopoly model}, journal={Economics Bulletin}, year={2019}, volume={39}, number={2}, pages={1095-1102}, url={}, publisher={Economics Bulletin}, }
Negative association, ordering and convergence of resampling methods
Annals of statistics, vol. 47, iss. 4, pp. 2236-2260, 2019.
By M. Gerber, N. Chopin, and N. Whiteley
@article{Gerber20192236, author={Gerber, M. and Chopin, N. and Whiteley, N.}, title={Negative association, ordering and convergence of resampling methods}, journal={Annals of Statistics}, year={2019}, volume={47}, number={4}, pages={2236-2260}, doi={10.1214/18-AOS1746}, url={}, publisher={Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, }
Computational optimal transport
Foundations and trends in machine learning, vol. 11, iss. 5-6, pp. 1-257, 2019.
By G. Peyré and M. Cuturi
@article{Peyré20191, author={Peyré, G. and Cuturi, M.}, title={Computational optimal transport}, journal={Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning}, year={2019}, volume={11}, number={5-6}, pages={1-257}, doi={10.1561/2200000073}, url={}, publisher={Now Publishers Inc}, }
Nonparametric model checks of single-index assumptions
Statistica sinica, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 113-138, 2019.
By S. Maistre and V. Patilea
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Consistent pseudo-maximum likelihood estimators and groups of transformations
Econometrica, vol. 87, iss. 1, pp. 327-345, 2019.
By C. Gouriéroux, A. Monfort, and J. -M. Zakoian
@article{Gouriéroux2019327, author={Gouriéroux, C. and Monfort, A. and Zakoian, J.-M.}, title={Consistent Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Groups of Transformations}, journal={Econometrica}, year={2019}, volume={87}, number={1}, pages={327-345}, doi={10.3982/ECTA14727}, url={}, publisher={Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, }
Stratification of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: a crowdsourcing approach
Scientific reports, vol. 9, iss. 1, 2019.
By R. Kueffner, N. Zach, M. Bronfeld, R. Norel, N. Atassi, V. Balagurusamy, B. Di Camillo, A. Chio, M. Cudkowicz, D. Dillenberger, J. Garcia-Garcia, O. Hardiman, B. Hoff, J. Knight, M. L. Leitner, G. Li, L. Mangravite, T. Norman, L. Wang, J. Xiao, W. -C. Fang, J. Peng, C. Yang, H. -J. Chang, G. Stolovitzky, R. Alkallas, C. Anghel, J. Avril, J. Bacardit, B. Balser, J. Balser, Y. Bar-Sinai, N. Ben-David, E. Ben-Zion, R. Bliss, J. Cai, A. Chernyshev, J. -H. Chiang, D. Chicco, B. A. N. Corriveau, J. Dai, Y. Deshpande, E. Desplats, J. S. Durgin, S. M. G. Espiritu, F. Fan, P. Fevrier, B. L. Fridley, A. Godzik, A. Golińska, J. Gordon, S. Graw, Y. Guo, T. Herpelinck, J. Hopkins, B. Huang, J. Jacobsen, S. Jahandideh, J. Jeon, W. Ji, K. Jung, A. Karanevich, D. C. Koestler, M. Kozak, C. Kurz, C. Lalansingh, T. Larrieu, N. Lazzarini, B. Lerner, W. Lesinski, X. Liang, X. Lin, J. Lowe, L. Mackey, R. Meier, W. Min, K. Mnich, V. Nahmias, J. Noel-Macdonnell, A. O’donnell, S. Paadre, J. Park, A. Polewko-Klim, R. Raghavan, W. Rudnicki, E. Saghapour, J. -B. Salomond, K. Sankaran, D. Sendorek, V. Sharan, Y. -J. Shiah, J. -K. Sirois, D. N. Sumanaweera, J. Usset, Y. S. Vang, C. Vens, D. Wadden, D. Wang, W. C. Wong, X. Xie, Z. Xu, H. -T. Yang, X. Yu, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, S. Zhu, and T. A. S. Consortium
@article{Kueffner2019, author={Kueffner, R. and Zach, N. and Bronfeld, M. and Norel, R. and Atassi, N. and Balagurusamy, V. and Di Camillo, B. and Chio, A. and Cudkowicz, M. and Dillenberger, D. and Garcia-Garcia, J. and Hardiman, O. and Hoff, B. and Knight, J. and Leitner, M.L. and Li, G. and Mangravite, L. and Norman, T. and Wang, L. and Xiao, J. and Fang, W.-C. and Peng, J. and Yang, C. and Chang, H.-J. and Stolovitzky, G. and Alkallas, R. and Anghel, C. and Avril, J. and Bacardit, J. and Balser, B. and Balser, J. and Bar-Sinai, Y. and Ben-David, N. and Ben-Zion, E. and Bliss, R. and Cai, J. and Chernyshev, A. and Chiang, J.-H. and Chicco, D. and Corriveau, B.A.N. and Dai, J. and Deshpande, Y. and Desplats, E. and Durgin, J.S. and Espiritu, S.M.G. and Fan, F. and Fevrier, P. and Fridley, B.L. and Godzik, A. and Golińska, A. and Gordon, J. and Graw, S. and Guo, Y. and Herpelinck, T. and Hopkins, J. and Huang, B. and Jacobsen, J. and Jahandideh, S. and Jeon, J. and Ji, W. and Jung, K. and Karanevich, A. and Koestler, D.C. and Kozak, M. and Kurz, C. and Lalansingh, C. and Larrieu, T. and Lazzarini, N. and Lerner, B. and Lesinski, W. and Liang, X. and Lin, X. and Lowe, J. and Mackey, L. and Meier, R. and Min, W. and Mnich, K. and Nahmias, V. and Noel-Macdonnell, J. and O’donnell, A. and Paadre, S. and Park, J. and Polewko-Klim, A. and Raghavan, R. and Rudnicki, W. and Saghapour, E. and Salomond, J.-B. and Sankaran, K. and Sendorek, D. and Sharan, V. and Shiah, Y.-J. and Sirois, J.-K. and Sumanaweera, D.N. and Usset, J. and Vang, Y.S. and Vens, C. and Wadden, D. and Wang, D. and Wong, W.C. and Xie, X. and Xu, Z. and Yang, H.-T. and Yu, X. and Zhang, H. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, S. and Zhu, S. and The ALS Stratification Consortium}, title={Stratification of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: A crowdsourcing approach}, journal={Scientific Reports}, year={2019}, volume={9}, number={1}, doi={10.1038/s41598-018-36873-4}, art_number={690}, url={}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}, }
Robust markowitz mean-variance portfolio selection under ambiguous covariance matrix
Mathematical finance, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 174-207, 2019.
By A. Ismail and H. Pham
@article{Ismail2019174, author={Ismail, A. and Pham, H.}, title={Robust Markowitz mean-variance portfolio selection under ambiguous covariance matrix}, journal={Mathematical Finance}, year={2019}, volume={29}, number={1}, pages={174-207}, doi={10.1111/mafi.12169}, url={}, publisher={Blackwell Publishing Inc.}, }
The interconnections between services and goods trade at the firm-level
Journal of international economics, vol. 116, pp. 173-188, 2019.
By A. Ariu, H. Breinlich, G. Corcos, and G. Mion
@article{Ariu2019173, author={Ariu, A. and Breinlich, H. and Corcos, G. and Mion, G.}, title={The interconnections between services and goods trade at the firm-level}, journal={Journal of International Economics}, year={2019}, volume={116}, pages={173-188}, doi={10.1016/j.jinteco.2018.10.005}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
The strategic environment effect in beauty contest games
Games and economic behavior, vol. 113, pp. 587-610, 2019.
By N. Hanaki, Y. Koriyama, A. Sutan, and M. Willinger
@article{Hanaki2019587, author={Hanaki, N. and Koriyama, Y. and Sutan, A. and Willinger, M.}, title={The strategic environment effect in beauty contest games}, journal={Games and Economic Behavior}, year={2019}, volume={113}, pages={587-610}, doi={10.1016/j.geb.2018.11.006}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Combining cumulative sum change-point detection tests for assessing the stationarity of univariate time series
Journal of time series analysis, vol. 40, iss. 1, pp. 124-150, 2019.
By A. Bücher, J. -D. Fermanian, and I. Kojadinovic
@article{Bücher2019124, author={Bücher, A. and Fermanian, J.-D. and Kojadinovic, I.}, title={Combining Cumulative Sum Change-Point Detection Tests for Assessing the Stationarity of Univariate Time Series}, journal={Journal of Time Series Analysis}, year={2019}, volume={40}, number={1}, pages={124-150}, doi={10.1111/jtsa.12431}, url={}, publisher={Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, }
Does inequality matter for the consumption-wealth channel? empirical evidence
European economic review, vol. 111, pp. 139-165, 2019.
By L. Arrondel, P. Lamarche, and F. Savignac
@article{Arrondel2019139, author={Arrondel, L. and Lamarche, P. and Savignac, F.}, title={Does inequality matter for the consumption-wealth channel? Empirical evidence}, journal={European Economic Review}, year={2019}, volume={111}, pages={139-165}, doi={10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.09.002}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Wage floor rigidity in industry-level agreements: evidence from france
Labour economics, vol. 55, pp. 72-97, 2018.
By D. Fougère, E. Gautier, and S. Roux
@article{Fougère201872, author={Fougère, D. and Gautier, E. and Roux, S.}, title={Wage floor rigidity in industry-level agreements: Evidence from France}, journal={Labour Economics}, year={2018}, volume={55}, pages={72-97}, doi={10.1016/j.labeco.2018.09.001}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Real estate activity, democracy and land rights in rural china
China economic review, vol. 52, pp. 54-79, 2018.
By S. Li and T. Vendryes
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Wasserstein discriminant analysis
Machine learning, vol. 107, iss. 12, pp. 1923-1945, 2018.
By R. Flamary, M. Cuturi, N. Courty, and A. Rakotomamonjy
@article{Flamary20181923, author={Flamary, R. and Cuturi, M. and Courty, N. and Rakotomamonjy, A.}, title={Wasserstein discriminant analysis}, journal={Machine Learning}, year={2018}, volume={107}, number={12}, pages={1923-1945}, doi={10.1007/s10994-018-5717-1}, url={}, publisher={Springer New York LLC}, }
Pathway to diagnosis and real-life experience of patients believing they are affected by “chronic lyme disease” [cheminement diagnostique et vécu des patients se pensant atteints de « maladie de lyme chronique »]
Revue de medecine interne, vol. 39, iss. 12, pp. 912-917, 2018.
By E. Forestier, F. Gonnet, A. Revil-Signorat, and A. C. Zipper
@article{Forestier2018912, author={Forestier, E. and Gonnet, F. and Revil-Signorat, A. and Zipper, A.C.}, title={Pathway to diagnosis and real-life experience of patients believing they are affected by “chronic Lyme disease” [Cheminement diagnostique et vécu des patients se pensant atteints de « maladie de Lyme chronique »]}, journal={Revue de Medecine Interne}, year={2018}, volume={39}, number={12}, pages={912-917}, doi={10.1016/j.revmed.2018.04.002}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier Masson SAS}, }
Mixture periodic garch models: theory and applications
Empirical economics, vol. 55, iss. 4, pp. 1925-1956, 2018.
By F. Hamdi and S. Souam
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Ramsey-optimal tax reforms and real exchange rate dynamics
Journal of international economics, vol. 115, pp. 159-169, 2018.
By S. Auray, A. Eyquem, and P. Gomme
@article{Auray2018159, author={Auray, S. and Eyquem, A. and Gomme, P.}, title={Ramsey-optimal tax reforms and real exchange rate dynamics}, journal={Journal of International Economics}, year={2018}, volume={115}, pages={159-169}, doi={10.1016/j.jinteco.2018.09.007}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Structural reforms in dsge models: output gains but welfare losses
Economic modelling, vol. 75, pp. 397-421, 2018.
By B. Campagne and A. Poissonnier
@article{Campagne2018397, author={Campagne, B. and Poissonnier, A.}, title={Structural reforms in DSGE models: Output gains but welfare losses}, journal={Economic Modelling}, year={2018}, volume={75}, pages={397-421}, doi={10.1016/j.econmod.2018.07.016}, url={}, publisher={Elsevier B.V.}, }
Correction to: defining the abatement cost in presence of learning-by-doing: application to the fuel cell electric vehicle (environmental and resource economics, (2018), 71, 3, (777-800), 10.1007/s10640-017-0183-y)
Environmental and resource economics, vol. 71, iss. 3, p. 801, 2018.
By A. Creti, A. Kotelnikova, G. Meunier, and J. -P. Ponssard
@article{Creti2018801, author={Creti, A. and Kotelnikova, A. and Meunier, G. and Ponssard, J.-P.}, title={Correction to: Defining the Abatement Cost in Presence of Learning-by-Doing: Application to the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (Environmental and Resource Economics, (2018), 71, 3, (777-800), 10.1007/s10640-017-0183-y)}, journal={Environmental and Resource Economics}, year={2018}, volume={71}, number={3}, pages={801}, doi={10.1007/s10640-017-0188-6}, url={}, publisher={Springer Netherlands}, }
Output-based allocations in pollution markets with uncertainty and self-selection
Journal of environmental economics and management, vol. 92, pp. 832-851, 2018.
By G. Meunier, J. -P. Montero, and J. -P. Ponssard
@article{Meunier2018832, author={Meunier, G. and Montero, J.-P. and Ponssard, J.-P.}, title={Output-based allocations in pollution markets with uncertainty and self-selection}, journal={Journal of Environmental Economics and Management}, year={2018}, volume={92}, pages={832-851}, doi={10.1016/j.jeem.2017.10.001}, url={}, publisher={Academic Press Inc.}, }
Defining the abatement cost in presence of learning-by-doing: application to the fuel cell electric vehicle
Environmental and resource economics, vol. 71, iss. 3, pp. 777-800, 2018.
By A. Creti, A. Kotelnikova, G. Meunier, and J. -P. Ponssard
@article{Creti2018777, author={Creti, A. and Kotelnikova, A. and Meunier, G. and Ponssard, J.-P.}, title={Defining the Abatement Cost in Presence of Learning-by-Doing: Application to the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle}, journal={Environmental and Resource Economics}, year={2018}, volume={71}, number={3}, pages={777-800}, doi={10.1007/s10640-017-0183-y}, url={}, publisher={Springer Netherlands}, }
Location and research activities organization: could public/private cooperation be harmful?
Papers in regional science, vol. 97, iss. 4, pp. 883-907, 2018.
By M. -L. Cabon-Dhersin and E. Taugourdeau
@article{Cabon-Dhersin2018883, author={Cabon-Dhersin, M.-L. and Taugourdeau, E.}, title={Location and research activities organization: Could public/private cooperation be harmful?}, journal={Papers in Regional Science}, year={2018}, volume={97}, number={4}, pages={883-907}, doi={10.1111/pirs.12292}, url={